2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Good luck with the extra protein! Were your other babies small? I know some people just make small kids, my friend's daughter is itty bitty and totally healthy. I'm glad your cervix is stable. You're almost a whole week past V Day now!

I'm totally behind a machine that makes formula and cocktails! Just don't get 'em mixed up at 3am! Then again, maybe that would help baby sleep through the night ;)

I'm finally really getting past the meat aversion, I think. I even had meatloaf the other day! DH makes amazing meatloaf, but I wouldn't have touched it for the first six months :p I told him if he can find me a burger in Chicago like my favorite burger place in New Orleans, we can go out for burgers. Every other burger still sounds gross, but that particular type sounds delicious (it's just a high quality, skinny, greasy, crispy edged diner cheeseburger). But it's still mostly sweets, sweets, and more sweets. DH was shocked when I told him we're out of ice cream because usually if he doesn't eat it, it sits forever while I just nibble at it. I think I've eaten more ice cream this pregnancy than I have in the past two years. I'm resisting the urge to go get another cookie right now, but I have to save room for pie ;) And you thought it was baby in that bump!

DH seems to be doing a lot better today. He spent a lot of the day very cranky, which usually means he's on the mend...
MrsK your bump is REALLY showing now, just the perfect look for the end of 2nd tri!

Mummy3: high protein... eggs, meat, cheese... all the delicious things

My #1 craving is still Wendy's baked potatoes, it's so weird. It's not even that I HAVE to have one, it's just that when the option presents itself... well, I'm eating them about 3-4 times a week, bahaha!

DH was so nice, my b-day is Thursday and even though I only drink decaf coffee (even when I'm not preg) he got me a Nespresso, because all we have is an espresso maker and it's just such a pain to use so I always have him make coffee for me (so maybe it's a gift for himself too?) Joke might be on him because the pods are expensive, but I feel really lucky and fortunate. Plus, there was a sale on some of our registry items so we also got a nice merino wool throw from The Bay, and a KitchenAid mixer, so I think I will have to make some fresh bread soon.

When does nesting usually start? Tonight I meant to take my meds, but instead spent an hour cleaning the kitchen... like, scrubbing counters and cupboard doors and everything. It looks fantastic, but it's very unlike me to clean at all, and when DH came to help I nearly bit his head off and said it was MY cleaning time (lol who the heck am I?)
Haha! I'm still happy to let DH do the cleaning ;) The urge to prepare is getting stronger, though.

Enjoy the Kitchenaid! I love ours! It's good for so many things. I think there's a way to use your own coffee in the Nespresso, isn't there? I'd probably just pay for the pods, though. I'm lazy ;)
Lol @ missfrick! Sounds like hormone-induced nesting to me!

Here are a couple pics from last week. DD will now rub my belly if I ask "want to say hi to baby?" and sometimes will even try to kiss my belly! She's excited to be a "big sissiter".


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Wow frenchie that's one impressive bump!!! Your daughter is so cute!!!

MrsK, they were a mix of sizes, usually on the bigger end. My first 2 were 35 weekers at 6lb10oz and 6lb1oz, then 33 weeker at 4lb 12oz, 32 weeker at 3lb 10oz (my smallest, about 25%) then 31 weeker at 4lb 1oz. First 2 were big for dates. Size isn't too bad compared to how far can get I believe, a 4lb 36 weeker will do a lot better generally than a 3lb 32 weeker. Plus scans can be way out, my 33 weeker was estimated at 3lb 3oz 4 hours before the c section and she was almost 5lb lol.

No way would mix formula and cocktails!!! My sons formula has to be the rankest smelling and tasting thing ever, even the 'flavoured cartons' The unbroken down formulas smell a lot better though so you guys could get mixed up:haha:

Never had meatloaf, whats in it? You must be so glad to be able to have some meat again!! WIth your family that must have been torture!! Is the burger similar to in and out burger? Those are good :munch: Oh yes sweets too, any flavours in particular?

Nooooooo wendys baked potatoes :argh: When we lived in Arizona I got a maggot in one :sick: Took pics and everything and they tried to give us a token for another meal there:dohh:

That is really nice of your hubby missfrick, extra impressive that he did a 2 in 1 to get the coffee maker benefiting you both:thumbup: Fresh bread is sooo good:cloud9:

Cleaning?? What is this?? :haha:
Hi ladies,

How is everyone? Glad to read some good news regarding echoes etc.

I enjoy seeing all the lovely bump pictures :)

Glad people mentioned the hair thing. My belly is embarrassing!!! It's darker and more noticeable than before. I don't want to bleach it though in case of any small risk.

