That's good. To know. Thanks...
Since my blood report n oh not willing to come to my appt....have been quiet n keeping myself occupied n not talking to oh much...last night oh asked if I started my period yet..I said no and that it may have to be induced next week...than he questioned me if I never ovulated n if I had irregular be honest until I didn't get married I didn't notice much plus I was always told if u have period every month it is good...I felt like he thinks I hide this from him before marriage...I had to say few times I noticed this after marriage after we got sexually active after I turned 30...he didn't agree with me...

I was like so upset...I said to him that's why I don't share with u coz u don't even know to provide emotional support n I just decided to go to sleep n than he decided to bd....Is it my oh or men in general don't know how to say few words to make u feel like they r there with u no matter what? Mind u my husband is a man of few yeah now bd concept maybe kicking in when I. Initially took clomid I had. To beg him to time was so stressful and we didn't bd more than 1...

Anyways had to share this with u girls otherwise I feel like I will get depressed more than I can handle...