Really hope this works! Sorry if the file is huge, I'm on my phone. I'd like to introduce Oliver David John, born 1st Oct at 10.33am & weighing 7lbs 4ozs. I've not written my birth story yet, so I'll do that now for anyone who is interested
It didn't go how I'd hoped, but me & Oliver are both ok & that's all that matters really. I can't believe he's 10 days old now!
I went in to be induced on 30th September, I was late going in as the hospital had to close earlier in the day due to being too busy! I'd been bouncing on my birthing ball all morning & had period pains constantly. It just felt like an ibs attack, so I ignored it & DH & I watched some tv while we waited to be called in.
At 3pm I got the call asking us to go in for 4pm! I was so nervous. When we got there, they took me to the labour ward & eventually examined me. Turns out I was already 3cm dilated & having regular contractions. They were constant because at that point, Oliver was back to back. They broke my waters & sent me to walk around for an hour or so. 2 hours later & I'd dilated to 5cm! The midwives were amazed!
Then things started to go downhill, they made me have constant monitoring & if I said I didn't want it, they told me I was hurting Oliver. I was strapped to a monitor and had to lie in bed.. Which made the contractions agony & I didn't dilate at all. They told me I had to start on the hormone drip as I wasn't progressing, so they hooked that up. I told them I wanted to go really slow on it & they agreed. The midwife actually turned it up whenever she got the chance & I went from 0.5ml per hour to 3ml per hour in no time. The contractions started getting really intense and painful. They were so close together & I could barely cope. I demanded an epidural & that took 2 hours to come, it was then placed incorrectly & failed. The midwife wouldn't believe me that it hadn't work & 2 people came in to test it. It had failed. The contractions were back to back at this point & moving me around to do the epi made me throw up. They checked me again around this time & I was only 6cm dilated.
I demanded they turn the drip off, which they did around 2am! It was a case of turn it off or I'd rip it out of my arm! They said it'd take an hour to wear off though & the epi could be resited, but the guy was in surgery right now so couldn't do it. The midwives started whispering something so I asked them what they were saying?! Apparently the guy was on his way! Eventually he came, 2 hours after I asked for it to be resited. Meanwhile, I've been begging for a c section & told them I'd cut Oliver out myself if I had to! The midwives were trying to tell me not to do that, just think of the scar! Lol. I really didn't care!
The resited epi worked amazingly. The guy gave me a stronger dose, the one they give people before c sections to help me calm down. It worked within 30mins, but instantly it eased the pain. For a while I was still using gas & air alongside it. I still had great use of my legs too, which was odd. The midwives were confused! The ridiculous thing is, once they'd resited the epi, they checked me & I'd dilated to 10cm by myself!! That stupid hormone drip did nothing but cause me agony!!
They asked me to wait an hour or so before pushing, so I had a nap. I was exhausted. I pushed for an hour & a half, but they weren't happy with how Oliver was progressing so there was talk of forceps. I pushed as hard as I could, but he was facing the side, so it was unlikely he'd come without intervention. They gave me a dose of something to numb me again, faster working than the epi though. The dr got all of her equipment. It all gets a bit hazy after that.
The dr pulled on Oliver every time I had a contraction & I pushed along too. He came out with around 3 pushes I believe. I had an episiotomy & tore twice. I lost around 600ml of blood.
Once Oliver was out, the paediatrician took him straight away & checked him over. Initially he had problems breathing, but he was given oxygen & he was ok after a while. I was being stitched up at this point, with lots of things in me to stop my bleeding.
We had some skin to skin, Oliver fed & we were moved over to the ward to rest. We had to be in for at least 24hrs for olivers blood tests. It ended up being 4 days in hospital as I struggled to feed him, then he was jaundiced. He's doing much better now, no thanks to the Drs & midwives! Turns out my milk never came in, it still hasn't. So Oliver was working so hard to get milk & was essentially starving. We ended up in hospital with him on Monday because he'd deteriorated so quickly. They tested my supply & put him into formula. He'd lost 13.5% of his birth weight.
He is doing much better & by weds he'd put 210g (8oz) back on in two days! The midwife was amazed. Haha. I'm still ridiculously sore from all of my stitches, thankfully my GP gave me some meds for that, so I can just about sit down! The bruising was really bad. The tears were through my labia & internally & the episiotomy runs down towards my anus. The midwife said it was the worst she's ever seen!
So yeah, that's my story & our first few days!! Lol. I'm sorry if it's a bit disjointed, Oliver is still waking every hour in the night to feed so I am exhausted!
Congrats to all the new Mummies!! And good luck to all of those still to go. You're time will come soon! xxx