2016 May Miracles

I called back after it had been a total of two hours, had probably only felt 1 movement in that hour. I talked to a different midwife that time she actually seemed to care. Luckily she will be the one to meet me at the hospital. On our way there! I've felt two good movements on the way so once they hook me up to a monitor he'll probably be moving like crazy haha, but it will be a huge stress reliever for me to know everything is okay!
I would be anxious too ja, glad you are going in. Im sure all is well but best to get checked out
Esperenza - congratulations!!! She is beautiful!

Ja - it's always better to get checked out. Better safe than sorry. Glad you're feeling movement now!

afm - I had my last growth scan today. They are estimating my baby is 9lb2oz right now! However, my OB said these scans can be off by about a 1lb this late in pregnancy. At least this explains why I feel so enormous! With my DD she was measuring 8lbs at this last scan and she was born a week later 7lbs 14oz. So I'm assuming this little guy might actually be 9lb in a week and a half.

The baby has been breech but he has moved into a transverse position so he is lying across my body. My OB said if he is still in this position she may have to do a classical cesarean incision where she will make a cut vertically. This can cause a lot more complications so I'm planning to try some techniques this week to get him to turn into a head down position. If anyone has tips on getting babies to turn please share!
Em definitely check out spinning babies website.

Thinking of you ja
Congratulations Esperanza! She's muy bonita!

Ja I'm thinking of you and hoping everything is ok.

Em my sister had that style of c-section with my 2 yr old nephew. She was actually cut twice because the doctor didn't realize the horizontal cut was made on top of a fibroid and he couldn't reach the baby that way. All that to say, she recovered well from it with no complications.
They monitored him and he looked fine. I was 2cm & 80 % effaced. Having contractions every 4 or 5 minutes, but just what seems like BH. I was given the option of inducing now or coming back in a few days. She said he looked fine now but if I was worried earlier and just had a feeling sometimes you have to go with motherly instinct. Deciding since cervix is favorable and we were here and prepared to induce tonight! The plan was to start with cytotec, but my contractions were coming every couple minutes. Said probably from being dehydrated so I'm getting fluids to see if they will come less. If that works I will start cytotec, if not I'll have to either do foley bulb or see if I've progressed any to start pitocin.
Update- fluids helped a little but I was still having contractions too frequently to get cytotec. Options were try foley bulb first or go straight to pitocin. Decided to Try foley bulb. Had a good amount of bleeding when they first put it in, but they tried again in a different position and it seemed fine after that. Had it in maybe 5-10 minutes and I thought I felt it moving down and mentioned it to my husband. Another 15 maybe 29 minutes nurse came in to readjust the tension, and the whole thing came right out! Decided to let me try to rest until 1:45 am, which would have been two hours after inserting it, before checking me again. Haven't been able to rest at all because I'm wide awake!
busy - thank you! I just read through that website. Will have to give some of those positions a try.

Sugar - thank you! It's nice to hear a positive story because my OB had to run through all of the possible complications with me and they were all a little scary.

Ja - Good luck! So exciting! I couldn't sleep when I had my induction either. They said to get some rest and I was wide awake all night. Hope things progress quickly and wishing you a smooth and easy delivery!!
Ja good luck!! Hope your lo will be here soon!!

Esperenza Congratulations!!! What a beautiful Mother's Day gift :cloud9:

Em definitely second spinningbabies!! Lots of moving and fluids! My acupuncturist suggested warm over cold :shrug: to help a breech/transverse baby

Feeling very pregnant over here!! Can't wait to meet this little one! We had a great mothers day weekend going to Boston although I am having intense sciatic pain/pressure that is making walking very painful! So waking around Boston wasn't idea... But we still had fun!
Just had my weekly appointment. I left feeling defeated. My c-section date was moved to this Friday (yes, 3 days from now). And it's Friday the 13th!! I'm not "devastated" but pretty upset. I know all that matters in she's here healthy and safe. And I'll be thankful for that for sure. But I've spent the last several months working my butt off to prepare for this vbac and now, well now it's a dashed dream. I'm still not dilated and only about 25% effaced. She said the head is no where near being engaged and her heart rate worried her a bit (140's with sudden dips but it came back up quickly) so she's ready to just get her out. I had a meltdown in the office and then on the way home. She will give me a sweep on Thursday morning 24 hours before the surgery to give me one last chance but it's not looking hopeful. I desperately pleaded for a foley bulb induction with arom and possibly low dose pit. She really got heart to heart with me and point blank said it's not a good idea. With all my body has been through, all the d&c's, the emergency c-section, my losses, that I need to just trust her that this is better for both of us at this point. I do trust her and I would never risk my baby's life after all we've been through and everything.. I'm so thankful just to carry a baby again and that I'm going to meet her in 3 short days but I thought I had 13 more days and I'm terrified. I just need to wrap my head around it and I'll be ok. Ladies please pray that if it's meant to happen vaginally that my sweep will work or I'll magically go into labor in the next few Das!
Please send me encouragement I just really need it!!!
Pink, I hope you get your VBAC, but ultimately, a safe delivery is what matters most, as you've said. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way. :hugs:

Ja, can't wait to hear your good news! Hope it all goes smoothly. :flower:

Em, when my baby flipped transverse, my OB had me go empty my bladder, and that made enough room for him to drop head down again. So after that experience, I tried to make sure I kept my bladder as empty as possible so he wouldn't flip back. I hope your little one decides to get into a good position!

Sending labor dust to the rest of you ladies still waiting! :dust:
Ja hope the induction goes well!
Pink so sorry that the VBAC isn't looking hopeful 😟

I had my check up today and have progressed a little to 2cm. I didn't ask about effacement but baby is still high so the PA thinks I still have a little time.
Pink; my best advice to get yourself into labor is the pressure point between your thumb and palm squeeze it a few times an hour, bounce bounce bounce on a yoga ball, get your fluids up and walk!

Envision yourself going into labor, I know a csection might still be in your future but for me with my son it was extremely important to me to go into labor, which I did even with him being breech! I'll be praying for a safe delivery also! I can understand exactly where your at emtotionally hoping for a vbac myself :hugs:
I've literally tried it all!!! The pressure points in hands and legs/feet. Acupuncture, accupressure with deep massage (another go tomorrow), sex every night mostly really rough lol, walking 2-4 miles a day, mowing the yard push mower, scrubbing floors on hands and knees, calm meditation, talking to baby to come out, pineapple core, nipple stimulation manually and breast pump, orgasm, yoga ball all day long, up/down steep hills, stairs, and even relaxation and clary sage oil. Nothing is working.. I'm going for a last ditch effort tomorrow for accupressure and deep massage, pedicure and manicure, Thursday having a sweep done. Seriously considering castor oil after sweep. Then will eat eggplant parmesan for dinner and relax in the jacuzzi Tub with clary sage. I have just resigned myself that none of this will work so I can release any expectations and realize I'm ending up with a c-section Friday!!!
Thanks for all of the tips on trying to get this baby to turn! I have a little over a week until my csection so hopefully he will cooperate!

Pink - I'm so sorry I know you really want a vbac :hugs:. Keeping fingers crossed that the sweep will help you go into labor on your own. It sounds like you really have tried every method possible to get labor going so you really have given it your all. Even though you know once you hold your baby girl you won't care how she got here it's normal to be upset at this change of plans :hugs:
Pink maybe you need some real deep meditation relaxation, really think about anything that might be holding you back, your mind is a very strong thing. I hope no matter which way you go, you can find peace with the situation! :hugs:

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