2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Lol "lava throat": yes I have it, and yes, I have asked for prescription meds for it. Tums doesn't touch it!

So I told DH about the tin foil idea, and he informed me that he used to play with tin foil with the cat... ? So it won't work
How did he play with tin foil? I know they'll happily bat it around but still not want to jump on it. Double sided tape is supposed to work, too.
LOL wow you guys are diligent! I don't think I could stand up long enough to cook that many meals to put in the freezer... hell, I haven't even packed my hospital bag and we haven't installed the car seat in the car yet either. :)

We have 3 cats and to deter them from going into the baby's room we just use the handy dandy spray cans with motion sensors on them. If they walk anywhere near the entrance to the room they go off and scare the bejesus out of them! :)

The trick with training your pets with deterrents is to disassociate the action with yourself. So, you don't want to yell or clap your hands or anything cause they will just associate the negative action with you. So, we use the spray cans and a shock mat for some things as well. Teaches them, doesn't hurt them and doesn't put the blame on you! :)
Our freezer meals are cooked (and look yummy!) and maternity pictures are done.

We are excited to see how the pictures turned out. She posted one picture as a sneak peek and it's awesome. I'm interested to see how the ones with our dogs, Odie (5 year old labradoodle) and Suzy (4 month old labradoodle), turned out... Odie was being a butthead and not paying much attention to us or the photographer, he was much more interested in the other people and dogs around... Suzy did amazing though!
Teilana you're all set!

I love maternity pics with animals as they add a real spontaneity to the images!

I should really do some freezer cooking but I just never seem to get round to it! First and second time I was super organised. This time it's kind of gone a bit out the window!
We still have to finish off his room (still needs curtains, rocking chair and toy shelving unit) and get a bassinet for our room for the first few weeks but we are getting there! We only have 2 prenatal classes left which should be useful, postpartum and newborn care. Last week was breastfeeding and that was the most useful class so far, both of us learned stuff from it. I'm almost done work too, last day is feb 23, but I only have 8 shifts between now and then after I'm off today.
I hope you love your pictures, Teilana! I still need to take some. I'm pretty amused that the puppy is the one who cooperated.

I fell asleep on the couch a few nights ago, and it knocked everything out of whack for days. My joints were all finally back to "normal" last night, but I woke up at 4am with terrible heartburn. The Tums wouldn't touch it, I had to sleep sitting up for an hour. So I'm still exhausted. I wish I could get just one good night's sleep. And for some reason my allergies are going nuts - sinuses, do you realize it's February??

My brother dropped off my nephew's changing table and Mamaroo today :) More motivation to get the nursery done already! DH thinks he's going to paint after class tonight, but I'm doubtful - I'll be pretty happy if he just gets everything to the "ready to paint" point with furniture out of the way.
We had our last birth class tonight. I loved the class, but it'll be great to have our Sundays back. We swaddled dolls today, and oh my god am I bad at swaddling! DH got it, but I'm still a bit lost. We have a Miracle Blanket, but I may get a couple more swaddlers. I can't imagine figuring out baby origami at 4am after a diaper change.

I also finally did most of my baby clothes and diapers inventory, and we're in better shape than I thought! I just need a few diapers, a few diaper covers, and some bits and pieces like maybe mittens and bibs and socks. Unless the experienced mamas here think I need a lot more of the basics than we have? The sleepers are mostly with legs, but there are a few gown style mixed in, so not so useful for going out. I'm hoping I can put off laundry for a few days, at least, and if he's born tiny I may get more newborn.

5 sleepers
1 shirt
6 pants
4 hoodie type shirts
10 onesies

3 Month:
1 heavy bunting
3 light bunting
10 sleepers
4 shirts
8 pants
2 hoodie type warm shirts
1 light jacket
23 onesies
For the first month of her life, all DD wore was a bodysuit/onesie, (I prefered the kimino, front-cross type, which are easier to take off in the event of a diaper blow-out), socks and a footed one-piece pajama. She was born in late April, and I specifically remember when it finally got warm out, she was mostly in pants and bodysuits because I finally saw her feet! She refused to be swaddled, as can be the case with bigger babies. If you really want a laugh, here's a video of when I tried to swaddle her: Swaddled

Also, there's something we had for DD that really helped us bathe her, called a Puj tub: Puj Tub or there's an updated version: Puj Flyte. It helps with the "OMG I'm going to break my baby" feeling during bathtime.
I'm upset! I wrote a long post last night and lost it :cry:

Yay for our newest "March" mallow!

