2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Happy February, ladies! Our babies are coming next month! Or even this month in some cases...
Good morning and Happy February!

Regarding weight gain, I think I'm up about 26lbs but I'm not going to think about it too much tbh as I know a lot of it comes off in the first week after having baby. If I feel like I need to do something after the first couple of weeks, then I'll look at it.

My hospital bag and baby's bag are ready but I need to finish the spare bag that will be in the car with extra nappies, underwear, baby clothes etc. We have used a mini suitcase and the baby changing bag plus a backpack for spares. I've also washed the covers for the car seat but I need to wipe the actual seat over with antibacterial wipes and put the covers back on.

I have my 36 week growth scan and consultant appointment tomorrow. I'm really hoping that little miss hasn't dropped percentiles again. As much as I'm uncomfortable and would like to be done with being pregnant, I would prefer that she stays in a few more weeks and comes when she is ready to rather than being induced early.

I had an odd dream last night that I had received a text message from my oh that said that the baby had arrived and she weighed 7lb 3oz and to come home from work when I can! Very strange that I wasn't part of her birth lol..
Loozle-I had a weird dream too of DH bringing me and our baby home from the hospital and I was all "where'd this baby come from?" I'd had to have a c-section and remembered nothing of being in the hospital and how she (girl in my dream) came into the world. Then I panicked because I realized she was 3 days old and I had no idea if she'd been fed the past 3 days because I had no memory of it! And to top it all off, she was 10+ lbs!!!
These dreams make me laugh girls! I'm exactly the same with the crazy disjointed exhausting dreams. Last night I dreamt I had a c section but asked them to leave the incision open just in case I needed somewhere to put the baby down, so I could stick it back in!! I remember last time always dreaming that I forgot where I put my daughter, and running round the house (in my dream) frantically trying to find where I left her! Weird stuff!!

So, yeah it's February!! And that means almost everyone will either be this month or next month. I feel bad for any poor last day of marchers now! I should've checked the list at the first page to see who that is! As for me, it's three weeks on Wednesday now. Starting to feel like I need to get organised!!

Happy feb everyone! Wishing us all a happy and healthy valentine month!! :D
Lol I had a dream last night that they had got my due date wrong and I had a few more weeks to wait lol
OMG it's February! We are all going to have babies in the next couple months; unreal!

I started packing a hospital bag, but all I got done last night was the baby's stuff in the diaper bag. I am bringing a grand total of 3 diapers for her, since the hospital provides them, but I think I overpacked outfits for her (I'm the worst packer because I anticipate freak heat waves and snow storms lol). Plus, I don't know exactly how big she'll be - I packed all the small things I have (not many) since NB size is 10lbs and under, and if she's over 10lbs someone will have to come back to my house and get larger sizes. Also threw in a couple pairs of socks and scratch mitts, and I have to get nail clippers/nail file to bring as well. Plus I have rash cream, vaseline, nipple cream... just stuff I'd be leaving in the diaper bag anyhow. Next plan for this week is to try and get mine and DH's stuff at least into piles for the hospital (like, he's not going swimming in the next month so I can pack his trunks, and underwear for both of us, and maxi pads and such).

As for weight... I'm up about 40lbs at 35+2... I give up! I have been eating healthy since the beginning of January for the most part, and I still gained about 6-8lbs that month... my body is doing whatever it wants it seems, so I'm going with it. After she is born I'm giving myself time to recover, and then will start exercising. If, after a year, I still feel that I need more help, then I will join WW, but it is a last resort for me because it is expensive and I always think I should be able to do it on my own.
Good luck with the growth scan tomorrow, Loozle! I hope mine goes well, too.

