2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Sorry, we both slept in! She's NOT! I'm gonna tell her husband to try harder next time ;) I'm glad she doesn't have to worry about it, though. She has some health issues that would make pregnancy a pain in the butt, so better that she gets to actually choose it than have an oops. But still, it would have been nice... Loozle, how fun to have a friend with twins! I hope all goes well for her.

I found one labor gown that looks nice and comfy and like it wouldn't stain too badly, but it's $110! Ouch! I think I'll just keep on looking...

Mummy3, I think that little girl might come out in ninja garb! Little stealth baby! I hope it means an easy recovery for you :)

My lungs are getting squished too, Mummy Smurf. It's getting harder and harder to bend forward if I'm sitting on the couch.

Redskins, I'm sorry to hear about the GD :( Hope it's not too hard to manage.

Twinkie and Hopeful, I was worried about mine, too, but somehow I managed to pass! I'm going to ask at my next appointment what my numbers were. Good luck to both of you! It's a scary test, isn't it?

Swampmaiden, that sounds like a lot of stress. I hope you can get into your birth center, it sounds great! Any way to pay the first appointment out of pocket if you don't have insurance set up yet?
Mummy3: not sure where you're hiding her, do you have one really fat leg or something?

MrsK: too bad she's not, but from the sounds of things it may be better-off that way? My bff wanted us to be preg together, but it didn't happen (thank goodness); financially it would have been a bad decision for her.

So sorry you didn't pass GTT ILuvRedSkins, my friend had it with her first and was told that the chances are high with every subsequent pregnancy. But on the bright side, you know how to mange it.

Frenchie: 4 days sounds like a dream and a nightmare at the same time. Since I am high risk for PPD we're trying to get me a 2-3 night stay, but I doubt it will happen, it's a factory here you push out the baby and then they push you out the door.

AFM Update: Had my 27 week appt today; was officially told to lay off cookies, cakes, crackers, carbs... wahhhhh! So I said "fine" and today is my last binge day, then I have to be careful. I gained just under 7lbs in the past 4 weeks which I thought was okay, but the nurse has said otherwise. In better news, I officially passed my GTT (I figured because they never called, but she confirmed the numbers), I have a growth u/s on Christmas Eve day, and then I start appts every 2 weeks.
Yeah, I think she's relieved, Missfrick. They'd have managed, and been happy with a baby, but I don't blame her one bit for not wanting a surprise kid.

I hope you aren't too restricted on carbs! They're my favorite thing right now... I need to lay off too, though. Just in time for mom's cookie party on Sunday, when I'll be coming home with 4 dozen various cookies :dohh: Oh well. Usually only about 1/3 of them are cookies I really love anyway, DH will take care of the rest for me.
You all make my days go so much easier. I'm grateful to have found this group. Definitely fond of everyone so far. Really looking forward to staying in contact to see how everyone does with birth and a new little one. Some posts make me laugh, cry and to think about my little one. You are my bump sisters. As I write this I have tears welling up. Thank you for listening, the advise and more than anything else for just being you.
Ok enough hormones from me... had the GTT this morning and then gobbled down breakfast like I had never seen food before than fell asleep and woke up about an hour ago.
I have to say, the orange drink wasn't as bad as I remembered. Little one slept throughout.
I also want to add...how much I love this thread! I know I don't post all that much, but I do get on everyday and read all the posts! If I've missed a few days, I go back and read them all! Even though I don't speak up all the time, I want you ladies to know how great it is to have you here! So, thank you!
I also want to add...how much I love this thread! I know I don't post all that much, but I do get on everyday and read all the posts! If I've missed a few days, I go back and read them all! Even though I don't speak up all the time, I want you ladies to know how great it is to have you here! So, thank you!

I 2nd that :p
I can feel all the hormones floating around in here, guys!