Mummy congrats on the house! You've got a lot going on, I hope you get it all done and have lots of help.

MrsK, it's nice that you both enjoyed the class, and it's great that you got to practice on dolls before trying stuff on baby! I used to make DH practice diapering a stuffy at home before DS was born. Did DH start on the baby room?

I have terrible heartburn, I have Zantac from earlier in this pregnancy but that isn't working either. I have to sleep propped up a bit and eat snacks instead of meals otherwise I pay for it.

My cousin and his wife had a baby girl on Feb 5th! We went to leave a care package on their porch but DH wasn't stealthy enough and was caught by my cousin so we were invited in. She was 3 days old, so tiny and cute, DS tried to get her to hold a balloon. And he has proudly told a couple of strangers now that he will have a baby sister soon. The look on his face is heartwarming.

I'm not sure this was on the baby needs list from several pages ago, but something to consider having on hand (especially for those that are not particularly close to shops) is infant tylenol, we didn't have any in the house until DS got his first fever and then it was a scrambled run out for DH. Also, gripe water...

DrMum, when do you move into the condo? I was just telling DH the other night that if I go into labour before our scheduled section we will need to assess how far/fast I progress. I do not want a repeat of my first labour!

Frenchie, DS refused to be swaddled as well. He still doesn't like being restricted by blankets.
We have two cats and they love sleeping where they shouldn't! give them a chance they'll be in everything that relates to the baby- drawers, bouncer, crib etc. I'm definitely worried about it. I'm sure tin foil wouldn't work with our 2 year old male, nothing seems to deter him.

I can agree with lava throat aha. It had eased up recently, however it came back stronger the other night, resulting in me being sick at 6am! not fun!

Hope everyone is doing well. So many of you are so close now! it's so exciting. Things are starting to come together quite well here, just a couple more things to sort out. Had a lovely baby shower so feeling a bit more organised now.
Frenchie: I love'd the video, your daughter has so much hair. It's adorable. I am hoping this baby will be okay with swaddling. But who knows. I am finally getting some temporary relief from the lava throat by sleeping upright. I am going to ask the OB about medication on Tuesday. I'm so excited. I will have an ultrasound next week to see how big this baby is getting. Right now I'm guessing it's in the 7 pound range. Fingers crossed.

I'm making potato soup today in the pressure cooker. It smells so good. Also, my swelling has finally calmed down a bit.

MrsK: I didn't even think of doing an inventory of clothes. I just have a ton of everything and hope it will work. I figure baby can end up naked if need be as long as I have a few swaddling/receiving blankets. Although, I live in Florida and it's warm all the time. I think for diapers you want roughly 30 or so prefolds. You should plan on doing diapers once every 2-3 days. Any longer and the diapers will become quite ripe.
Thanks, momma. She came out with about that much hair - she's a little over a month in the video.

For those of you breathing fire - this pregnancy my OB gave me Inexium after I told him that the chewable stuff wasn't cutting it. I have no idea what that would be called in US, but I looked up the active ingredient (Esomeprazole). It really has helped.
Thanks, momma. She came out with about that much hair - she's a little over a month in the video.

For those of you breathing fire - this pregnancy my OB gave me Inexium after I told him that the chewable stuff wasn't cutting it. I have no idea what that would be called in US, but I looked up the active ingredient (Esomeprazole). It really has helped.

I will look into those thanks docs prescribed me ranitidine and they still don't work so well I still need rennies to get through And most days eat them like sweets lol
had my antenatal today and they booked to deliver my home delivery box on the 20th Feb :D they are guessing he will be around 7lb unless I go over due lol
Oh my god, that HAIR, Frenchie! Did you have a lot of heartburn? You can tell she's totally like "Do you have any idea how cramped it was inside there? LET ME OUT!"

