2016 May Miracles

:yipee: I can't wait for an update.

Contractions just started again out of nowhere. Back ache and been having diarrhea off and on all day with several episodes just happening. I just want to know if it's going to do anything lol
Happy Mother's Day everyone!

Drjo - sorry you have been unwell. I hope you're feeling better :hugs:

Esperenza - sounds like things are moving along for you! So exciting!

Ja - that would pretty cool if baby was born on your anniversary!

TTDuck - congrats on maternity leave yay!

Pink - ooh maybe you are getting close!!

AFM - I had such a great Mother's Day with my DH and DD today. I got a little teary thinking about how this is our last Mother's Day with DD as an only child. I just hope I can manage to give her enough attention now that I will have two children. I have my last growth scan tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait to see how big they estimate this baby will be. He has consistently measured 3 weeks ahead at every previous scan :wacko: I've pretty much finished all of the baby prep, got everything washed and set up, hospital bag packed and ready to go, and now just waiting on him to arrive.
Exciting Flossie, good luck!

Pink I hope things get moving for you! Some good signs you have there.

I washed all of babies clothes this weekend and pumped up my birthing ball. I just tried some raspberry leaf tea and blergh I don't like it and I'm not torturing myself by forcing it down either!
Contractions 5 minutes apart lasting 2-3 minutes how can that be?! They are getting more intense. Been in tub for 30 minutes and at first was manageable but getting worse now!
I really thought I posted earlier telling everyone happy mother's day! Must not have hit submit :( Hope everyone had a great day!

Flossie & Pink- I hope tonight is your night! It's time for more babies in this thread :)

NZkiwi- I purchased RRLT, knowing I don't like tea, but really wanted to try to drink it. Well, I chickened out and the box is still unopened in my pantry. Told DH to drink it lol. I did buy the capsules though and have been using them for weeks.

Em- I'm really hoping he comes before our anniversary though!

My braxton hicks seemed stronger today, and I've also been experiencing random cramping but it's been very light. Makes me feel like I'm progressing toward something, but who knows when it will actually happen. Every time I wake up to pee, I'm wishing to myself that my water will break when I stand :haha:

As for a cervix update, it's actually really hard to tell if there's been a change. At least with dilation, I can't tell if it's any different. Cervix does seem very thin to me though.

I've continued to use my yoga ball, walk more, and dtd with husband at least every other day. I tried using my breast pump again a couple days ago, but don't plan on doing that again. I've heard so many success stories, but didn't seem to effect me at all.
Baby Clarissa was born on Sat May 7 weighing 4.025 kilo, 54 cm.
the best Mothers Day ever. She is perfect. We are so n love. we are still at the hospital. Will post the whole story when we are discharged.
Blessings to everyone
am wrting from my phone hope i can post the pic


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Congrats, Esperanza! She's gorgeous! :flower:

Flossie and Pink, I hope your signs mean labor is near! :thumbup:
Oh Esperanza she is beautiful, congratulations!!
Congratulations Esperanza! Shes divine!

Im still at home, still pregnant, still irregular latent stage... Ughhhh
Congrats Esperanza, she's beautiful!

i'm having a bit of a panic. From 12 pm to almost 5 pm I was visiting with a friend today. After I was leaving, I realized I haven't noticed him moving. I was busy talking the whole the whole time, so I could have just been distracted. I was drinking caffeine though, so I feel like he should have been really active and if he had been I would have noticed.
When I was realizing this, his foot was protruding a little and I was pushing against it, he didn't really react to it. I've felt 2 or 3 movements in the span of 30ish minutes. They were very light movements as well, would not have felt them if I hadn't been pushing against him in my belly. If they are super light movements, do they still count? Plan on calling the midwives at the hour mark, just giving him the change to prove me wrong right now. Drinking ice water hoping that will help!
He was moving like crazy for hours last night though, so it seems weird to have the complete opposite today.
I'm having braxton hicks right now, so that makes it even harder to tell if there's movement.
I don't want to stress myself out, because regardless that won't be good for him!
Ja maybe he wore himself out yesterday and is resting today? My boy went nuts all night last night and today not a peep. Always worth getting checked if youre anxious, in my experience the best way to get them moving is to go in for a checkup lol!
I called and talked to someone, I had felt 5 movements and it had been about an hour and a half. She thought that was great. Told me to do things I'm already doing like lay on my left side and eat something sugary and told me to pay attention in the next couple hours and said I could call back later.

It's been a little longer now, and I've still only felt the 5 movements. I feel really uneasy about it, which I think is causing my blood pressure to rise. I don't have anything to check it will, but I know how I get with anxiety! I'm flushed red and a little shaky.
I'll have to wait almost an hour for my husband to get home from work too, so I think I've already decided we will be going into tonight. I was giving it a little more time to feel movement before calling back, but I've also been getting my last minute things for my hospital bag ready.
Ja it never hurts to go in luv. When in doubt get checked out. Honestly I'd hate to have any regrets. Praying all is well with him.

Aww pink and flossie :hugs: Sorry you're both still waiting

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