2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Frenchie, I'm with you on the heartburn.. Not even tums are working anymore.

And thanks ladies for the well wishes.. I think I was also hormonally reacting to the stress because things are working out.. My husband got all the paperwork together result fast and I found out my insurance will still be good all month in worst case scenario, but it doesnt look like the worst will happen, it looks like everything is going to work out fine. So big relief.
Plus I have my first Xmas party tonight... Is a potluck but I'm cheating and bringing a party tray of fried chicken.. Which I hope I don't eat all by myself lol
Oh my! I looked up Oreo cookie balls and now I'm totally going to make them! I would make them right now but I don't have any of the ingredients.... I'm going to make 3 different flavours coat them with white chocolate and make little snowmen to give to my co-workers. :thumbup:

I really enjoy chatting with you all! It's kind of a refuge.

I haven't heard back about my GTT, so I'm going to say I probably passed but I will double check at my appointment next week.

Going to have a rant- we went to Ikea today and DS wanted to go to Smaland (the hour free supervised play-place there). So we had to wait in line since they were full, but it was only about 10 minutes. It was crowded by the counter so DS & DH stood off to the side and I waited in line. The guy behind me was standing so close he kept hitting me in the back with the jacket over his arm. And his 2 kids (a 5/6 y girl and a 3 yo boy) were playing on the floor by my feet..that's right *my* feet- not his. Both the kids kept bashing into me at one point the girl had the boy pinned to the floor and was hitting him, she kept hitting me with her hand and he kept kicking me in the ankle and shin... The dad eventually told her to stop it but didn't apologize to me. The two kids kept bumping me and hitting me around the knees, shins, calves and ankles and Dad didn't say a thing. Eventually I turned around and said "Excuse me, I'm sorry- you and your kids have been bumping into me and hitting me the whole time we've been standing here. Can you back up a bit, please?" He said "Oh, I didn't know. Why didn't you say something sooner?" REALLY?!?!? He didn't say anything to the kids at all, they didn't move at all and they hit me another 3 times before I turned around and said "Really? Even after I told you I was being hit and bumped you still did absolutely nothing to move or control your kids? They are still hitting me." him: "Ok ma'am, he's 3 (points at the boy). I don't know why you are getting upset. You could just move." I told him as the parent he is responsible for his children and their behaviour, there was no need for them to be playing by me like that. I had moved 3 times already and they just kept doing it. I could not believe how rude he was about it. Not only did he not apologize, he didn't try to move them or discipline them at all for hitting me AND he tried to blame it on me. I would have been mortified and super apologetic if it had been my son (who is 4) hitting or bumping into other people. My DH said afterwards that Dad had been looking at his phone the whole time which is why he hadn't seen any of it (and I guess why he wasn't aware the he was hitting me with his coat...?). grrrr ... end rant.
I'm glad everything looks like it will work out SM!! That must be a relief.
Oh, I hate parents like that so much! I know sometimes kids just have a bad day and are awful in public no matter what the parent does, but that's pretty clearly a case of bad parenting right there. Just be glad he's the one who has to deal with the little hellions when they hit their teens with no discipline, not you ;)
All this talk of cookies made me want some. Luckily the wife of the guy i tutor made me some PB cookies before our session. I think she must have ESP or something. They are yummy.:thumbup:

I really don't like it when kids are misbehaving and I usually speak to the kids instead of the parent. I tell them to please stop being so rowdy because they can hurt themselves or others. Then usually parents see or hear what I said and then they are super apologetic and take their kids off. I think it's from years of teaching catechism classes to children ages 3-5. A lot of parents seem to just block out anything their children do because they are so used to it at home that they often forget they are out in public and it's not okay to just have an all out wrestling match in the middle of a shopping aisle, etc. I have also encountered the super nanny moms whose children are so well behaved that it makes me feel like I need to be more proper, lol. What I really don't like are parents that feel as though it's completely okay to let kids do whatever and if you speak up end up making you feel uncomfortable. It's bad parenting and teaches children no manners at all. Hoping I don't end up the super controlling mom when little one arrives, I'm kind of an organizational hound when I was at work and I like having things a certain way at home.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far and welcome new momma's. I'm glad you are part of the group. It's nice to be able to just talk to other ladies going through the same stuff and more often than not to have someone to vent to about things no one else will get unless they are pregnant.
i'm going to go and watch some movies til I can pass out. Its already passed midnight here and I have no inclination to fall asleep anytime soon. :cry: hoping my sleeping pattern goes back to normal before Valentine's Day.
And here's my favorite for the day!! Pregnancy Tips for Visualizations during labor...


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I've been getting a lot of Braxton Hicks lately, they're really very uncomfortable. Also can't believe I enter third trimester tomorrow! It's going so fast now.
Sorry I've been a crappy poster this weekend... Picked up a new puppy Friday and our older dog got too excited trying to play with the puppy and ended up breaking the puppy's leg! So yesterday was spent dealing with that :( We feel so bad because we turned away for a second! She wasn't freaking out friday besides not using it so we didn't go to the vet Friday night and then when se still wasn't using it yesterday morning we took her to get looked at. She goes to our regular vet tomorrow to have things finalized as the place we took her to yesterday were incompetent :(

I'll post a picture when I get home from work today :) My phone hates me :(
Thankfully I haven't suffered from the dreaded heartburn too often. I found if I am having it and just nibble on food it goes away temporarily but it's some relief. The pharmacist told me not to take tums but then my doctor said it was fine. I really dislike it when I get two different opinions. I figure Tums is just calcium carbonate and it is not going to hurt me.

