- 2015 JUNE BUGS - Join Us!

I spent all morning trying to get a doctors office to do blood work for me and no one wants to do it because I am not their "patient". It seriously sucks. Apparently I cannot even go into urgent care because they don;'t do that there...so only option I have now is to POAS until Oct 1, which is when I was able to book for a dr.
As far as symptoms, for the past week or so my appetite has gone down hill. I don;t want to eat ANYthing and the smells oh my god..I can smell everything. I wonder if this is how dogs feel........
I would like to join, I posted my BFP announcement in the corresponding folder, though no one has commented yet. It's almost surreal though, everyone told me that it would be a while before I could get pregnant...hmmm...well, looks like I am due June 4th! Let's pray this one is a sticky bean and is a girl... :) :winkwink:
desi - Yes! My sense of smell has definitely increased. I slept with an air freshener next to me last night lol. There was nothing even in here but I swore something smelled and it was driving me crazy.

Congrats, poysenivye! I'll add you to the list now :)
Ok after calling all day I finally found an urgent care center that did the blood work for me but won't get results until tomorrow. They had me do a urine test and that came up as positive..yay!!!
Welcome and congrats to the new girls!

Glad to hear you were able to get in for a blood draw, desi! Hope you get great results.

It took me 3 days and 3 calls to finally get an early ultrasound scheduled. My doctor wanted me to come in for one around 7 weeks but I'll be in Europe at that time. I don't want to travel without knowing all looks good so I told them I needed to get in the week before I leave. The receptionists kept telling me my doctor was booked that week (not sure why that matters since I wouldn't be seeing her anyway, just a tech) so they'd have to talk to the nurse and call back. No one called back so I finally called the nurse directly today and she called back within an hour and got me scheduled. They don't think I need to do betas unless I have any bleeding or pain.

Not much in the way of symptoms yet. Just a little nausea here and there, but not bad or often.
Glad you found someone, desi! I hope your results come back with good numbers tomorrow.

foreternity, when is your scan booked for? Glad you got it worked out. My doctor was going to let me come in as early as 5w6d but I had some willpower and asked for later that week. I wanna hopefully make sure we get to see a heartbeat.

Welcome, lucy! Will get you added :)
This is so exciting starting a June month. :D I always thought this would be a great time to have a baby. My boys are December & February babes so I'm more than done with winter newborns and being 9 months pregnant in the coldest months! June's not too hot (where I live anyway) and I'm hoping that having a late spring/early summer baby will get me out moving a bit faster.

So a bit about me I guess: DH and I are both 27; I had my boys when I was 22 & 24 so to be 28 with #3 is a bit weird to me but we weren't quite ready to have three back-to-backs. Most of my friends are only just hopping on the baby bandwagon now! I had an early miscarriage (6 weeks) the first time I got pregnant, then 2 weeks later, my eldest was conceived. #2 son took 3 months and this one happened 2 weeks after getting my IUD out. Hoping it all goes well as having experienced a miscarriage before, I'm naturally cautiously optimistic. :flower:

Congratulations to everyone!
I always thought the ideal time to have a baby would be around October. You're in the first trimester in winter so it's not too bad and then your second trimester is in summer so you're not all huge and miserable. Then it's cool out in fall when you're the biggest. It gets above 100 degress here in summer so I'd be lying if I said I was looking forward to being big and pregnant and miserable then lol. I already despise hot weather. All worth it though :)
Hi ladies, I'd love to join you! My name is Sofia and I'm 25 (going to be 26 in november), DH is 31. We started TTC in August and I was so certain we would need fertility treatments cause I have quite long cycles, 34-35 days with a super long cycle once in a while so I was shocked when I got my BFP yesterday 9DPO. It was faint but it was there. I am due June 8th. This is our first baby.

- Nausea, strong sense of smell (started on saturday, almost threw up when a friend with a baby visited us and I could smell what was in the diaper lol!!)
- Tingly, sore boobs
- Aching back -- its different compared to AF pain, its difficult to explain but its just not the same.

Surprisingly I'm not tired, rather I feel really energetic and finding it hard to sleep.

But... I'm terrified of miscarrying! I regret testing so early at 3+2 weeks, I did some terrible googling and found out the miscarriage risk right now is like 32% andanother site said miscarriage risks go up by 115% for overweight women..I was expecting to feel love and happiness right from the beginning but right now I feel so scared and scared to do another test, afraid of a BFN. :(
oceania, congrats! I definitely understand your worry. I have found out both times at 3w2d and it's scary. You're going to worry no matter what. Unfortunately, my last pregnancy did end in miscarriage so I am terrified this time. The one thing that helps me stay calm is to remember that no matter what, I can't change the outcome. All I can do is enjoy that I am pregnant right now and stay positive. Stressing about it isn't good for you and can't change what will happen either way. It's scary but it's more likely that in the end you will come out of this with a beautiful baby.
Congrats oceania! I too have tested quite early and I am petrified but were all in this together and were here for all the worries because were all going through the same thing :)

My symptoms at the moment are really itchy tingy saw boobs, and my sickness is just urghh, ive not been sick but the feeling of being sick is just unvearable :( so drinking white tea and ginger! Really helps!
The twinges in my lower back have gone for now though.. so will see how that goes.

