2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

It's been so quiet today! Everyone must be busy getting ready for the holiday.

Frenchie, enjoy the babysitting help!

DentDoc, I'm a little scared, too. Excited, but nervous!

I wish I could gain just a pound between appointments, Momma! I guess I could try eating less cake, huh? I think little T still moves around a lot, so I wouldn't be surprised if your little one is doing yoga in there too. It's amazing they don't come out just completely wrapped up in umbilical cord like garland on a Christmas tree, isn't it?

My mom texted today to invite me to go to Buy Buy Baby before Christmas to "pick out a shower gift." And I guess to pick something out for my nephew for Christmas, too (I shopped for him weeks ago). Mom, I am hosting ten people for Christmas in less than a week, I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant, what makes you think I have time or energy to take hours out of my day to go baby shopping right now? And it will take hours... I'm not sure why she wants me there to pick out a shower present anyway, that's why we have registries! If she doesn't want to use the registry, does she think I'm going to point out non-registry items even though we'll be at a store where she knows we're registered?? If it's not on the registry, it's because we don't think we need it or we haven't made a decision yet. I love that some people will give us their favorite baby whatever that made their lives easier or make handmade presents, but those people also aren't asking me to accompany them to the store and point at things I want... Sometimes she just doesn't make sense to me.

Maybe it's all that cake I'm not supposed to be eating, but Teddy's going nuts today :) I'm really enjoying all the kicking. All the kids at tutoring are finally picking up on the pregnancy and getting excited and asking a bunch of questions now, too. One of the girls I tutored last year asked if she could touch my belly today - it's nice to see that all the stories about random belly grabbing haven't held true for me - everyone's been very respectful of my personal space, and at this point I'm pretty comfortable with people I know touching if they ask first. My winter coat hides the bump pretty well, so I guess that's probably saved me from strangers.
OMG maybe it's a full moon MrsK, Squiggs has been insane moving today too! I have to admit, it's actually making me feel kind of sick. She's finally doing, like, somersaults and stuff, not just kicks and jabs, and it's giving me heartburn and nausea. I'm also EXTREMELY sensitive and crying a lot. I didn't expect that third tri symptoms would appear so fast, but after 2 weeks it appears I have them. Back was sore today too (currently laying with a pillow between my back and the couch which I've never had to do before), but at least weight is holding steady for the past couple weeks.
Crazy babies! I was kind of stressed and emotional earlier, but I think a lot of that was actual Christmas hosting stress. It's a little harder to cope at the moment, but I felt better once DH and I solved a couple of the problems that were bugging me most.

Hopefully your little one is too big to do somersaults all the time soon, so you aren't feeling so crappy.
I wonder if the quietness is due to everyone last minute shopping, traveling, or just being busy because of the holidays.

MrsK: There must have been some memo put out because my little one has been doing some major moving today. I've noticed little one usually keeps a good schedule of sleeping for about 2 hours and up for 20 minutes but today it felt non stop. I don't mind but I think it's interesting that they are moving so much now. I am surprised as well that the umbilical cord isn't all over the place. I wonder how they perceive gravity in there...I think it the nerd part of me being curious. It's like they are tiny astronauts. =D

Is anyone else getting kicked/elbowed awake by their little one? I went to bed a few hours ago but little one jabbed me so much I woke up startled. Now that I'm wide awake feels like baby if starting to settle down. At first I thought it might be me getting the Tdap and Rhogam shot this afternoon but maybe it's just baby wanting me to move a bit.

Talking about being emotional; I've had bouts of crying on and off for the past week. I am blaming the third trimester and the changes in hormones. I saw this commercial and cried.


I looked over at my husband and he too had tears in his eyes so I cried even more. Also, I cry over just about anything sentimental. Really hoping this passes because I don't want to invest in kleenex for the remainder of my life.

I have been using a pillow behind my back for the last few weeks too missfrick. I wonder if it's just the extra weight in the front that makes it sore when I am up and about.

MrsK: It would make me so frustrated to have to help anyone shop for me and baby. especially so close to the holiday. It's so busy in the stores and the lines always seem so much longer. Do you think she can wait until after the holidays? I have to admit though that I admire anyone making a holiday dinner or hosting a holiday party. I'm too exhausted to even think about it. We're supposed to have dinner with a friend this week but I'm so tired I don't want too think about it. We may end up going out to eat. Also, I haven't had one person ask to touch my belly or has been brazen enough to try and touch me at all. I have to actually grab my husband hand and put it on my belly because he is afraid of doing so in public. makes me smile, I'm so extrovert compared to him.

