Thanks for the concern ladies!
I am back from my brief stay in Labor & Delivery. They monitored me and Violet looks to be doing well. They weren't sure what was causing my back pain and at first just told me to take Tylenol.
Then they decided to an internal exam. As she was checking me (AWKWARD!) she asked me if this is my first pregnancy. I said yes, but mentioned the previous miscarriage.
I am already 1 cm dilated and baby's head is down, but the cervix is still long.
She said that Violet's head seems to be pressing on my back and since she is already in the head down position that chances are it'll only get worse.
Her head is only going to get bigger and her body weight is only going to increase putting more pressure there. They gave me a pamphelt and explained a few things and told me to really note any changes going on. They also said that if I exhibit 5 symptoms out of the list to come in...(I have 3 as of now)..
They also said that there is a high chance that since I am already dilating that we won't make it to 40 weeks, but not to be alarmed.
So! if you made it through the whole thing, that is the update!! I'm hoping (even though I am in a lot of pain) that she stays in as long as she can..The longer, the better after all.