2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Yeah, I shouldn't have mentioned that! Don't want to scare anyone! At least I didn't feel it :)

I can't speak for anyone else, but even if it terrifies me now, I'd rather know than be surprised in labor and wonder if it's normal :)
I was told tares actually happen because of pushing at the wrong time. I had a 3rd degree one but I didn't feel contractions so made it hard work.
I think they're often caused by pushing wrong, but can just happen, too. There are so many factors.

I had my TDAP yesterday, and I am exhausted today. So totally wiped out. I fell asleep on the couch just now, didn't even get up the energy to take my glasses off. I'm glad I didn't have to be anywhere today. If you haven't gotten yours yet, ladies, make sure you time it so you can rest the next day.
Yeah, I tore because dd was facing the wrong way and they had to use the vacuum. It was either pull her out or emergency c section. Fun times!
What is the tdap iv not heard of it? The nurse said to me I wouldn't need any more injections now as the one for whooping cough would have me up to date. Technically she was wrong, I never got the flu vaccine as I will full of a cold at the time lol :p
TDAP is the whooping cough one. It's a combined immunization for tetanus, diptheria, and pertussis (whooping cough). It's the pertussis that's most important in pregnancy, so it could be your doctors don't combine them, or it could be they just told you about the pertussis part. The combined vaccine is the standard here.
MrsK: I think I am just anticipating going in earlier because of the gestational diabetes. I'm also getting very antsy. Pre-pregnancy I was pretty anal retentive about organizing things a certain way. My boss loved it because she said she could find anything she needed at my desk if I wasn't there. Also, my house was always ready in case someone came for an impromptu visit. However, since getting pregnant and moving everything has turned upside down. I feel pretty unorganized and so I work even harder to try and clean but darnit I feel so exhausted just thinking about it. I know that is a lame excuse but seriously I want to sanitize everything and scrub the floors before baby comes but I feel like I don't have enough time.

So, I am getting super frustrated with this testing my blood sugar 4 times a day. I am having great numbers after each major meal but my numbers for fasting are higher than I would suspect. I just want to throw my meter out the window and say I'm done. The doctor is pushing for me to go on insulin but why do I need insulin when my numbers after eating are great? Can't wait for baby to come so I can throw the meter or possible crush it with my hammer.

Ok, I'm going to go an try to find some humor online to get me out of this woe is me mood.. Maybe I'm hungry?

I hear you I am on insulin due to type 2 diabetes and I'm over it ready to get back to my normal life. A couple of tips if you don't mind take a 20 minute walk in the morning and shower before you test your fasting sugars it helps.
Ladybrown: I think I am having the dawn phenomenon where my blood sugar continues to rise after 4 am and continue to rise until I eat. I checked my blood sugar last night when I woke to go potty and it was a good number but 3 hours later it was in the 100's even though I didn't eat anything. I'm looking on the net for ways I can combat it. One site from a mom with Type 2 diabetes mentioned having 30 g carbs and high protein snack right before bed will help. I'm a little cautious of eating before laying down because of acid reflux/heart burn. Maybe I'll just have a yogurt and see if it works for the next few days. I think I'm just super determined to have a vaginal birth that I am fighting this as much as I can. My OB said if I go on insulin, I will have a C-section. =( I need to talk to him again about this because I am good while I am awake and well, I will be awake while in labor so hopefully I can convince him. my next appointment with him is in 2 weeks.
Hi March Mellows! I hope everyone is doing awesome!

DW and I started going to a birthing class last night and it's great but also makes us feel a little off from everyone else. Can anyone relate to any of the following or share insight (private message or on here is fine with me)

(1) DW has lost 1 lb per week for 3 straight weeks, but baby measured in the 68th percentile for weight at the last ultrasound. Is that OK? DW works out a few times a week and eats mostly paleo. I am hoping it is just from the holidays being over but it's now 3 straight weeks...

(2) Baby is upside down. Is there still time for him to flip? or is 31 weeks too late for that?

(3) We had a scare last week. DW was crying from a work issue and she clogged up and couldn't breath. She felt like her lungs were crowded and she was incredibly congested and started to hyperventilate. Neither of us have ever been so scared. Her lips turned a light blue color and I helped her breath and finally it went away but I was SO scared for her and the baby. We were going to go to the doctor right away but we researched online and found that hyperventilating can be a normal issue with the baby crowding the lungs... Anyone else have any breathing attacks like that? It only happened once but talk about being scared!!

(4) DW has a BiLobed Placenta. We feel baby moving slightly, like a smooth motion but no kicks. Anyone else have bilobed placenta that could share if they are feeling kicks?

Sorry for all the questions. I felt to strange to bring this all up in class so I thought I would check with my MM girls....

