2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Oh mummy3 I hope it all goes alright. Fingers crossed baby can hold out a few more days.xxx :hugs:

I do appreciate the birth stories. They make me feel better prepared, however the mentions of tearing fill me with fear.
DH FINALLY saw him move! About time! I don't think he's kicking, I think he's just shifting around, but he's doing a lot of it, so he finally managed to catch it.
and multi-time mommies do perineal massages??? Dr brought it up at one of our last appointments. I'd like to do it, but when I look into, some sources say it's worthless otherwise sing praises. Just confused about what to do. Also, when should one start doing it?
:hugs: Mummy! I hope LO cooperates with the plan and stays put at least 4 more days :hugs:

I have resorted to wearing my fav nursing bra from DS, it is this one:
It has been fantastic, it doesn't really have a cup size. My milk came in when DS was 3 days old, that's when I officially couldn't put on any of my bras and needed to go shopping. I went from a E/F pre-pregnancy to a G/H during and then was a J after my milk came in. It shows on the website that the XL only goes to F, but it still fit me properly. I also got a proper cup bra but that one wasn't nearly as comfy, so it was reserved for low cut shirts. (I'm sure there are a *lot* more options out there but the one I linked was one of the only bras in the entire maternity/nursing boutique that fit me properly and didn't have any metal on it- I am allergic to metal and break out in hives :nope: )

ETA: I just noticed that it shows there are removable pads... Mine doesn't have them, but there is a spot for them so I assume I took them out and chucked them in the bin :haha:
That looks so comfy! I'll have to mark it down for after baby comes!! (or go ahead and get it if the two I just ordered end up not working!) Sorry about the metal issues, my mom has that problem and I know how much of a problem it can be at times-most people don't ever think about it, but it can be a massive pain, albiet meaning no cheap jewelry from my dad for her :haha:
Thank you for posting your birth stories... So far the only birth stories Ive read are from the Ina Mays Guide to Childbirth, and those are all natural birth stories with no drugs, so its good to hear more variety.

Ive been good.. successfully moved out of our old house, finally done being sick, back ache is gone...But Ive been dealing with some slight nausea as well lately.. I didnt think nausea would be a 3rd tri symptom but apparently it is

My baby has also been kicking and squirming around A LOT lately. Apparently between weeks 28-32 there is a huge growth spurt. And oddly, Ive had practically no appetite lately either.
and multi-time mommies do perineal massages??? Dr brought it up at one of our last appointments. I'd like to do it, but when I look into, some sources say it's worthless otherwise sing praises. Just confused about what to do. Also, when should one start doing it?

I asked my midwife about it last time around and she didn't seem to think it really mattered. I wouldn't bother, but if you do it, it's not like it would have any negative effects. So the question really is, do you want to put the effort in?
I'm willing to put the effort in, IF it might help things. I know that you can still tear of course, I'm just hoping it might not be so bad (I really don't want to tear though! despite knowing there is really no control over it, but for some reason, this is something that really freaks me out about L&D!)
Well, I didn't do it and I only had a couple minor tears. A little tearing is completely normal. You do have a little control over it. The faster the baby comes, the more likely you are to tear. There was a point in the pushing phase where I felt a little pain and later I realized that what I was feeling, was tearing. If I feel it again during my next labor and delivery, I might lighten up on the pushing a little, in order to try to slow the birth a tad.
I'm willing to put the effort in, IF it might help things. I know that you can still tear of course, I'm just hoping it might not be so bad (I really don't want to tear though! despite knowing there is really no control over it, but for some reason, this is something that really freaks me out about L&D!)

