2016 May Miracles

Gdef, I'm sorry you are having to go through all that! I too tend to be a bit cold when I don't like someone! I actually don't like that about myself!!! I don't really have any advice except maybe just keep them both in as much as it stinks for you, because you want to keep the peace.
Hi ladies haven't been on in a while (vacation and just busy with work) so I thought I'd drop in. Have a bit to catch up on.
Afm my normally sensitive smelling has kicked into high gear and get overwhelmed by every smell. Someone starting a new piece of gum or using hand sanitizer next to me. Ugh. Made chicken fajitas the other night and the chicken made me gag. I'm more sensitive to movement also. Doesn't help that my daughters favorite rides at Disneyland (I have an annual pass) involved rotation! I have concentrate really hard not to get dizzy or sick on the carousel and teacups! Hope it's better by the time we go on a cruise next month!
So sorry Gdef. My husband is the only one that has ever been in the L&D room. I've always thought of it as being an intimate time. That sounds very complicated, especially given that your MIL has attended your deliveries in the past. I hope that you and your OH are able to come to some sort of agreement/compromise. Maybe let him know that during labor you can't be responsible for giving her an ear-full in the throws of painful contractions :haha: In all seriousness, if her presence is going to cause you to be stressed in anyway it can actually slow labor and increase your risk of an unwanted c-section. Maybe-approach it in that way.

TTDuck-ahhh supernose! Sorry you are dealing with that.
hereishoping - I've never had it, but I've seen other women say it started earlier for them with later pregnancies. Hopefully you feel better!

ja - We didn't do a gender scan until 18 weeks with DD, but we're doing one at 15 weeks with this one so we can announce during Thanksgiving. The tech that DD's scan was very thorough and spent awhile looking around and making sure. You can research the place's accuracy and see how correct they've been for other ladies. :flower:

Gdef - in the end the labor and delivery experience is about *you*, and if you just want your husband and mother present then I think it's entirely reasonable for that to happen. She should consider herself lucky she got to see the other births. Maybe have a heart to heart conversation with your mother about how you need her there, but just aren't comfortable with MIL after the way she treated you. Or maybe compromise and have your mother with you during labor, but at the end have her wait outside so she doesn't actually "see" the birth part? :hugs:

TTDuck - ohhh, a cruise! I hope it's a great time for you :)
Flossie - I'm sorry you're feeling down :hugs: I went through that with my pregnancy with my DD because I had a very high risk pregnancy and my OB kept telling me I would likely lose the baby and it just sent me in a downward tailspin. The only thing that helped me was talking about it with friends and my DH. Like someone else mentioned, don't keep this to yourself. Reach out to someone you trust. It's normal to feel this way for many reasons. The hormones and struggles to get and stay pregnant don't help either. I hope you feel better.

Gdef - that is such a tough situation. I'm sorry you have to deal with this during such a joyful time in your life. I don't know what the compromise could be. I would be tempted to just put my foot down and say I want my mother there and I'm entitled to that. I totally agree with what busytulip wrote, it could cause all sorts of complications during your labor if you are stressed from her presence. She needs to realize it's not her right to be there, it's a gift that she should feel grateful for.

hereishoping - I don't have any experience with that but I've heard it's very painful. I hope it's not starting this early for you :hugs:

Ja - you could always ask for one of the new blood tests that checks for down syndome and a couple of other chromosome issues. It's also tells you the sex. My SIL just had it done at 10 weeks and said it's $150 now if your insurance doesn't cover it.
I'm w Busy on this one I only have had DH in the delivery room cuz I feel thats our special time w our Lil miracle!!
Also I had to have Csection last time due to Ds2 being breech but my OB has already said this one will most likely be a Csection too due to my tilted uterus !!

AFM had my last FS appointment today kinda mixed feeling cuz it will be my last weekly scan :nope:

My Gummy bear Is a super active Lil thing so my pics are blurry everyone is so amazed at how active they r :haha:

Gdef, I agree with the others. The people that I choose to have with me during labour and delivery are those that I feel 100% comfortable with and I think can help me if I need it, rather than having them there because I think they have a right to be one of the first to see the new baby. For me, that's just my DH, but my MIL would be way down the list. Once we're all cleaned up and presentable, obviously grandparents are top of the list to meet the new baby.
Thanks ladies! DH and I had a heart to heart today. We decided to compromise and it'll just be me and him in the delivery room. Since we live 5 minutes from the hospital, we're going to ask our parents to just chill out at our house with our girls while I'm in labor. That way our girls will be in a comfortable environment with all of their toys, food, etc for those few hours. DH will then call our parents either when I start pushing or once baby gets here so they can come to the hospital and bring our girls to meet their new baby brother/sister. As much as I want my mom with me in the delivery room, I DON'T want my mil in there even more. :nope:
Had my ultrasound today!! Our little bean is measuring three-four days ahead! Growing big and strong!

As for the delivery room debacle, I'm glad you found a solution! I would have told mil exactly why she wasn't being invited into the room but I know that's not for everyone! :haha:

The last appointment at the fertility clinic is always a big step! I hope you can feel confident and excited! :hugs:
Thanks for the reassurance ladies! I feel more comfortable having the early scan. I'll just keep it in the back of my mind that I could see something different at a later scan :P

My gender scan is November 20th! I don't really have a preface, or even a strong feeling, but if I had to guess I'd say it's a boy. We'll see!
Gdef glad you figured it out. My mom lives in a different state and it ended up better for me that she just fly down after my first was born since my dd showed up early and fast! No time for anyone else to make it! 😂
My gender scan is November 20th! I don't really have a preface, or even a strong feeling, but if I had to guess I'd say it's a boy. We'll see!

My gender scan is November 11th! I'm super exited. I'll be 14 weeks exactly on that day :happydance:
In the beginning I had a super strong feeling that it was a girl and I still have that feeling...but I don't have the same cravings as I did with my girls and my sickness is different with this baby. We did the ramzi theory and they said girl!! But I found and ultrasound pic of my DD2 at the same age (both 8 weeks) and it is the complete opposite from this baby!! Argh! Lol:shrug:
I can't believe we're already at the point of scheduling appointments to find out what we're having! :happydance: Ours is booked for November 14th at 15+1 - I don't think we're going to tell anyone we're going so we can keep it hush hush until the reveal. I can't wait!

I'm still feeling girl; Ramzi said girl and the heartbeat has stayed above 170. It'll be interesting to see if we're all correct about our intuitions!

Beautiful little baby, Sis!

Glad you had a great scan, baker- and wow, measuring ahead! :)

I'm sorry your MIL is interfering with how you want your birth to go, Gdef :hugs:
Well I finally called the High Risk Group myself since I haven't gotten a phone call well what do u know they had my OLD info so they called a Non working number :nope:

Anywho I go in Friday for my consult Blood Test and Ultrasound probably won't have them back in time for our Anniversary now :grr: but we should have them back In A few weeks!!
Everyone is having their gender scans so early! Here they won't do gender until the anatomy scan around 18-20 weeks.
Yeah, no gender here either until at least 18 weeks! :grr: But they do offer the harmony testing now, that can include gender after ten weeks... but with the false positive rate I'm nervous to do it... wonder if the midwife would order the test and only tell me the results of the gender :rofl:

Part of me really wants to stay team yellow... ladies that have before, how did you prepare in the land of pink and blue for a yellow baby?? :shrug:
Baker the false positive rate of the harmony test is less than .1%... it's VERY accurate!!! :thumbup:

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