Love the dreams! I haven't had any weird ones in awhile, I don't think. Hoping you find a better solution for baby storage, DrMum ;)

We have birth class tonight, so poor DH was going to DVR the Super Bowl, but we've got a very windy, snowy winter storm right now, and we may get a snow day, especially since class is right by the lake and it's always worse by the lake than way out west where we are. So he may get to watch the game live after all, though I'm not sure what the make-up plan is if class is cancelled. Of course, now that the roads are treacherous, I'm convinced I'm just going to spontaneously go into labor with no warning...
Haha I'm expecting no warning either it kinda happened with dd, my waters went day before but wasn't in Labour I was due to b induced next morning if nothing happened and I'd had no pains or nothing just started with a full on back pain just as I went bed lol
I skipped a couple months TTC so I wouldn't risk going into labor during a blizzard, so this kid better just cooperate and stay put for another month ;)
I was coming to post about having our babies next month, too! Crazy. Around 30 days for those of us due near the beginning of the month. Hopefully no one goes too far over their dates!
We are in the line of storms for today and tomorrow as well. Depending on where the storms end up, we might not get as much as people a little south of us, but we'll see. We are quite near the lake (Huron) so get a lot of lake effect snow, so if we end up with not as much this time, it's ok. I've also been worrying a little bit about going into labour during a storm. Hopefully all of the storms we're due will come soon so March will be perfect weather!
I finally have a good count down to my shower. 2 weeks, today. We are holding out on buying anything else until then. We have some important stuff. One box of newborn diapers, wipes, clothes, place to sleep, a couple of receiving blankets, some pads for me, car seat. I'm excited to see what we could get, and excited to go shopping after for the last few things we might need. We are also planning on ordering some cloth diapers this month. We are planning on using disposables for the newborn stage and transitioning to cloth when baby gets a little bigger and we get the hang of things.
I was coming to post about having our babies next month, too! Crazy. Around 30 days for those of us due near the beginning of the month. Hopefully no one goes too far over their dates!
We are in the line of storms for today and tomorrow as well. Depending on where the storms end up, we might not get as much as people a little south of us, but we'll see. We are quite near the lake (Huron) so get a lot of lake effect snow, so if we end up with not as much this time, it's ok. I've also been worrying a little bit about going into labour during a storm. Hopefully all of the storms we're due will come soon so March will be perfect weather!
I finally have a good count down to my shower. 2 weeks, today. We are holding out on buying anything else until then. We have some important stuff. One box of newborn diapers, wipes, clothes, place to sleep, a couple of receiving blankets, some pads for me, car seat. I'm excited to see what we could get, and excited to go shopping after for the last few things we might need. We are also planning on ordering some cloth diapers this month. We are planning on using disposables for the newborn stage and transitioning to cloth when baby gets a little bigger and we get the hang of things.

Baby is not allowed to be too late for me because after two week they will induce me and then it means I Can kiss goodbye to my home birth :p I'm ok if he comes early thou lol ur allowed home birth from either 37 or 38weeks :p I'm worried now though that my dream is a hint I'm going to be late :p
I dreamt last night that baby came 4 weeks early and yet weighed 10lbs! EEK!
These dreams make me laugh girls! I'm exactly the same with the crazy disjointed exhausting dreams. Last night I dreamt I had a c section but asked them to leave the incision open just in case I needed somewhere to put the baby down, so I could stick it back in!! I remember last time always dreaming that I forgot where I put my daughter, and running round the house (in my dream) frantically trying to find where I left her! Weird stuff!!

So, yeah it's February!! And that means almost everyone will either be this month or next month. I feel bad for any poor last day of marchers now! I should've checked the list at the first page to see who that is! As for me, it's three weeks on Wednesday now. Starting to feel like I need to get organised!!

Happy feb everyone! Wishing us all a happy and healthy valentine month!! :D

All I can picture right now is a kangaroo lol!
I dreamt last night that baby came 4 weeks early and yet weighed 10lbs! EEK!

I know someone who had their baby three weeks early just last week, and the baby was 9lbs! Imagine if he'd been full term!?
How is everyone doing?! MrsK, I heard Chicago is having an insane storm today! Hope it's not too bad!

I have gained about 27lbs so far I think. I gained about 33 last time so I expect this to be the same. I'm not too worried about losing the weight. It takes time, but it will happen.

