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2014 January Rainbows

Hi everyone. I've not been on for a while so a bit to catch up on. I've unfortunately been in the hospital again!! My chest has got worse and now my right kidney is expanding with fluid. They think it's because of the way the baby is positioned. They're not too worried but obviously with me being a vet I'm a bit harder to convince that structural changes to my kidney can be 'normal in pregnancy'!!!!
Anyway I'm out now and have had to take early maternity leave. It's so odd to have nothing to do!!! I'm normally so busy! Quite nice in a way though. They have said that if my kidney gets worse then they may induce early. Hoping to get to 37 weeks (that's only 3 weeks- eeeeeeek!!!)

My belly has dropped too, I'm also peeing all the time and having trouble keeping the gas in too :blush:

Hope everyone is ok :flower:
My goodness Rachel. I was wondering where you were. You can't be very comfortable right now...between the kidney, chest pains, bigger baby and thus bigger belly...I feel for you! I will definitely keep my fingers crossed that baby stays for at least the next 3 weeks! just take it easy so hopefully that kidney will not get any bigger!!! Keep us posted! now that you are on maternity leave, you will have no excuse! LOL jk :D
Glad you're back home Rachel! Sorry to hear about everything going on though. Get lots of rest now. I went off about 35 weeks with my son last time around and I remember the feeling of all of a sudden having nothing to do, haha. It's great, but hard to get used to! Fingers crossed you make it to 37 weeks!!

Hope everyone else is doing well. I'm exhausted today, ready for a nap already, haha.
Ooo Rachel glad your on maternity leave now, hope your kidneys are ok till it's time for baby to arrive! :hugs:

I have been waddling for weeks and it's definitely since baby went head down, my hips and pelvis hurt and I need to wee 24/7!

Been busy doing the nursery and it's my baby shower on Saturday so I want it to look cute when all the guests ask to see it!

Hi everyone :flower:
Hi ladies :wave:

Rachel hoping baby stays just a bit longer, and that kidney doesn't get bigger. I feel exactly like you do it gets lonely but find a project makes time kinda fly keep us updated

Emmy we want pics once your able to take some enjoy your baby shower :)

So last night I didn't sleep at all :( then we had to leave at 5am to the specialist it has been a long day luckily hubby drove but I got tons of hb and just felt horrible came home took nap and woke up feeling better :)
Ivan still doing well they're doing his measurements next week to see if he's growing properly FX he is
That's good news Lucy :)
Have a great shower Emmy- hope you get lots of useful stuff!
Emmy- have fun preparing for your shower! :D

Lucy- FX'd for you dear! Thinking of you.

AFM- Had an emotional breakdown this morning over nothing. I think it's just raging hormones. Didn't sleep well, didn't want to come to work this morning, couldn't put on my belly band by myself..I'm fine now...but poor Hubby had to help me..He was so sweet. lol
Ah Young :hugs: def hormones

Yesterday I had this huge cramp in my calf so bad I cried still hurts today so I'm limping around :(
The dr I saw yest was dif from the reg specialist and although he's nice I'm a bit worried bc he said if Ivan is growing they're going to back up on the check ups which kinda upset me bc his cord is still restricted the numbers are going up, being diabetic and HBP I thought they took more care. Hopefully my reg OB will be more willing to keep an eye on it. The other specialist said if it kept rising we def needed to keep checking it especially if it got above 5 it was 4.6 yest :( and 5 on an other part of the cord. And he said he saw no reason to induce early? When I've been told the latest I would go was 38 weeks frustrates me bc every dr I see says something dif. Def going to talk to my dr about it
Aww Young :hugs: I have had a break down too this week, the alarm went off for work at 6am and I just cried to OH "I can't do this anymore!" Lol I feel like a wally now

Lucy I get that cramp at night time, I scream it hurts so much! My OH has to rub it but then the next day it hurts like a pulled muscle.

I will defo take pics of nursery and baby shower and put them on here to show you. I am so busy running around now getting ready and I have got my first antenatal class in an hour. Busy busy busy!

Lucy that must be frustrating that you keep getting told different things by different doctors! You just want one plan and stick to it! Make sure you speak up and tell them your concerns xx

Everyone have a lovely weekend :thumbup:
This is completely OT but today is the first day my LO is (supposed to be) sleeping in his big boy bed. We are trying to get him into it and comfortable before the baby arrives. So far today it's been a NIGHTMARE! I have been trying to get him to nap for 3 hours. I am so tired I want to cry. My crazy hormones aren't helping either cause all I can think is that it's never going to work and how will I manage with 2 little ones……sigh. Sorry for the rant, I know I'm totally overreacting…just so frustrated!

Emmy I hope you have a great baby shower, they are a lot of fun!

Please send out sleepy vibes to my LO!!!
So this is what we woke up to this morning, and there might be more on the way. It is COLD !!!


ugh! Lucy I can relate!!! Hope it warms up for you. I do NOT like winter.
So I just got stuck in my pants, lol. I was wearing maternity skinny jeans and was trying to get out of them. They got stuck around my ankles and I couldn't bend over far enough to get them off….haha. I had to wait until my hubby got home to free me. I can't stop laughing at myself. Pregnancy is so much fun!!!!

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend :)
Megan :rofl: that's hilarious I'm always screaming for my hubby to help get my socks off I can bend but my tummy hurts after so I avoid when possible LOL
I still can't figure out how to upload more than one image in a post, any clues? Your about to get bombarded with photos of my baby shower and nursery!


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With my friends at baby shower


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My friend made this cake! So clever!


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