Hello ladies! After months of TTC #1, I finally received a BFP!
Two weeks ago I had a "scare" with some spotting and long ER visit. It was quite nerve-wracking experience, but everything is a-okay! We saw our little bean's heart beating and everything looked great. If we go by my LMP, I'm approximately 7w6d along (Oct 6 due date), but based on the gestational age of our baby, I'm 8w1d (Oct 3 due date). A small variance of 3 days.
So far this has been a great pregnancy. I'm not experiencing sever morning sickness, thank goodness. Weeks 6 and 7 were pretty bad... I didn't want ANY food, I felt sick and tired. Now, my nausea has eased-up and my appetite is coming back (although, I'm still picky). I've had a few good days in a row! Of course, you can start thinking the worse when there is a noticeable and sudden absence of symptoms. But, I'm remaining very positive! I'm 27 with a healthy U/S with a heartbeat, I think all will be well!
Can't wait to follow each of your journies and share stories with you all!