Now girls I really need some advice help.. my OH is petrified. Theres lots of health risks on his side of the family such as autism (this is also on my side of the family however my little miss is fine) epilepsy and genetic problems he hasnt really told me anything about. His eldest brother Kevin has all the issues but the rest of his brothers including himself are all fine. Hes petrified the baby will turn out like Kevin.

Personally I dont think we have anything to worry about, I dont mind if its got problems or not it doesnt mean I will love it any less. But what can I do to convince him its ok and not to constantly think the worst... thanksnin advance!
Welcome to all the new BFPs :hi:

oceania - I completely understand what you mean about being scared of having a miscarriage. I've had miscarriages before so that's made me even more terrified of going through the same thing again, but even the first time I got a BFP I remember being scared :hugs: I think Shilo's advice is good - it's important to just distract yourself and enjoy knowing that you're pregnant right now because stressing about it can't change anything. One of my friends was terrified of something going wrong and was nervous throughout her whole pregnancy - after she'd given birth she said she regretted wishing away her pregnancy because after those first few weeks of worrying it flew by faster than she ever thought possible and she felt like she was too stressed to really experience, or enjoy, it.

I'm trying to keep that in mind, but I also wish I could fast forward to the first scan :haha:

GoogilyBear - I really don't know what to suggest to help you with your DH other than talking to him about his fears and reassuring him. I'm sure he loves his brother, so he's probably not worried about either of you loving the baby but is probably more worried about how you'd both cope with a demanding baby or the quality of life for the baby and things like that. Perhaps discussing his fears about the health risks with the midwife or a doctor could help? It's probably a lower risk than he thinks x
Welcome to all the new BFPs :hi:

oceania - I completely understand what you mean about being scared of having a miscarriage. I've had miscarriages before so that's made me even more terrified of going through the same thing again, but even the first time I got a BFP I remember being scared :hugs: I think Shilo's advice is good - it's important to just distract yourself and enjoy knowing that you're pregnant right now because stressing about it can't change anything. One of my friends was terrified of something going wrong and was nervous throughout her whole pregnancy - after she'd given birth she said she regretted wishing away her pregnancy because after those first few weeks of worrying it flew by faster than she ever thought possible and she felt like she was too stressed to really experience, or enjoy, it.

I'm trying to keep that in mind, but I also wish I could fast forward to the first scan :haha:

GoogilyBear - I really don't know what to suggest to help you with your DH other than talking to him about his fears and reassuring him. I'm sure he loves his brother, so he's probably not worried about either of you loving the baby but is probably more worried about how you'd both cope with a demanding baby or the quality of life for the baby and things like that. Perhaps discussing his fears about the health risks with the midwife or a doctor could help? It's probably a lower risk than he thinks x

Well we gave the Duty doctor a ring this morning and told him all about the hitory on OH's side of the family. He actually laughed down the phone and told us there was noting at all to worry about, that the risks were so minimal that we were betting off not bothering to worry at all... HUGE relief for OH but still the Doctor could have taken him seriously over the phone and been more understanding that he was worried sick about it, but at least he is a bit better now and a bit more at ease.

I just guess because ive done this before i can get excited quicker because i know whats coming, however this is Steve's first, so i have to remember what its like for him too and how frightened i was when i found out with my first.

How is everyone doing today?
I'm really glad that the doctor was able to reassure you both, but I agree that it sounds like he could have taken it a little more seriously especially considering how nervous your OH was. :hugs:

I'm good but I'm extremely tired. Started feeling tired last night so went to bed an hour early and this morning I feel worse - just feel drained and have a bit of a sore throat. Trying to decide if I'm about to come down with a cold or something, or if its a symptom.

How are you?
oceania - welcome and congrats! I understand the worry of miscarrying. After my ectopic I'm nervous. Every time I get a little cramp I wonder if it's the start of another or if it's just normal. I'm trying to stay positive, though. Once I can get in for my first scan and see that it's in the right place, I'll feel SO much better. I'm having the same thing with finding it hard to sleep. It takes a while to fall asleep and I've been waking up a fair amount throughout the night.

GoogilyBear - I'm glad you guys were able to get a little reassurance from the doc, even if he wasn't quite as serious about it as he should have been. I'm doing good here!

Shilo - My first scan is scheduled for October 10th which should be 6w2d. Not expecting to see much, but the sac should definitely be visible by then so at least we'll be able to rule out another ectopic. They have me scheduled for another along with an appointment with the doctor on October 29th which is 9 weeks. I'm hoping these next 2 weeks fly by. I'm so anxious for that first scan!
Hi ladies :flower:

I'm stepping into the June bugs group! I'm due approx 4th June.
Took a few tests Tuesday and yesterday but a digital definitely confirmed it today.
I already have a nearly 4 year old son but still feel just as nervous as the first time round. Excited for the journey though and fingers crossed all goes well :)
Hope your all keeping well xx
foreternity - You should definitely see more than a sac at 6w2d. There will likely be a baby/yolk sac by that point and usually a heartbeat. If there isn't a heartbeat yet, don't freak out because between 6 and 7 weeks can be when literally one day makes a difference. If you google 6 week ultrasound or even 6 weeks 2 days ultrasound, you should see what to expect. My first scan is that day too so hopefully we both have good scans!

Congrats, 2805! I will get you added right now.
I just wanted to say congrats to all you ladies. Have a wonderful nine months <3

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