As for cravings, milk is mine currently, which I don't mind at all.

I'm off to my 24 week check shortly. Will I have to show my embarrassingly hairy tummy!? Aha :)
Too cute, Frenchie! I hope your daughter likes being a sibling once the baby is here. They'll have a very similar age gap to me and my brother, and we always got along reasonably well.

Bumpwishes, the bad news is, you'll almost definitely have to show your belly. The good news is, your nurses and doctors have absolutely definitely seen way worse!

Mummy3, that's a good point about the ultrasound sizes. I've heard more stories about them being way off than about them being right. I think my nephew's birth has my concept of fetal sizes all screwed up, because he was huge for 28 1/2 weeks (3lbs, 3oz). I'd be scared to see his size at full term!

We don't have In and Out here :( From everything I've heard about them, it's a tragedy that we don't... You're right that it's a relief to want meat again! Especially for DH, he's starting to lose it ;) I still can't eat everything, but that's ok.

Everyone's meatloaf recipe is different, but it's generally ground meat with some kind of binder (eggs, bread crumbs, etc) and seasoning, formed into a loaf and baked. I really don't like most of them, but DH does his mom's recipe, and it's delicious. Hers is a mix of pork and beef, crushed up Ritz and Saltine crackers, sour cream, ketchup, eggs, and some particular mix of seasonings that I don't remember, topped with bacon (only in America...). It's very flavorful. The sweet cravings have been mostly simple cakes and cookies, and ice cream. Not too weird, I prefer simple desserts generally. Big chocolate cakes and complicated ice cream are too rich for me except in small doses. My mom's annual cookie party is this weekend, and I still haven't picked a cookie to make. I was tempted to get a bunch at Costco and fake it ;)

Tonight is the hospital tour! They call it an orientation class, and I know they do just plain tours, too, so I'm not sure what it's going to be like.
I'm in such a good mood today. We got to our ultrasound appointment just in time. I hate having to drink so much water beforehand. I always end up feeling quite waterlogged. Baby was head down facing the left side. Still measuring about a week ahead of the due date. The technician was awesome and gave us a couple of pics. She said the baby has long legs and if we're not careful might just end up walking out during delivery. Made my husband laugh so much. I just sat there shocked. We got to see the baby drinking amniotic fluid and it almost looked like the baby smiled when DH started singing to him. It was amazing. Even the tech was shocked and said it was the first time she ever saw a baby react to someone's voice. Needless to say, DH walked out chest out and with a massive grin. I'm just glad baby is healthy and the amniotic fluid level was good. We're going in on Friday for the Diabetes test... :cry: I have to fast from midnight til I go in there...No more midnight snacks or 3 am snacks for me.

here are the pics from today. baby's foot is about 2 inches long and baby is weighing around 2 pounds 3 ounces..big baby. :happydance:


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Cute! Sounds like a great scan! Good luck with the GTT test, I'd be stuffing my face at 11:59 ;)
Ugh I have to learn to go to bed earlier, I've been staying up until at least 2am and cramming my face with crackers the past 3 nights in a row. Lol they're so good though.

I was on the bus today (something I avoid as much as possible) and some asshole kid (like university age) pushed past me (I was standing) and I took a backpack directly to the stomach. He didn't even say excuse me. I yelled at him, and the bus driver looked at me like "what am I supposed to do"... So frustrating! I will definitely raise Squiggles like I was, to be careful and polite.
What a little dickweed! I don't understand some people. Even if you weren't pregnant, that's just unacceptable. I hope you're feeling ok. I'm sure baby is fine, but that still can't be comfortable.

Is anyone else short of breath these days? I'm fine if I'm just lounging around, but bringing laundry upstairs or anything else mildly athletic (and I mean mildly, it's only 7 stairs to the laundry room) leaves me short of breath. Stairs have never been my favorite, but it's not usually this bad. I have to climb to the third floor once a week for tutoring, I dread how that's gonna go in a couple months... I can keep my kids downstairs in the main room instead of going up to the middle school room, but I hate to admit defeat ;) I know it's normal as my lungs get squished, but it's annoying! DH left me a very reasonable list of chores to get done today, and I'm pretty sure I won't have it in me to finish it all and still be up for this hospital tour tonight...
Too cute MrsK, Frenchie & mommasquirrel!