Frenchie: I bet your little girl is going to love all the extra attention. Also, I bet you'll be able to get some nap time in finally. I can't believe the new year is right around the corner.

Dentdoc: I'm so anxious about the "day" that I haven't been able to really picture it yet. I've been present at several births of family and friends but it's so different for me. Finally getting to this point in a pregnancy and feeling, seeing little one move so much. I'm excited to meet this new little person but at the same time I'm terrified my lady parts are going to end up looking like the predator or worse when it's all said and done. sorry for being graphic but I think that it the biggest fear I have. I know it will hurt and there will be pain afterwards while I am healing and nursing but it's that moment that terrifies me the most. I wonder if it's the same for everyone else or just me.

Well, I am going to attempt to go back to sleep. Maybe little one will let me get a few more hours of sleep. fingers crossed.
Hope you get some more sleep! My insomnia is in full force, it's 2am and I'm still wide awake... I might get some lower dose melatonin. I tried one of my old 3mg ones the other night after the midwife said it was ok, and it's been so long since I've taken it, it was almost too effective. I had a hard time convincing myself to get up to pee, even though I rarely make it through the night these days.

Mom's waiting, whether she likes it or not ;) She seems to be ok with it, though.

There's no way I'd be hosting if DH wasn't very domestic. He'll probably do more of the cleaning and cooking than I will, and guests are bringing dishes, too. It won't be too bad, I just keep letting it stress me out.
Hi everyone,

I've been reading along but haven't got round to posting in a while. It seems everyone is doing well, which is good.

I cannot believe how close we are to Christmas now. Where has the time gone?! It is so weird that a lot of you are in your 3rd tri, how exciting!!

Thanks to those who added their birth stories, as a first time mum it really helps to hear them.

My LO is definitely growing, but I don't seem to be gaining much in weight. I know I should be grateful but I would rather be certain that baby is happy and a healthy size. For the past week i've definitely been experiencing some feet under my ribs when I sit down, it's becoming quite uncomfortable. LO also seems to be very active at night, I'm sure they're waking me up a bit, but nevermind, I love feeling them move.

mommasquirrel, how are you doing with the not knowing which gender baby is? im so excited to find out at birth but some days I just really want to know!! aha.
I feel baby move more some days than others. I haven't been woken up yet by her moving. One thing I was afraid of before getting pregnant was being freaked out by feeling baby move, but it's pretty cool so far.
Last night at the midwifes office, she found the heartbeat up to the left of my belly button, then baby moved to it's normal position to the bottom left. The midwife has always found it there, so it's funny that baby moved there after originally being up more.
We have the worker guys here today to hopefully finish putting up drywall in baby's room. They got the insulation in and the ceiling done on Wednesday, so today it's just the walls. I'm impressed so far.
Squiggles has been waking me up every night this week, multiple times. I wonder if she has adhd? She seems to not sleep much.
Hi ladies!! I've been super busy at work because I will be the only one working in my department in the next 2 weeks, so I've been trying to get everything done whilst everyone is still here.

DS's birth story:
I was due Aug 18th, but was sooo ready to have baby out for about a month prior. We scheduled an induction for Aug 20th (if nothing had happened by then) as Doc was concerned DS was going to be well over 10lbs (eta: he was 7lbs 15oz, 23 in long). I had a sweep at one of my appointments (I can't remember the date) and then started to get inconsistent contractions in the evening of Aug 17th so we thought it might happen before the induction but Aug 20 came and still no baby, so we prepared to go to the hospital. About 2 hours before we were supposed to leave I got a call from Doc because a bunch of nurses had called in sick so they weren't taking any non-emerg cases that day. He would call us on the 21st to let us know if we could come in. On the 21st, still having inconsistent contractions, Doc called- DH answered and I heard a brief conversation, later I found out the Doc said it was still a no-go but DH insisted I would lose my sh!t when told so the Doc could tell me himself, so Doc caved and said to come in. At the hospital they got me hooked up to an IV (just saline) and monitors, I was 4 cms dilated.

