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2014 January Rainbows

Rachel your on a roll :) I'm still waiting on putting the car seat in we have to clean the truck out first glad your car is fixed and it wasn't to expensive

Megan I've been packed for weeks but I keep wondering if I packed enough or if I'm missing something hopefully I can deliver at my hosp then hubby can get me what I need hope you get relief from heartburn my dr gave me meds yest bc it's gotten bad I can't get them today bc of the holiday but def getting them tom and he oked my dr giving something for the itching
It's hard to know what to pack! Last time I went a little overboard so I'm trying to do better this time….but i don't want to forget anything! Fingers crossed you end up close by for your delivery! It's handy to be able to send hubby home for supplies :)
Do you remember the name of the meds the Dr prescribed for you?
Megan I'll look at the prescription and let you know he said it was really good that he's been taking it for 15 years
Oh wow! That's great. Thanks for checking. I hope it works for you!!!
Megan it's called omeprazole 20mg :) went and looked at the letter he gave me
Thanks Lucy! A friend of mine used that when she was pregnant and had really good results. I might have to mention that to my Dr at my next appointment. Hope it works for you too :)
Even in the vet world omeprazole is the best for gastric acid! I've started to get a light brown line down my belly. Still have no stretch marks yet (touch wood!!)
My hospital bag has alsorts in it- think I've gone a bit over the top!!'
Rachel I have so light brown line too and no new stretch marks FX it stays that way :)
Happy new weeks for those who have reached a new one and those who are about to.
I got my meds hope it helps yest I ate hard boiled eggs for dinner and I had horrible reflux from 2-4 in the morning :( my dr said I can take ambien to sleep bc I'm not sleeping enough which I'm not.

Yesterday was an emotional but great day, I didn't do a turkey dinner it was just my hubby and I but I got a phone call from my uncle on Wed. He and my Dad are semi drivers and travel all over the country but first time they came to Denver I was sad bc it's a three hour drive from me but we said we would try to get together, well he calls me yest and said they, him and my Dad, had to go to CA from here they were going to drive right by me well 20 min away :) my hubby drove me to see them it was great it had been almost 5 years since I've seen them. But when they drove away and we turned to come home I burst out in tears been emotional since

Then today I had my NST and u/s he's doing good but I was having contractions the whole time. My dr also told me the specialist has said to induce me at 37 weeks but she thinks that's too long. They're doing the blood work to check why I'm so itchy she said if it's not OC it's def PUPPS and well just wait a bit to induce so it seems I might deliver in 2-3 weeks :D super excited but won't have definite answer until the blood work comes in.
Wow Lucy I hope they make a decision soon, your so close to meeting him!

So I'm not feeling great, I have been so dizzy and being sick, I went to the doctors and she thinks I have vertigo and has given me tablets, all I have done is sleep so far! I had a really busy weekend planned so this sucks, I can't do anything cus as soon as I move my head the room spins. At least baby is ok though.

We finally to baby to cooperate in a 3d scan though so that's some good news! Will attach photos in a bit

Speaking of bags, mine aren't packed yet, I dunno where to start, please can those of you who have packed one tell me what you put in and what kind of bag you used?? Thanks xx
here are some 3d scan photos from today, he definitely has his daddy's nose and lips!


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Emmy he's adorable :)
Ugh that Vertigo must suck take care of yourself and be careful,

I have my bags packed I have two changes of clothes, toiletries, chargers, slippers, socks, nursing bras they are more comfy than my reg bras, granny panties I used those with my surgery from ectopic and helped tons I was told not to bring pads as they provide them for you, I might put in some nursing pads tho bc I won't bf I'm letting my milk dry out I put this is a huge over size bag I have
For Ivan I used a diaper bag I packed
3 nb onesies
3 nb sleepers
3 0-3 mths onesies
3 0-3 mths sleepers
2 swaddling blankets
I might pack his snow suit too
And then heavier blanket to put over car seat
I think that's it I was told not to bring diapers or formula as they give you some too hopefully I will deliver at my hosp and hubby can run home and get me anything if I need it