We haven't packed hospital bags... I haven't even washed his clothes yet!!! I am so far behind compared to last time. There are just always other things that need to be done. I may be the only one who doesn't want their baby to come more than a few days early lol.
Another weekend survived and another approaching. I can't believe we are all so close to the "finish-line", It feels like yesterday that I peed on a stick and saw that second line appear. It feels like I just had the first ultrasound and saw my little bean, tears streaming down my face. It was just moments ago that I felt the first movements of baby and seeing the fullness, roundness of my stomach. I don't know how time can pass so quickly without me even knowing. All I know is that this life I am growing is wriggling, squirming and ready to meet the world. I can't wait for "that" moment, I'm sure many of you feel the same. It'll be just another moment, closing of our eyes and before long we'll hear the cries of our angels being born.

I'm so incredibly excited to think that our munchkins will be out soon. So much to do and so little time..Today's task is to declutter my dining room and sewing room. Maybe, just maybe if I am up to it, I'll clean the kitchen out.

How is everyone? What are your goals for the week?
Aw, that is so sweet mamasquirrel! Did it take a lot of you a while to get the BFP?! It took us 8 cycles this time, and only one the first. I am so excited to start seeing all the labour threads!
We got snow all day yesterday - so much snow! Looks like the side streets haven't been plowed, but it's clear and sunny and our car handles well in it, so hopefully with extra time, we won't have trouble getting to appointments today.

My goal is to really get ANYTHING done that's baby related this week. We still haven't painted! I'm losing my mind here...

It took us 6 months, but we took a few months off to avoid a holiday or blizzard baby, so I think it was only about 3 or 4 cycles of actually trying. I can't complain, though it would have been nice to get the whole thing into one deductible year with our insurance ;)
It took us a few years to get pregnant.

I had tried back when I was in my 20's with a previous marriage and gave up after 5 years of trying. Survived several trials of clomid and injectables but never got close. I decided to work on getting myself into better shape and living a healthier life. That decision to stop trying kinda broke the marriage apart and I ended up getting a divorce a few years later and figured I wouldn't have kids so it didn't matter.
Well, I met my DH and things just fit into place. So we tried as soon as we could, before we were even engaged(Fall 2010). since I was quickly approaching 30. I was finally diagnosed with PCOS and placed on metformin in summer of 2012. I then gained over 70 pounds while on the medication and failed to get pregnant so they finally referred me to a reproductive endocrinologist in the spring of 2014. The new doctor was upset because I was so heavy and told me to go on a strict diet and exercise even though it didn't really help because it was the darn medication. I was literally walking 5+ miles a day and eating like a health nut.
The plan was to try IVF since the doctor was convinced clomid wouldn't work because I had no success in the past. However, first prescription I got a BFP. I was so shocked because I was told it wouldn't happen and we were only going through the process to show the insurance we tried it in order to get to the IVF stage. My doctor was skeptical and thought it might be chemical so we had a few blood draws and viability scans. I had a hemorrhage at 6 weeks and was terrified that we lost this sticky bean. The following week we found out we lost one of the two babies I was pregnant with. WTH!!! I was in shock thinking, I was no longer pregnant but I had two and still had one..instead of feeling remorse I was thrilled. I know, weird right? both DH and I was so happy to hear that there was still a person in there.
It was a rough few weeks and lots and lots of ultrasounds. Finally at 12 weeks we were given the "green light" and told baby should be okay for the remainder of the pregnancy. I can't even tell you the amount of stress that was lifted from our shoulders and the immense joy we felt knowing that this little person was okay. But every time I bled or had a pain, I was terrified. Now at 34 weeks I don't really look back and I don't get stressed if there is a spot of blood or a little bit of pain.
I'm just happy that god blessed me with this bundle of joy and I can't wait to meet him or her. my DH said god was just waiting for us to find one another and for the right time.
It took me n my then partner about 6month to get pregnant but it took longer than expected because of his work schedule.

That's one lovely story momma so pleased u got ur sticky bean :D

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