They decided to leave me for a while as my contractions had started to get more intense and closer together. We went in around 2 pm, they let me labour until 10 am without interference. When Doc came in the morning he check my cervix and the intensity of the contractions and found I was still 4 cms dilated. They added pitocin to help things along and broke my water (same big gush with ongoing smaller gushes every 10 minutes or so, like Frenchie!). Doc came back at noon and asked if I declined the epidural, he was very upset and yelled at the nurse for not even asking me. She said I put in my birth plan that I would ask for drugs if I wanted them- true- so she didn't say anything, Doc responded with "Well, she didn't know the anesthesiologist would be going into surgery and be unavailable for 8 hours at the time she wrote it!"... I had an epidural put in- kind of awkward trying to hug your knees around your belly while having contractions, but the insertion was no more uncomfortable than putting in the IV line. I had a "dead zone" where the meds didn't work, so I still had felt the full strength of the contractions but it was limited to my left side.

At just before 1pm, Doc checked and I was still only 4 cms. DS's heart rate had started to slow and he was trying to push his way through even though he was not going to fit yet. Doc could feel his head and tried to push DS back in a bit which got his heart rate back up, but as soon as Doc moved his hand DS went right back to trying to squeeze out and a lowered heart rate. He asked if I wanted to continue to labour- but if DS showed any additional signs of distress they would have to take me for a c-section. I had been in active labour for almost 24 hours but had not dilated at all and I was very concerned for my baby so I opted for the c-section immediately. I was wheeled to the OR and as I was prepped they tried to numb the dead zone but weren’t able to. There were so many people, so much movement, I was scared, DH had to wait outside until everything was set up, they strapped my arms down (think of like on a cross), I started to panic that they would just cut into me even though I could feel it- I started hyperventilating and crying- then I saw a mask coming down over my face and was told to count backwards from 100… I said 100-99 and then passed out.

DS was born at 1:15 pm, Sunday Aug 22nd. I woke up closer to 3 pm to the nurse repeating “You have a healthy baby boy” over and over again. I was still a little panicked but I calmed down quickly. DH brought DS in a few minutes after I woke up (I wasn’t able to sit up or move yet). As DH sat next to me the nurse walked up pulled my left breast out of the gown and stuck DS’s head on it! She told DH to hold DS there and that was how I learned to breastfeed…. I was walking around that night and showered, we had a few visitors- my mum brought be a bag of fruit (which was fantastic as it was better than some of the stuff I was getting from the hospital, plus it was fibre and they won’t release you until you have gone #2). DH stayed with us as we had opted for a private room. We went home Tuesday morning.

I had been terrified of having a c-section and refused to read up on it; I had never had any sort of surgery. My body handled the c-section much better than it had handled labour though, and my son was perfect (APGARs we 9 across the board at both counts).

**I saw that some of you have been pretty emotional, so maybe not a good idea to read this** but I'm posting it just in case someone does want to read it, it is our angel baby's birth story- I wrote it 5 days after he was born so it is pretty emotional, I can't read it yet.
When I get up in the night to go pee I feel baby moving about, I'm not sure if I am being woken up by the need to pee or the baby and then just realize I need to go.

I have also been exhausted (not unreasonable as I have put in a lot of overtime in the last couple weeks). I was having severe trouble getting back to sleep after my nighttime bathroom break, but the last week I have been back out quickly. I had a horibble leg cramp last night that I had to spend 5 minutes trying to walk off but once my head hit the pillow I was out again.
Thanks for sharing, Foosh. I started to panic as I was reading that they were going to do the section and you were going to feel everything, too! I really should know better :dohh: I'm glad to hear the c-section wasn't too bad, that's one of my big fears. I can't imagine dealing with surgery recovery at the same time I'm adjusting to a new baby...

Bucherwurm, I looked forward to feeling movement, but it still freaks DH out. All he can think of is chest bursting aliens! He still hasn't managed to see Teddy kicking, because he never watches long enough, and I suspect that's a factor. It's hilarious because there is NOTHING that he's squeamish about! He could watch brain surgery during dinner and not even blink, but kicking baby freaks him out...