I love this group, too. It's so good to have people going through exactly what I'm going through, and to have somewhere where it's ok to share the embarrassing symptoms :) I wish I could find this kind of community in real life.
Banana with nutella. Its the snack of champions!! :) Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I am going to work on chores and making some healthy meals for the week. Whats everyone else planning?
Yum! And since it's banana, you can pretend it's healthy ;) I just had a giant Greek salad and a little chicken gyros, and I'm so full. I'm not sure I could get off the couch if the house was on fire right now. The baby's been active all day, but he's totally still now. I might have crushed him ;)

My mom's annual cookie exchange party is Sunday. It's a potluck, so tomorrow a friend of mine who's also invited (the one who's not pregnant) is coming over, and we'll be making tons of cookies, as well as twice baked potatoes from me and I think corn casserole from her. I think that's about as much energy as I'll be able to muster up. I'm hoping mom won't drive me too nuts at the party.
I also want to add...how much I love this thread! I know I don't post all that much, but I do get on everyday and read all the posts! If I've missed a few days, I go back and read them all! Even though I don't speak up all the time, I want you ladies to know how great it is to have you here! So, thank you!

Same here! I'm much more of a lurker than a poster around here, but I check in regularly & love reading everyone's posts! Since this is my first, there is so much I don't know & I've appreciated all of the advice & information I've collected here!

I'm scheduled for my GTT on Monday & am nervous about it (maybe irrationally so!). I hadn't heard of this test before I read about it on here. So, I was glad to have had a little advance warning when my doctor mentioned it at my last appointment! She doesn't seem concerned though & acted like it is no big deal & I'm low risk. Hopefully she is right! :) Good luck to everyone who is coming up on their test!
LOL I'm so jealous of you guys saying what you're eating. My meat and veggie diet is starting to get to me. :) I've had GD since 16 weeks and its like the worst ever. I'm managing my sugar with diet fine but I have to take insulin at night for my fasting number. However, this diet is killer.... my doctor is happy cause I'm losing weight but its just so frustrating not being able to eat what you want. I have total opposite of pregnancy cravings - I have no desire to eat at all. :) Anything I would want I can't have anyways.... :)

I did break down one night and had a Big Mac and fries... which sent my blood sugar to like 160. Not terrible but I think if I had skipped the fries I coulda got away with it. ;)

Good luck with your test Loralei! I hope you do better than I did ... ;) I'm glad my doctors tested me early for it but at the same time it freaks me out that I got GD so early on. I'm so scared its not going to go away...but I'm hopeful. ;)

Anyhoo, I'm due March 11th. I have never posted in this thread before but just thought I'd come hang out with you guys. :)
You guys are all being cute, but I'm glad we have the thread, too.

We went shopping last night. Mostly for Christmas presents, but we stopped by Carters which is right by wal-mart and got a few cute things. A couple of short sleeved tops for summer, a couple bigger things for 9 month range and a couple of newborn things. My husband was happy to find a "daddy's princess" onsie, so we got that in newborn size and 9 months, because it has sleeves.
Welcome new ladies!!

Don't feel you need to lurk! Join us :) we're pretty friendly and even manage to discuss emotive topics without all storming off to the bathroom and slamming the door..! Most if the time though it's just day to day nonsense ha!

I also got suckered into a cookie exchange mrsk, but yours sounds a lot more manageable.i have to magic up 7dozen cookies or bars, on a work night just before Xmas. Are they freakin kidding me! None of these other women work or have small kids quite clearly!

So I'm away to dig out the recipes and try to find what makes the most. Oh and I'm cooking dinner for 18 tonight, so I suppose I should do something about that!!

Have a great Saturday girls :)

Ps Frenchie, I haven't made it to the post box yet....I promise I will get your loot posted! Girls scouts honor..!
Pinterest has me wanting to make so many treats!! Especially want to try Oreo cookie balls. They just look so EASY and yummy!
U all got me looking how to make cookies lol seems easy enough so goin do that wen I get chance to get ingredients.
Amethyst - welcome! Sorry you have to deal with GD but it seems you have it under control.

bucherwurm- congrats on passing GTT! You can always trust carters to have the cutest outfits!

mommy3 - i would never guess you were pregnant with your bump!

Goodluck to all the ladies with upcoming GTTs!

The most common question I've gotten this week is "when are you due? - from colleagues, strangers, folks I meet in the elevator, cab drivers - its insane!
Had a rough week with colleagues who were sniffling, coughing etc. Even when I exiled them from my office, they keep coming back because of the high level of interaction the work demands. One of them has a roommate with the flu. If he is not better by Sunday, I don't want to see him at work. He should work from home!
I feel you, chimama. I made the mistake of going with a friend to pick up her kids at daycare. About 48 hours later I had a cold that has been hanging on for a little over a week. I worked with children during my last pregnancy, but I wasn't allowed to shoo them away or send them home if they were sick. I had a series of colds over a couple months. The killer is trying to sleep: my sinuses are already a bit swollen (think snoring) from pregnancy hormones, so if you add a cold on top of that I sound like a chainsaw at night. Poor DH!

