Baby dust to everyone today!
I'm experiencing the most discomfort I've experienced today, it's very bare able so I know it's not contractions but still, it must be things moving along slowly, lower back pain also. Going to take it easy today, might even get a hot (well warm) water bottle...I'm aloud one am I? Better go google first!
Good luck startd!!
Tink, hope all is ok
Charmed, hope little Oliver finds a nice little groove soon & you get some sleep.
I'm still having niggle nothing's I think would best describe the tightenings lol lost a fair bit more mucous (yuck sorry!) so hopefully they are working away at something I'm starting to feel sick of everyone's pressure -mainly the MIL- and I'm feeling like my body is reacting to the stress of them being here (2weeks today they've been here!!!!) has really stalled my body. Anyway, it will happen eventually
On Tuesday at 11 days old the midwife called an ambulance for Michael as he was limp and struggling to breathe. It was one of the scariest moments of my life. Cutting a long story short, we stayed in overnight for monitoring and it looks like he has sthg known as 'floppy larynx ' However it wasn't affecting his numbers so they were happy to let us go home and we have been referred to the ENT specialists to see if anything needs done to help him. I had such awful thoughts on Tuesday, I'm so happy he seems OK!
On Tuesday at 11 days old the midwife called an ambulance for Michael as he was limp and struggling to breathe. It was one of the scariest moments of my life. Cutting a long story short, we stayed in overnight for monitoring and it looks like he has sthg known as 'floppy larynx ' However it wasn't affecting his numbers so they were happy to let us go home and we have been referred to the ENT specialists to see if anything needs done to help him. I had such awful thoughts on Tuesday, I'm so happy he seems OK!