Welcome to all the new BFPs
oceania - I completely understand what you mean about being scared of having a miscarriage. I've had miscarriages before so that's made me even more terrified of going through the same thing again, but even the first time I got a BFP I remember being scared

I think Shilo's advice is good - it's important to just distract yourself and enjoy knowing that you're pregnant right now because stressing about it can't change anything. One of my friends was terrified of something going wrong and was nervous throughout her whole pregnancy - after she'd given birth she said she regretted wishing away her pregnancy because after those first few weeks of worrying it flew by faster than she ever thought possible and she felt like she was too stressed to really experience, or enjoy, it.
I'm trying to keep that in mind, but I also wish I could fast forward to the first scan
GoogilyBear - I really don't know what to suggest to help you with your DH other than talking to him about his fears and reassuring him. I'm sure he loves his brother, so he's probably not worried about either of you loving the baby but is probably more worried about how you'd both cope with a demanding baby or the quality of life for the baby and things like that. Perhaps discussing his fears about the health risks with the midwife or a doctor could help? It's probably a lower risk than he thinks x