I haven't been woken up by kicking yet - he still does more kicking in the daytime. I suspect he's worn out today after all the gymnastics yesterday.
bumpwishes: not knowing the gender of little one doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I'm more excited about finding out at birth. It's like getting butterflies in my belly. For some reason I am thinking this little one might be a little guy. I don't know why exactly but it's just a weird feeling I have. I haven't had boy/girl dreams. DH has the same feeling. But I refuse to call him/her any name other than baby squirrel for the time being.
MrsK: I finally did get some sleep around 5 am. I'm glad I am not working right now or I'd be fired from taking too many days off. Were you able to get some sleep? Hoping tonight will be different. I'm tired of being tired.
bucherworm: I can't wait for you to upload pictures of the finished room. I'm glad the workers are completeling everything quickly and efficiently.
Missfrick: Isn't it bizarre how much they move at night? I wonder if it's because we are sitting still that we can actually feel more when they move. Today husband got off of work early and put his hand over my belly and asked little one to kick if he wanted to hear a story. Within seconds there was a swift kick right at DH hand. It makes me laugh.so he read the story to my belly and baby was moving the entire time. At the end baby settled down and now DH is passed out snoring next to me. MAybe little one finds comfort in the snoring, hence being still for the time being.
Lilfoosh: that you for sharing the stories. It's been over 13 years since I had my loss and I still can't talk about the details.
MrsK: you made me laugh so hard. you're comment about how youDH reacts to baby moving. I used to think the same but seeing the baby moving now has taken those fears away. My husband gets super wide eyed everytime he feels baby moving. I can't wait to have more children so I can share this feeling with them.
Frenchie: How does your daughter react to seeing and feeling your belly moving?
I feel you on the not working thing. I'd have been fired six times over just in the first trimester if I wasn't working from home and able to set my own hours! I did finally get to sleep, but I need to get myself on a better schedule, I can't keep sleeping til 11am every day! I think I will go get some weaker melatonin today so I have an easier time falling asleep but I can still drag myself out of bed for pee breaks.

Supposedly they move more while we're sleeping because when we're up and about and moving around, they're getting rocked to sleep. I guess it's the fetal equivalent of falling asleep in moving cars and then not being able to sleep when you reach your destination.
Husband finally got to see baby moving my belly! It's only been happening for a week or so, but I'm excited.
I thought I did a good job researching pregnancy symptoms, but I had no idea sneezing could lead to so much profanity. After a few months of round ligament pain, I'm absolutely astounded that not once have I witnessed a pregnant woman in the wild yelling "AAACHOOO F*CK F*CK F*CK!" the way I do at least once a week.
Anyone want a cold and soar throat? :( I'm so fed up of being ill throughout this pregnancy I just feel so drained and I'm praying I feel better by Xmas day I really don't want to be sneezing and coughing the whole day. The only solution seems to be to stay in bed? Lol and iv not wrapped a single present yet for dd that's going to be no fun while I'm feeling like this. When will baby give me back my immune system lol I really hope I'm not ill come March or it's going to make Labour hard.
Mummysmurf: hopefully the cold symptoms will go away soon. I've noticed I've been more stuffy than usual lately and my asthma has kicked in more often than not. I figured it was another pregnancy symptom for me. Do you have a humidifier at home? Sometimes that will help keep sore throats at bay along with cough drops. I used to make a cup of hot water with honey, lemon and cinnamon. It would help to soothe my throat and ease some congestion. If you're stuffy at all, I'd try vicks vapor rub on your throat and under your nose. I do that a lot and it helps.

bucherworm: How did he react? lol I still think it's cool when I see an elbow or knee jutting out and moving. I know it will only get more intense the further along we get. Can't wait to take a nice video of it and share it with friends.

MrsK: That sucks with the sneezing. I've found that I will literally pee myself whenever I sneeze so I try my best to go to the bathroom once every 2 hours.

So TMI: I don't wear underwear to sleep. I mean, who does? I feel like I'm melting and can only wear a pajama dress at the most now. And it's cotton. So when it's a sneeze in the middle of the night it sucks. DH is usually passed out and I can't wake him up so I just put a towel down and wait for morning. Thank god we have a mattress protector.

Have any had issues wearing anything constricting? I mean even the belly bands or elastic on the maternity clothing? I think my little one throws a fit whenever I wear shorts or pants now. I may end up stuck in moomoos and dresses until this person vacates.
I'm glad it has picked up a bit here - I was wishing for more posts the other day and thought Nelly and I had scared everyone off with our birth stories!

DD will rub or kiss my belly if I ask her if she wants to say hi to the baby. Once in a while when she's sitting on my lap and we're reading I'm sure she must feel the baby kicking her in the back. I don't think she realizes that it's the baby, but she squirms a bit away from the jabs. The other day she stuck out her tummy, rubbed it and asked "baby?" and later did the same to DH's tummy. We had to explain to her that it was only mommy that had a baby in there. It was rather cute. She has a book called "A big sister's book of waiting" that shows her that she can talk to the baby while she's waiting for him to arrive. She has it memorized and recites passages from time to time. She says she's proud to be a big "sissiter" :)
That is so cute Frenchie!

I fully intend to get my birth stories posted at some point. If anyone wanted to go digging I did post Vanessa's on here in the birth stories forum.

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