THANK YOU!!!!! PS: I'm the most excited dad-to-be on the planet!!!!
I don't know about those questions but baby has plenty of time to turn yet don't worry about that :D
Hi GFGuy. I'm afraid there's only one of your questions I can answer from experience. My baby was breech at 31 weeks but had turned by 34 weeks. So yes theres time. Someone I work with was breech at 36 weeks so was booked on for a section but when she turned up for it baby had flipped. So plenty of time! Try not to worry about everything. I know it's easier said than done. I'm sure some of the other girls will help with your other questions.
I love the names you ladies are going with! Little Miss is Amelia Violet Lillian. Lillian is after my Great Grandmother and I wanted that to be her middle name but I didn't like Amelia Lillian and hubs doesn't like Violet as a first name. I told him that he could chose Amelia or Violet for a first name and he liked Amelia better and then he decided he liked Amelia Violet. I have a MA in History and my period of specialty is 19th/early 20th ce American and British history so we joke that the baby is going to think it's 1910 and she's British based on her name and her Mother's viewing choices during pregnancy lol. Honestly though I'm not sure how I feel about Amelia. Must be last minute pregnancy panic.

Frenchie- I love the star pattern! That is so pretty and I love how unusual looking it is.

Puffin- I hear you! The pain and discomfort just doesn't seem to ease up at all. I hope you get some relief soon!

Nelly- Being pregnant in the cold is not fun because of the shoes. I can't put on my socks and boots without DH to button them for me. Makes going out during the day in the snow quite the exhausting adventure!

MrsK- sorry for the uncertainty with the OB visit and Teddy being uncooperative during your NST. I have the opposite issue with Amelia and NST! Your neighborhood knitting group sounds like an awful lot of fun though. Thanks for the tip about the TDAP. I was supposed to get mine tomorrow but I think I will ask if I can do it next week because my shower is Saturday and there is a lot of driving involved to get there.

Squirrel- I started insulin this week because my fasting numbers were high. I hate testing my levels so much during the day. It's not bad. I actually would rather stick myself than test so much. That's a good tip about eating a snack before bed. I'm going to try that tonight because my fasting numbers are still a little high with insulin (but lower than they were) and my day numbers are great.

GFGuy - my little girl was breech at 30, flipped to transverse, back to breech, then back to transverse within 2 weeks. So I wouldn't stress too much about it. I have noticed my asthma is significantly worse now because of the baby's positioning and size. Definitely make sure your DW mentions it to her OB and try and take slow deep breaths if it happens again. Can't help about the placenta but I have an anterior and only feel kicks in certain positions.

We are still digging out from the blizzard. Was supposed to have my nutrition class today and my NST but DH neglected to make sure I could pull out of my driveway so I'm stuck here and had to reschedule my appointments. Diabetes Living gave me attitude about it but there's nothing I can do. I already fell trying to shovel myself out. DH is in the doghouse for sure. Going for my NST tomorrow before meeting with the OB. I haven't worked because the library was closed due to snow so I am very stir crazy and hormonal and weepy and stressed out. DH's depression has been worse, his mother is driving us nuts, and I feel pretty isolated. Today is definitely a day where I have hit my emotional limit. And I am so hungry!! The good news is that I made a huge dent in clearing out the office to make room for the crib and baby stuff, as well as setting up DH on my desk (We're going to use his for a changing station).
I hope everyone with blood sugar issues can figure out good solutions :(

GFGuy, baby definitely for sure has time to turn. My guy was still doing somersaults between every appointment at 31 weeks.

I wouldn't panic about weight loss, but I'd ask the doctor about it at her next appointment. She's at a point where, depending on how baby is sitting, her stomach capacity won't be what it used to be. If he's causing breathing problems, too, I'm guessing she's carrying high, which would contribute to not wanting to eat as much. She may want to keep a food diary for a few days and make sure she's getting in the recommended number of calories and that the paleo diet she's on is covering all her nutritional bases.

No advice on the breathing (I'd also bring that up at the next appointment) and the placenta issue, sorry :( I can tell you that I feel a lot more rolling and squirming than actual kicking, so it may just be baby's personality.

Bookwrmgal, I like Amelia a lot. It fits well with current naming trends without actually being a super common trendy current name.

You'd think the diabetes people would realize that it might be hard for a heavily pregnant woman to get out just after a blizzard! No more shoveling! I'm sorry the cabin fever is hitting so hard, it's difficult to be so limited in what you can do by pregnancy, and then throwing winter weather on top of that. Hopefully you guys are cleared out soon, I know here the worst of the blizzard aftermath is usually gone and things are back to normal within a few days. We'll be here to talk if you get too stir crazy. I hope you have a good time at your shower! Good call on trying to reschedule the TDAP. I'm feeling back to normal today, but I would have snoozed right through a party yesterday.
I think one of my showers is being planned for February 21. I'm definitely excited :)