I love seeing all the levels of sappiness, depending on where your moods were when you posted. I made oatmeal raisin cookies this afternoon, so I'm riding a nice high of the smell throughout the house. Also, this is DD's first Christmas when she's talking well, so my heart is melting with her telling me all about the "ornanents" and "pesents". If only I could keep a lock-down on this heartburn...
Oh the cookies! So last week I had made chocolate chip ones, and only baked a dozen and froze the rest of the dough... DH has been making cookies every day pretty much - it's great because there's no mess, but alas, I'm supposed to be not eating much of it! I guess half a cookie won't hurt...
Kicking myself a bit because even today, after pigging out yesterday, I weighed less than yesterday, and I bet I'm less again tomorrow - such a pain because the nurse could have weighed me this morning and then maybe she wouldn't have had to warn me about cookies. I'm definitely determined to try not to gain much in the next 3 weeks so I can rub it in her face (how horrible is that? it must be the hormones)

The barista (a male) at Starbucks congratulated me yesterday. I told him it was risky because what if I was just fat. But he was sure I looked quite preg, which made me happy. I'm glad I'm passing for preg finally, I was worried I was just looking fat.

Kinda bummed I ended up doing the flu jab this year, and gave DH hell about not getting one for him. When it's a good batch I always feel proud I made a healthy decision, but this year they say it's less than 40% effective, so what was the use?!

Even got a new haircut today, I went to a fancy place with DH and told the guy to do whatever as long as I could put it up. I think it's a bit short but DH is looking at me with those eyes, so it's a good thing I'm already preg because if not I think he'd knock me up tonight for sure!
Welcome to the thread, Amythyst. Am I stalking you or are you stalking me? ;) The GD diet sounds like such a pain. Are you allowed to cheat a little on the holidays?

DrMum, 7 dozen??? Oh lord. I'd be going to Costco and faking that I made them at that point! I really should do an easy drop cookie, but I really want to make jam sandwich cookies. The party often lacks in cookies I really like (I'm a freak of nature who doesn't like chocolate chips), and I want to be sure there's at least one I'll love. And I have so much lemon curd from a baking project that never happened, and also some tamarind spread that I brought back from the Bahamas, so I can do two different flavors. I should have made my dough last night, but I waited too long to take the butter out of the fridge, and then I got tired. I have soooo much to do today, I don't know how I'm gonna do it.

I've gotten exactly zero comments from strangers about the pregnancy! I'm really showing now, but my coat hides it really well, so I guess that's to blame. I bet if it was summer I'd get more commentary. It saves me the obnoxious advice, and I have yet to desperately need a seat on a full bus, so I'm not arguing.

I hope everyone gets or stays healthy! Sick and pregnant is a terrible combination. I've managed to not catch whatever DH has so far, so I think I'm safe at this point. If he's not better soon I'm sending him to the doctor, though - he shouldn't still feel so crappy after almost a week.

Frenchie, your daughter sounds so cute! I can't wait for Christmas with kids :D

So my current two pregnancy gripes are constipation and crappy sleep. I'm not super terribly painfully constipated, but I'm not as regular as I used to be, and I'm not enjoying it. I had a giant salad with dinner, and fiber gummies for dessert, and I thought for sure that I'd wake up and have to run to the bathroom, but nope, nothing! I'm afraid it'll only get worse from here, and start to get really uncomfortable. And I just can't get comfortable at night. I wake up and my hips hurt. Pillows between my knees don't help at all. I can walk it off and feel ok within an hour so of getting up, but it's bad at night. I wake up really want to lie on my back and stretch out a bit first thing, but that never ends well. I thought I found a good position last night, but it did something to my round ligament on one side. Ow ow ow!
Shame about the flu shot! I guess it's always a gamble, and 40% is better than nothing...

Sounds like a good haircut if you're getting those eyes from your DH! I'm not a big girly girl, but there's nothing like a good haircut to perk me up :)

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