Good luck bumpwishes, let us know how it goes

Happy birthday tomorrow MissFrick! Good on DH for compromising on the new vs used debate

Mummy, I hope the protein diet helps! With DH they said he was going to be way over 10 lbs and the ob was freaking out a bit, but he came out 7lbs15oz... so they can definitely not that accurate :hugs:

I have been short of breath the last several weeks MrsK. It sucks and I did start taking the elevator up from the parking garage about 2 weeks ago because I was just too embarassed when I would get to the top of the 2 flights of stairs and was a total wreck. :bush:

OK- I was up last night at 3 am and couldn't get back to sleep... the strangest things started going through my mind, but I have a question that I'm scared to see what google comes up with! I will ask you ladies, but I want to make it clear in advance that I'm not debating birthing options/choices, I am just curious about how this particular situation is handled...Ok, here goes:

When you give birth in a birthing pool what happens if you poop? I know with a vaginal birth a good portion of women poop during the pushing stage and if you are at the hospital then someone just whisks it away and puts a new sterile cloth or whatever down...
They scoop it out with a sieve or fishnet :p The benefits of water birth are worth the grossness, I think, but there are some parts of it you just have to block out!
ahhhhh! What if it isn't...solid? And I'm assuming there are no chemicals or anything in the water, right? Like, chlorine in the eyes would not be a fantastic introduction to our world
I think it's just a tub full of normal water. I have no idea what they'd do if it wasn't solid! I guess it's probably rare?
missfrick: I have issues with my sleep schedule also. For the life of me I can't get to sleep until 3 or sometimes 4 am. DH heads off to work and I wake around lunchtime. Really wanting to get back to a "normal" pattern but we will see. I think I need to add some more walking or exercise to my daily routine to tire me out earlier.:wacko: Also, Happy Birthday!!

bumpwishes: don't worry about the hairy belly. I probably have you beat. Also the doctors have seen everything so don't worry too much about it. Hoping to appointment goes well for you.:hugs:

MrsK: you crack me up. I will definitely stuff my face up to midnight then I am hoping the baby doesn't need any on demand womb service until after the test. We are planning on getting steaks tomorrow night so I can have a ton of protein beforehand to fend off being hungry. Really hoping it works. Also, a good meatloaf is worth its weight in gold.

Frenchie: you have a beautiful bump. I am so glad you're daughter is being involved and touching. I can't wait to have that experience in a few years.

Lilfoosh: I never thought about that part of it for the birth in the bath. I suppose it has happened. For me I'd made sure they drained the tub and cleaned it since it's mostly regular water with some essential oils in it to help momma relax. Mostly they just use a net to catch and release the foreign agent into the toilet. The only thing I know is there's a weight restriction for momma on having a water birth. I think it's to be under 250 pounds. It's in case they need to remove you due to an emergency.

As for inconsiderate youths on public transit they are on my hate list. I'm glad I don't need to take a bus anywhere. WE moved and the closest stop is more than a mile from me. DH doesn't let me walk more than a few blocks because I start wheezing.

I went to the pharmacy to get my thyroid medicine and I was rubbing the sides of my bump..it's itchy. They lady next to me asks if I am okay. I respond, "I'm fine, the baby is just stretching out my belly a bit today". She was like oh..I had no idea you were pregnant, I just assumed you were bloated. :blush:I felt so uncomfortable. She asked how far along I was and then went on to say how she knows a lot of women that look farther along than me but it's because they are fat. --> I couldn;t wait to get out of there and back to the refuge of my home. Luckily DH was around came over and tried his best to make me feel pregnant and less fat. :cry:
Wow, classy lady at the pharmacy :p I know sometimes it can be hard to tell for sure, but you know, at least don't be a jerk after you find out! I'm sure you look lovely! Some people just don't pay attention.

At my hospital, you risk out of water birth if your BMI is above 40. But you can labor in the tub no matter what. The midwives haven't explained the reasoning, though.
I'm going to ask about laboring in the tub. If I can do that, I'm all in. Woohoo!! So here is a collage of pregnancy survival tips I got off of online. Hopefully you can enjoy it too. I laughed so much. Happy Laughing!!:haha:


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Wow, classy lady at the pharmacy :p I know sometimes it can be hard to tell for sure, but you know, at least don't be a jerk after you find out! I'm sure you look lovely! Some people just don't pay attention.

At my hospital, you risk out of water birth if your BMI is above 40. But you can labor in the tub no matter what. The midwives haven't explained the reasoning, though.

But won't most people have an "overweight/obese" BMI during pregnancy, especially if they were at the high end of their BMI to begin with? I could be wrong, but if I gain 40lbs during my pregnancy (or more, lol) I will fall into the "obese" BMI range. I get that it's dependent on how overweight you are beforehand and whatnot, and your height and stuff... I wonder what the reasoning is. Does obesity automatically make you high risk?

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