2015 October Owls! | The chicks are hatching! *16 boys & 8 girls so far!*

Hi girls Im ttying to post pics from my Phone and I cant. Been so busy since labour! My MIL ended up staying over to give us a hand and it was much better than I expected. DD was a bit fussy the first two nights so MIL had ver while I slept for two hours. Last night she went home, but DD slept wonderfully! Only got up to feed ver twice and back to dleep. DS is a bit sad, but all in all he's doing well. He already nsmes her as part of the family, and he's accepted her presence in the House without problems. Well, hope you're all doing well. Contrats to the new arrivals!!
I never used a dummy with my others either and never been that much ifs fan of them but started Marianne on one to give my nipples a break! She soothes with it so it's all good!
Still pregnant here :(

Aww she is beautiful Rainstorm 👍
How is everyone, the thread has been very quiet. Hope this means an influx of new babies soon xxxx
Still pregnant although I lost a bit more plug this morning and baby is SO LOW hoping she shows up soon
Fingers crossed Twag!!

My little boy is now 3wks old! I can't believe it. He's finally in his 10lb clothes. We've just been into town to buy some more, as we were expecting him to be so big, we didn't buy many smaller clothes. Lol.

I've been struggling a lot physically after the birth (anyone who hasn't given birth yet, might not want to read this! Bear in mind, I do seem to be in a minority of people, so this is unlikely to happen to many others!). So my uterine infection seems to have cleared with the antibiotics, but either my vaginal tear or episiotomy has broken down near my vagina & keeps bleeding. That originally broke down because of a speculum exam last week that should never have been performed! I'm still taking my iron tablets for the anaemia caused by the haemorrhage & now, to add to my misery, I have a prolapsed uterus!! I can feel my cervix in my vaginal opening when I walk. So there's that. Plus, I've had to stop taking my painkillers as they aren't safe long term, so I'm back to being in quite a bit of pain.

Oliver is just perfect though. He's gained back his weight that he lost while we were in hospital & failing to breastfeed. He was born at 7lb 4oz, went down to around 6lb 4oz, last week he weighed in at 7lb 2oz & this week, 8lb 6oz!! Haha. He's a tough little guy & I'm so thankful that he's ok after our pretty traumatic birth. I can just about cope with myself being torn apart, but not him.

We're on our way home from town now & I found it to be so anxiety inducing, mostly because I'm terrified of him getting sick. Has anyone else taken their little ones out? Or am I just a terrible parent already? :(
Charmed I hope you feel better soon. As for being out with baby I had Nathan out from 1 week old. At 3 weeks we spent the day at the zoo. You're a fab mam x
Charmed, hope it is speedy healing from here :hugs: I have only taken my little boy to his newborn photo shoot, I am really paranoid about him getting sick & people are so clueless with touching all over little babies which makes me want to scream! My big kids have to wash hands and change out of school clothes before touching the baby -which does sound over the top but I don't care. I have a snooze shade for the capsule I put on for all my babies to keep random people away from them when out & about. So yes, I am totally paranoid until they've had their immunisations and are more robust
Twag I hope it's not much longer for you xx

Charmed you're a fab mummy xx

M will be three weeks tomorrow and is doing fab, she as 8 lb 10 on Thursday which is awesome gain from 6 lb 12.5 at birth all on my breast milk. She's keeping me busy and is lovely in every way :)

Me, I'm physically great but keep finding myself going over the birth in my head, it sucks. I had a wobble the other day when I saw an ambulance and sort of flashed back to being in one. Don't get me wrong I'm happy and everything, we're healthy and I'm super grateful for the care we did receive but it was all so far removed from the plan/expectation. I suppose these feelings will pass with time though.

Twag labour dust!

Tally Im sure that feeling will pass and you will only remember Meeting your beautiful girl.

Charmed hope you feel better soon! :hugs:

AFM, Im quite tired. I have achilles tendinitis which makes walking hard, and Im short on patience , esp since ds is being a bit difficult. Dd is a sweetie. She sleeps all night Long, but its her brother that has started waking up at night. I guess its one of the famous regressions. Well hugs to all
Thanks rainstorm xx I have found a group on fb for ladies in a similar boat, super supportive and lovely so I'm glad I found them x I hope you feel better soon xx

Shelby I hope you're holding your baby soon hun x
Thanks rainstorm xx I have found a group on fb for ladies in a similar boat, super supportive and lovely so I'm glad I found them x I hope you feel better soon xx

I'm glad you found support sweetie, it's incredible how comforting it can be at times to hear that someone has gone through the same and managed to overcome it...

Shelby lots of labour dust to you!
Full moon tomorrow hoping it means babies will come 👍
Betsy was born via emergency c section on September 26th at 2:57am weighing 7lb 3oz. She's just perfect.

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