I haven't had many BH's this last week. They normally hit when I've been walking around a lot. CoffeePuffin: do you find that you get more if you are more active or do they hit even if you're just sitting on the couch lounging?

Teilana: a puppy sounds so nice right now, I hope it's leg heals up quickly. What breed did you get? I want a dog but figured we should wait til we have a good yard and more time. DH will retire from the military in about 5 years and he would be the one training it.

DH is away for work and I'm watching my fill of netflix and amazon prime movies/series. Other than that, I'm just being lazy. Ever have those days you never change out of your PJ's, or comb your hair? I already miss pestering my DH...He is one of my favorite people to bug and I'm going to go crazy not having him here to annoy. He says that once little one arrives I will ignore him and just want to play with the baby all day. But honestly, I think I enjoy bugging my husband a bit much to let that happen.
She's a labradoodle, same as our older dog. I hope she heals up quick too. Unless we book later into February I have a feeling our maternity pictures are going to have a puppy in a cast :(
Oh my, I am so far behind because I have been away for the last week! I don't know if I will ever get caught up on the last ten + pages, but I hope everyone is doing well!
26 weeks today! One more and I will hit third tri!!!

I watched my baby nephew for a few hours on Saturday (he is 3 months old). The girls didn't get upset with my holding him, but they were VERY in his face whenever he wasn't in my arms, particularly my younger daughter. I'm glad they were loving him, but it was a bit overload for the poor guy!! Didn't help that they woke him from a nap! Hopefully the novelty would somewhat wear off with a 24/7 baby brother. But then I imagine the jealousy may also amp up.

My younger daughter gets extremely clingy whenever my older daughter needs help going on the potty. Though I'm wondering if I should begin training with her and that might help?
I hope the pup's recovery goes well, Teilana! Poor baby. Labs are kind of nuts!

Mommasquirrel, I spend more time than I'm willing to admit in my pjs ;) My hair is too short to need brushing, but I'm sure if it was longer, it would be just as messy. Why get the nice outside clothes dirty if you're just on the couch?

I survived mom's party, but she was driving my SIL crazy at the end with all the nitpicking. SIL is too polite, she's gonna hear it from me when she tries to nitpick my parenting. She has this "It's just the way I am" attitude about it. She knows we went 7 or 8 years without speaking to DH's mom with no regrets (her decision, but it was a wonderful break for us), you'd think she'd keep that in mind when interacting with us... I won't make idle threats, and I won't cut off contact over something minor, but I will minimize grandbaby time if she undermines me in front of my kid.

I was so tired when I got home, I couldn't even handle it. I've found that my hormones aren't too out of control normally, but when I'm overtired I just fall apart. I'm going to have to be careful with hosting Christmas and make sure I get to bed on time.
I survived mom's party, but she was driving my SIL crazy at the end with all the nitpicking. SIL is too polite, she's gonna hear it from me when she tries to nitpick my parenting. She has this "It's just the way I am" attitude about it. She knows we went 7 or 8 years without speaking to DH's mom with no regrets (her decision, but it was a wonderful break for us), you'd think she'd keep that in mind when interacting with us... I won't make idle threats, and I won't cut off contact over something minor, but I will minimize grandbaby time if she undermines me in front of my kid.

Moms! I think I will have to tell my mom to stop making comments when she's here to visit for Xmas. I just spent all of last week visiting her and got so many comments about how my daughter isn't potty trained yet, and doesn't always listen that well (she does most of the time, but god forbid she isn't perfect all of the time). The worst was that my mom kept saying that my dd is a lot like my cousin was when she was younger - this only bothers me because my mom has always ranted about how she thought my cousin didn't behave well and her mom didn't parent well etc. Sorry, I'm not going to be the military style crazy strict mom that mine was. So tell your moms to keep their mouths shut early! It will just get more and more annoying. (sorry for the rant lol)
I'm gonna be firm from the start once the baby is here. I mean, my brother and I are ok now, but she was never what I'd call a good parent, and we gave her plenty of evidence of that in our teens. It never occurred to her that if the people she parented aren't welcoming her parenting advice, maybe it's because they're experts on her parenting :p
lil FooshFoosh, you were waaay nicer than I would have been lol which is one reason i hate having to go out into public lately... Its amazingly depressing how oblivious most people are to their behavior, or their kids behavior. I really wonder what kind of parent Im going to be... because Im a pretty mellow person in some ways, and very hot headed and controlling in other ways.. so we'll just have to see but no matter what Im going to try to stay open minded to my behavior lol easier said than done :rofl:

Im sorry to hear about the puppy getting its leg broken.. poor thing, at least puppies heal fast
I didn't pass the one hour GTT. I get to go in tomorrow morning for the three hour GTT. Its not what I envisioned for my birthday tomorrow but it needs to be done. Wish my husband was here to hold my hand.
Mommasquirrel, that blows! Please don't be afraid of the results. There's a reason they run everyone through these tests nowadays, and it's to make sure everything's under control. We will all definitely be thinking of you, and you know where to find us when you need us. :hugs:
awww thats too bad, mommasquirrel. I cheated a bit for my GTT test by going for a walk during the waiting period. You should do that, it'll really helps burn off the excess blood sugar. Fingers crossed you pass the 3 hour test!!
Sorry SM, but I disagree. As bad as you (Mommasquirrel) feel that you failed, "cheating" the test can actually lead to medical problems, such as risk to both you and baby (including high weight babies with blood sugar that is hard to control). So, while having GD certainly isn't what you thought your pregnancy would be like, managing it means both you and baby will be healthy. It is important that it is diagnosed.

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