I really thought I posted earlier telling everyone happy mother's day! Must not have hit submit

Hope everyone had a great day!
Flossie & Pink- I hope tonight is your night! It's time for more babies in this thread
NZkiwi- I purchased RRLT, knowing I don't like tea, but really wanted to try to drink it. Well, I chickened out and the box is still unopened in my pantry. Told DH to drink it lol. I did buy the capsules though and have been using them for weeks.
Em- I'm really hoping he comes before our anniversary though!
My braxton hicks seemed stronger today, and I've also been experiencing random cramping but it's been very light. Makes me feel like I'm progressing toward something, but who knows when it will actually happen. Every time I wake up to pee, I'm wishing to myself that my water will break when I stand
As for a cervix update, it's actually really hard to tell if there's been a change. At least with dilation, I can't tell if it's any different. Cervix does seem very thin to me though.
I've continued to use my yoga ball, walk more, and dtd with husband at least every other day. I tried using my breast pump again a couple days ago, but don't plan on doing that again. I've heard so many success stories, but didn't seem to effect me at all.