Yesterday my mom and I went and bought a couple more diapers and the she gave me all the newborn/0-3 clothing that she has purchased so I can start washing and putting away. All my newborn and 0-3 stuff along with crib sheets, change pad sheets and a couple baby towels and cloths are in the washer :) Next load is diapers and my wet bags :)

Painting is done in baby's room, decals are up and we have the dresser set up. We should have the crib on the weekend. Just need to find a rocking chair, get a poster framed, get curtains for the window and get my cube storage shelf and a few bins and we should be good to go until after the shower :) Things are definitely coming together quickly :)
1) Baby has more than enough time to turn. I've even heard stories about babies turning as soon as mom went into labor. and if it's relly bugging her she can get the doctor to turn the baby.
2) As for feeling movement, I'd assume that when baby outgrows his current space, she and you will see lots of movement. My kiddo is big and you can see elbows, knees and every so often a bottom moving across my belly. I should add that I'm a fluffy girl so it's not because I'm thin, it's just baby is big and there is no more room to grow. I think I'm in the 67% as well for little one. We're going for another ultrasound in 3 weeks to see if baby is on the same growth rate.
3) Don't worry about DW losing weight. I lost 6 pounds in the last month because of a diet change. My OB wasn't even concerned as long as my belly measurements kept going forward. Just remember, no matter how much your wife eats, little one will get what he needs from her reserves. Just take a note whenever she goes in on what her fundal measurements are and if they are continuing to increase at each appointment.
4) Breathing is an effort now that I'm close to 34 weeks. I also have asthma so it makes it difficult to take a deep breath at times. Just have her carry a small paper bag to breath into if she finds herself hyperventilating again. Last night I was coughing so badly I couldn't catch my breath and got really light headed. my DH was terrified. He grabbed some vicks and slathered some on my check and under my nose. It defin helped me breath.

Also, We are super excited as well to meet our little person. Glad you're taking the parenting classes. These questions are defin good to ask while you are there. I'm sure the other moms have similar questions. At our class I asked a lot of questions since I'm a FTM. It was very informative.
Mommasquirrel a light snack before may help as well.... Why would you need C section simply because you are on insulin or is baby measuring a little large? If not you should be able to have a vaginal deleivery.

Today baby refused to cooperate during nst causing me to have an Ultrasound where baby would not stay still he even grabbed the umbilical cord and pushed it out of his way a couple of times. So it's fair to say he's perfectly fine but doesn't like restrictions.
Ugh! The nurse at diabetes care never called in my insulin prescription Monday! I am going to lose my mind on them tomorrow!
I'm starting to wonder why they even do NSTs, with how uncooperative all these babies are ;)

Teddy has officially found my ribs. It's not painful, but such a weird sensation.
ladybrown: I am not 100% sure why my OB told me that I would need a C-section. I have a bad case of baby brain right now. I recall him mentioning that if I had my GD under control (not needing or relying on insulin) I could go natural. I think he just wants to veer on the side of safety because if my blood sugar goes crazy during birth baby doesn't suffer the consequences. I will ask again after the ultrasound. I know he is really worried about me and having a big baby. He told me about his children and their births, I prodded a bit because I am nosey. He second daughter got stuck in the birth canal due to shoulder distocia and she ended up with nerve damage in her arm. It took a year of PT to resolve itself. She was almost 9 lbs and his wife didn't have GD. So I think his personal experience reflects a lot in his decisions because he truly cares about his patients and don't want to see them go through the scare and worry during birth. Hence, him limiting me on my options in case baby is bigger than 8 lbs and 13 oz. Fingers crossed baby is still in the 67 percentile on growth so he/she won't go past that weight at 39 weeks.

Frenchie: you should get a mom of the yer plaque for birthing large babies. You look so petite in your pictures. Can you lend me your pelvis? lol, I'm a big girl with really wide hips but I'm wondering now if that doesn't matter when it comes down to it.

I cleaned house a bit today after really convincing myself to get something accomplished. Vacuumed the house, swept floors and even mopped on my hands and knees. I dusted a bit and then wanted to pass out from exhaustion. DH made us dinner and we both fell asleep around 9. Though, I did wake up 3 hours later with extreme hunger. I figure I can get the kitchen done next week while DH is away for work. For some reason I feel a more relaxed now that more than half of the house is clean and sanitized. Weird..Oh yea, our freezer was delivered and I'm so excited to use it. I'm going to buy some supplies this week and hopefully get a head start on making some casseroles and packing some crock pot meals.
As for the GD, I am hoping the nighttime snack will work. If it doesn't I will just have to suck it up and get used to the idea of sticking myself with a needle. I have needle phobia so not too sure how it's going to work. May need DH to inject me instead. Sticking myself with the finger pricking device is a challenge but I'm here and I'll do whatever it takes to have a healthy baby. =) Feeling a bit better today. Also, thank you to everyone who has been supportive. Why am I crying? I blame the hormones.

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