I agree, if it may help, why not? My dr. hasn't mentioned it. This is totally tmi so warning, but tearing has definitely been on my mind bc a few years ago I had issues with tearing when dtd for some unknown reason. My dr. gave me some topical estrogen cream and it eventually got better and I haven't had that issue anymore but the thought is if sex could make me tear than a baby is definitely going to make me split wide open. So on one hand I'm terrified, but on the other I'm like welp it's going to happen and I'll survive.
I was also insanely scared of tearing, obviously I never got to that point though. One of my girlfriends did and said she didn't know it had happened until afterwards when they numbed her to stitch it back up. There is a lot going on and lots to focus on, so it is totally plausible that you wouldn't notice. With DS we did do the massage though, as I was terrified and thought I would do anything to help prevent it.
My sisters all received episiotomies because their dr's fear they would tear. I would rather tear naturally than have an episiotomy as I've read a natural tear heals better. I know it is very unlikely to come out unscathed, just want to help my body out if I can. Sarahbear-I did some more reading and saw other comments about the not going too fast because that will cause tearing, thanks for your input! How does one slow the birth? Would you just not push as hard for a bit so your body has more adjustment time?
I've had 2 episiotomies and the recovery from the second was more painful than the first. I plan to ask my doctor if there is anything I can do beforehand to minimize the likelihood of needing a THIRD one. The second time I was told that there was just no stretch to my scar tissue. But both times the pushing stage was only 20 minutes or so. I'm sure it just happened too fast for my body to catch up. It's one of the main reasons I would like to try and get an epidural this time. I have read many cases where a woman is complete and they leave her for an hour or so to see what work her body will do for her. I think if I wasn't in so much pain (because it HURRRRRTS not to push when your body is telling you to do it) I could ease baby out more slowly and put odds in my favor. But that's all conjecture, I don't know if it would really help.
I'm defin trying the perineal massage. I think the papers I read all stated to start around week 34. It also said it helped first time moms more so than moms who have previously given birth and have scar tissue due to an episiotomy. It also mentioned it was dependent on how fast the baby is delivered. A slower steady delivery means there is a higher chance of remaining intact after the birth. The routine is for twice a day for 5-10 minutes. If there is a chance it can help I figure why not. :thumbup:

Anyone use a birthing/exercise ball to help with labor in a previous pregnancy? I am going to get one at walmart tomorrow. I figure I may as well start using it to help with squats. :happydance:

So my DH sprained his ankle this past week and he is being so stubborn. I've sprained my ankle over a dozen times since high school and I know the routine of crutches, ice and compression. He wouldn't listen to me and we went to the doctors and they told him everything I had said and he still didn't listen. So now he refuses to use his crutches or to ice it. It makes me get so frustrated because I want him to heal and not re-injure himself. So, why is it that some people don't listen? Sorry for ranting but it makes me so mad. Really hoping he comes to his senses soon or he will have a long road to recovery.
These stories are too cute/funny not to share. Hope you enjoy them too.:happydance:

Labor Relations
A couple who didn't speak English came in ready to deliver. The man kept trying to get out of the delivery room, but we kept insisting he had to stay for moral support. When the baby emerged, I turned the man's head so his eyes were on the delivery. Unfortunately, the next day I found out that he wasn't the woman's husband. He was her brother.
Marilee, nurse
Hamilton, Ohio

Bottomed Out
A mom wouldn't budge from the toilet because she felt a bowel movement coming -- a common sensation when it's time to push. I was trying to coax her back to the delivery table so the baby wouldn't land headfirst in the water. Finally she lunged for the table but ended up wedged, squatting, between the table and the wall. I didn't want the baby to hit the floor, so I had to slide under the bed on my back, like an auto mechanic changing a muffler. I finally caught the baby on a pillow.
Elan, MD, ob-gyn
St. Louis, Missouri

Deliver the Truth
Distraught that baby number four was a girl -- again! -- one dad threw his hands up in the air and said, "As soon as we're leaving here, we're trying again!" The mom and I both yelled, "Oh, yeah? You'll be doing it alone then!" While I delivered the placenta, I asked a nurse to draw a diagram for him, showing how it's the sperm that actually determines gender. He was much more subdued after that.
Margaret, nurse-midwife
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Not a Prayer
At his wife's first delivery, a minister passed out and fell to the floor. At their second delivery, we had a chair ready to catch him. He got into it, but then he fell off. The third time around, we put some linens on the floor to break his fall. When he started to look faint, we had him get down on his hands and knees. As the baby was delivered, he threw his hands up in the air, screaming, "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!"
Edward, MD, ob-gyn
Greenwich, Connecticut

Clothes Call
The call button went off in one of the patient bathrooms, so I rushed in to make sure the mom was okay. Standing in front of me, alone and stark naked, was her husband. He had been about to take a shower and didn't know that he had accidentally triggered the call button.
Tammy, obstetric technician
Hamilton, Ohio

Boy, What a Shock
I assisted with a C-section on a mom who already had five daughters. Her ultrasounds had shown that this one was a girl too. Suddenly, out came a boy! The baby's dad was so blown away that he reached over, took off his wife's oxygen mask, and stuck it on himself.
Nan, nurse
Akron, Ohio