I ordered a little tub that has a newborn sling and then converts into a bigger tub for early toddler, so hopefully it works well. It has adjustable height legs, so hopefully bathtime won't be too hard on us. I considered just putting a pad in the kitchen sink, but then I'd have to wash dishes every time I wash the baby ;)

Foosh, I hate when I get a long post written and lose it. It's so frustrating! He's making progress on the nursery! It's still not painted, but it's almost ready for paint. One of these days it'll be done... The more stuff gets in his way, the more motivated he'll be :haha: I'm so excited for it to be done with all the furniture in there! Your son sounds so cute, so excited for his baby sister!

MommaSquirrel, I really felt like I had to do an inventory. Maybe it's the nesting :) I got a lot of hand me downs and between those and shower gifts and stuff I bought ages ago, I had no idea what kind of shape I was in. I'm better off than I thought, so it's a good thing I did it - I would have ended up with 30 little hats otherwise ;)

I do need to get some socks (I have a hard time believing the birth to 12 month socks will actually fit a newborn), maybe scratch mittens (he only has 2 pairs, I'll lose those in a day), more cloth wipes, and more diapers and covers. Maybe more receiving blankets, too. Thankfully, I don't need as many diapers as I thought I did, but I still have to go through one big bag of stuff from my nephew, and I know there's diapering stuff in there, so my inventory still isn't up to date. That one should be easy, though, since it's mostly 6-12 month clothes that I don't really need to deal with yet. I figure I'll wash diapers every other day, but I don't want to have to wash everything that often. I have a box of hand me down stuff from a friend of DH's aunt that looks like I could have worn it as a baby, so we have to go through that one together and see what's still usable and to our tastes. I'm not sure I'm digging the 80s clown suit look ;)

I've been really lucky with hand me downs and gifts and used clothes so far, I wish I could build myself a wardrobe for what I've spent on his!

I hope everyone can find some heartburn solutions. Mine has been pretty constant from the start, but thankfully there have only been a couple times when regular antacids haven't helped. I made a big batch of pulled pork the other night, and had untouchable heartburn that night, so I'm kind of scared to eat the leftovers. It may go in the freezer for post-baby.

Wow, I'm really rambling now...
MrsK: they were having a good sale on flannel over at Joanns. I bought 3 yards and cut 6 x 6 squares for wipes. I made sure to cut around 40 wipes and still have fabric left over in case I need to make more. I also picked up two small spray bottles to put warm diaper solution into for changing. I figure I can change the solution once every 3 days and be okay.

I'm hoping I am motivated enough to start making cookie dough this evening for the lactation cookies. I read I can roll them and place them on cookie sheets in the freezer to make it easier to bake later when I need them instead of baking them all and dealing with freezer burned cookies. =(

I also drew up a meal plan today and found I have enough meals for roughly 19 days. I'm so happy and excited that I have that all done now.

I'm really excited about seeing my OB tomorrow. Then it's a week more for the ultrasound. Eeeep. =)
I actually did have a fair amount of heartburn with DD, and so the fact that I'm having it again now makes me think LO will be hairy too. Both DH and I were born with a full head of hair, so I would really be surprised if he comes out with only peach fuzz. Maybe we'll see some hair on my scan next week!

On facebook missfrick pointed out that the Inexium that I've been talking about is Nexium for you yanks. In the drug info it says it's typically prescribed for treating acid reflux, so not necessarily for pregnancy heartburn. All I know is that it's working really well for me. It's day and night compared to last pregnancy when I just toughed it out.
I thought about making wipes, but I just have too much on my plate already. I can get 24 baby washcloths on Amazon for under $10, and I know from changing my nephew that I like washcloths as wipes, so I'm just gonna spend the money. I do need to make a Joann run, though, I may just check out the flannel for kicks.

What recipe are you using for the cookies? I want to make some muffins, maybe I'll add to my baking list.
What are these lactation cookies??? They sound like something I need to know about haha!!! ( anything "cookie" is something I need to know of these days)
Frenchie, I had terrible heartburn with my second, worse than my first, and she was almost bald!! My first had a whole bunch of hair though. Total guessing game what this guy will look like. I'm imagining another balder though.

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