I took my first doze of meds yest and NO HEARTBURN last night :happydance: and took two Tylenol pm bc I haven't slept much in weeks I slept 12 hours I woke up twice to pee but oh I feel so much better :)
Thank u :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

I think he is very gorgeous but I am biased! :haha:
Emmy great pics! What a cutie :) The only extra thing I'd add to Lucy's list is snacks for hubby in case he can't leave to get any. Last time I packed granola bars and gatorade….also came in handy after you have the baby if the hospital food is gross, lol. Oh and Lucy mentioned socks, definitely pack warm socks that can get messy….just in case. My feet got really cold during labour last time.

Lucy, great list!! I'm gonna use it to finish up. And so happy to hear you're getting heart burn relief!

We're having a blizzard here today…gotta love Canadian winters. But we have nowhere to go so we're hibernating for a couple days.

Hi to everyone! Hope you're having a good day :)
I finally got some useful baby info. Our U/S 3 weeks ago, Quinn measured/weighed 4.18 pounds! I was so jealous every time I saw someone find out how much baby weighed, now I finally found out. My fluids are good, baby is good. Her head is completely head down now and she loves to stick her butt out towards my ribs. Maybe she's mooning us! :)
Lyndzo LOL Ivan sticks his butt to the side of my belly button maybe they are mooning us :) glad you got some info it's always nice to know

Megan ooh def getting some snacks for the hubby he tends to get hungry tons LOL I'm sure he could run out or get a friend to bring him something but better I have something. I've heard the hospital food is pretty good actually and I've eaten there a few times while waiting on my apts not bad actually, I guess they gotta be when they cater to the rich up there LOL

I heard we were getting a big storm but nothing yet but we never know here hope your not stuck for to long
Today I actually felt an elbow but it was down low so not to painful but still. He is really low I felt tickles in my lady bits LOL my aunt said I really dropped that it could be any day now :shrug: I get to see the nurse tom for my usual NST and u/s I'll see what she says or what they're thinking

Hope y'all have a good night :)
Lol Megan I already made a list for OH and I put deodorant incase he gets a bit sweaty with all the drama and snacks and drinks cus I know he will want them! And that was his list pretty much done. I think he will bring chargers too for phones and cameras and I will make him bring some massage oil so he can rub my back during labour if I want him too.
Hello Ladies!! :hi:

Sorry I've been MIA. With the Thanksgiving holiday and then I got terribly sick a couple days later, I was sleeping as much as I possibly could. But back to work today! only 14 more work days! YAY!

Went for an appointment and the doctor didn't want to check and see if I dilated anymore because she said that just by checking, a hormone can be released which jumpstarts labor...So she is just going to leave me alone for now...fine by me.

Broke down this morning again...hormones...I just want to be held and loved on by DH (which he does of course) because I am just emotionally and physically drained...all her pushing on me, inability to bend, back aches..I know i'm complaining, I just know how difficult the last weeks are going to be...and don't get me wrong...I am THRILLED that she is thriving and doing well and that we have made it to this point! :D

Emmy- GORGEOUS PICTURES! they came out great!! :happydance:

Lyndzo- I hear ya about the butt being pushed out! lol

Megan- great addition to the list!

Lucy- Thanks for the list...I am definitely going to go off that!
Megan I've been moaning too :( I'm just ready for him really I've had pain on my back and below my bump all last night and I woke up feeling like I've been beaten all around my mid section. I know it's still early but I'm tired the itching is horrible and no relief yet hope to get answers today

Emmy I put my laptop charger in my bag since we use hubby's charger at home I just gotta remember my phone and iPad charger. Might end up leaving my laptop since I don't use it much, and def gotta get snacks for the hubby

Good morning everyone :wave:

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