Point, Click, and Push
Eager to have her baby's birth captured on film, a mom started to get pretty annoyed when her husband, who was manning the camera, got woozy and sat down. She couldn't coax him out of his daze, so she grabbed the camera and started snapping away herself -- while pushing the baby out.
Cindy, nurse
West Columbia, South Carolina

Air of Authority
A patient was having trouble pushing. Her belly was numb from the epidural so I told her to push hard enough that she could feel it in her chest. I was demonstrating so intensely that I passed gas -- really loudly. I told her, "See, if you push, things happen down there!" She laughed so hard that she ended up giving birth to her baby in hysterics.
Sherry, nurse
St. Louis, Missouri

Wedding Day
One Valentine's Day, a couple wearing very fancy clothes walked into the maternity ward. They had been on their way to get married, when the woman had suddenly gone into labor. They were very upset because they really wanted to tie the knot before the baby arrived. I asked if they had the marriage license on them, and they did. I quickly called the hospital chaplain and drafted their obstetrician as the best man. I brushed my hair, put on makeup, and became a bridesmaid. We had the wedding right there in the hospital within a half hour of their arrival, and their daughter made her appearance 10 minutes later.
Brigitte, nurse
Houston, Texas

Tough Negotiator
A mom who was in labor with her second child insisted on holding her screaming 15-month-old throughout the delivery. Then, when it was time to push, she refused to do it unless we gave her a drink of water -- something laboring moms are not supposed to have. So she used one sip as a negotiating tool for each push.
Umma, nurse
Oakland, California

Jarring Reaction
A dad called in to inform us that his wife's water had broken. We told him to hurry to the hospital. He arrived quickly, holding a jar of her amniotic fluid. Unfortunately, he left the wife at home.
Carolyn, nurse
Rockville, Maryland

Get a Grip
A baby waiting to be born was in a funny position -- head down but with her hand up by her head. As the doctor was checking the mom, the baby grabbed the OB's hand and would not let go!
Sheri, doula
Carlsbad, California

1, 2, 3, Jump!
On her way to the maternity ward, a mom stood up from her wheelchair and the baby fell right out of her body. He was just dangling from the umbilical cord. We called him the bungee-cord baby.
Kathy, nurse
Centerville, Virginia
I hope everyone is doing great! I haven't been on here in a while. We had a few scares along the way and for a while decided it was best to stay away from the internet since it seemed to scare us even more!

But we are having a boy! One more to add to the March Mellow list :thumbup:

Tomorrow is 26 weeks for us! But we haven't felt any kicking or anything for that matter. We are going in tomorrow for the next ultrasound and it feels like it's been FOREVER! DW isn't feeling sick or like anything is wrong but we just figured by now we would feel the little guy.

Our scare before was from a blood test about 8 weeks ago. They called in the morning and said something doesn't look right and they are worried so we had to stress and freak out all day long until we went in for a 2 1/2 long super ultrasound (aka $500 to tell us he looks fine) but the doc did say the head to femur ratio is the only worry but I have a big head and short legs even tho I am 6' 2" so is it that weird to have short legs (26 percentile) and big head (76 percentile) at 18-20 weeks? Our OB said it's nothing to worry about but the specialists doctor seems to think it's something we need to monitor.

Has anyone else been told this is something to worry about or get more testing for?

Why is everything so difficult! :dohh:
GFGuy: I wouldn't worry too much on the statistics. I know babies bodies grow slower from the start and they will eventually catch up. The main measurement that sends a red flag is the abdominal measurement for little one. If they didn't mention it, the baby is more than likely fine and growing at his own pace. Just like us babies tend to grow differently past 16 weeks. For instance, everyone in my family is 5'2'' or shorter and weighs anywhere from 80-120 pounds. I'm a giant at 5'9'' and 253lbs. If doctors would look at that difference from my families average they'd more than likely point at me and say I have problems. This is funny, because of all my family I'm the healthiest one.
Also, you can always come on this forum and get support. We're not here to scare you. It's actually the opposite because we are all going through this together either as a first time parent or as a seasoned one.
So you haven't felt kicking yet, it could be the placement of the placenta. If it's towards the front: anterior, the kicks are muted in a way. Think of having a pillow in the way. Also, you're going to love seeing your little guy again. They grow so much and look even more like a baby. It's hard not to fall in love 10 times over when you see them yawning or moving around.
Also, your DW will probably get the glucose screening test to check for diabetes in the next two weeks. The baby will move a lot during the test because of all the sugar. Keep us updated on how everything goes with the ultrasounds. If you look back on here you'll see all our ultrasound pictures. =)

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