2016 May Miracles

Flossie, having just had a 17 week scan with a boy, I'd say if you saw boy bits several times, you're probably having a boy! My tech kept saying things like, "wow, another clear shot of those boy parts!" Everytime she was scanning his lower half. :haha:

I forgot to say yesterday that I love the name choices some of you have come up with already. The only one we even sort of talking about these days is Owen, but neither of us are totally sold on it yet.

TTDuck, our families know that we're going to keep our name secret until baby is born, so it cuts down on how much they try to influence our decision.
Em - A friend of ours named her son Alexander, but she uses Xander has the nickname (and basically exclusively as his name). Just as an Alex alternative

Glad to hear everyone's scans are going well! Loving the all the pics :D

Flossie - Whew! That wishy washy gender assessment would have driven me crazy! I'm glad you have a private scan not too far away to get more definitive answers.
Thanks guys, I'm pretty sold on boy but just want to confirm on Monday to be safe! The private service I've been talking to seems far nicer than the previous tech, who was cold and clinical. Baby is healthy no abnormalities so that's all that really matters!

Might as well jump on the name train, our current fave is Spencer. I have adored the name Henry for years but hubby is resisting lol.. Everyone's name choices here are so beautiful!
Everyone has such great name choices! My favorite name is Liam but DH hates it. It's hard coming up with boy names.

Pink, your complimentary pregnancy massage sounds amazing!

Spiffy, so glad everything looked good at your appointment! Your baby pic is adorable.

Em260, that's funny our DHs share the same aversion to Alex. We figured Alexander will most likely be shortened to Alex as well so it's off the table for us. I'm glad your DH is on board with Alexander though.

Flossie, sounds like you've got a boy! That's exciting! I hope you'll be able to confirm at your scan next week. Henry was another of my choices as well that DH shot down. Spencer is such a nice name.
My husband has also said no to Alexander because eh doesn't like Alex. I tried suggesting Xander as a nickname but he doesn't like that Alex is even a possibility, so it's a no. Our 2 boys have 3 or 4 syllable names with a 1 syllable nickname (Benjamin and Sebastian) so Alexander would have complemented their names really well but we have agreed on another option that fits, Zachary (Zach). Agreeing on a girls name is much harder. Hubby loves Eva but I just don't think it goes with DS1 and DS2's names. Feel free to suggest any ideas you may have because I'm stuck!
Ganton, Evelyn would sound lovely with your boy's names and could be shortened to Eva. :flower:

For those of you (or your DH's) with hesitations towards Alex, I agree! I had a guy named Alex sexually harass me in high school, so I could never name my son that. It's unfortunate that one person you knew with a name can just ruin the name for you forever. :(
If we ever have a boy his name will be Harrison. Other boys names we love are Warren and Elijah.

Other girls names I adore: Eliza, Nora, Alyssa (Aly nickname ), and Hadlee!
And I agree I hate how one memory can ruin a name for you :/
Gotta jump in the name wagon!

We are thinking Lillian James for a girl, or William James for a boy (possibly Waylon James)

James as the middle name for my dad who passed away just about two years ago from lung cancer that spread to his brain.

I LOVE the name Adeline; unfortunately we have a niece named Adaire and they only call her Addie, if it were my side of the family it might not matter but now with dh's side.

I have the curse of having worked with children for well over ten years so LOTS of negative associations with names :hissy:

My good friend just had a baby girl (3months ago) and her name is Lily, but we've already discussed how we don't mind similar or same names in the group :haha:
My dh went to an all boys school, so there are a lot of boy names with bad associations for him!

Loving hearing all the different names
Love all of these name choices!

Htmb - Liam was on my list but DH vetoed it because he said we're not Irish lol. Technically I'm 1/8th Irish but he said that's not enough :haha: It's such a great name though!

Krissy - I really like Xander as a nickname for Alexander. We have some friends that use that for their son but they live in Australia and are basically Facebook friends at this point so I think we'll be fine using it.

Ganton - what about Evangeline since it can be shortened to Eva? Other girls names I think fit with your boy's names are Vivian (or French spelling Vivienne), Juliette, Elizabeth, and Olivia.

Baker - that's a bummer about Addie and Adeline. Maybe you could use the nickname Lina instead? Lillian is such a pretty name too!

Have any of you had relatives or friends that have "claimed" names and told you they are off limits for you? Just hearing some of your restrictions because relatives used a name reminded me that my sister claimed a girl's name when I was pregnant with my DD. The name happened to be on my list so I was pretty bummed about it but luckily DH ended up preferring the name we gave DD anyway. My sister was not pregnant at the time lol but she is now and she's having a boy ;). Luckily we have very different taste in boy's names.
Thanks for the suggestions. I did think of Evelyn, but I think Eve is a its more natural nickname, but I'm not as keen on Evangeline. Juliet is a name that we both like so is definitely still a contender. I like Olivia but may be a little close to our nephew's name, Oliver. It's hard enough thinking of names in the first place, so even worse when you feel restricted by the names of close family and friends.
Our boys names had, completely coincidentally, been the royal family lol: Charles, William, and Harry. But they were all names floating around in mine and DHs family, really.

For Girls, we had liked Lilly, Eliza ("Ellie"), and Charlotte ("Charlie") from back when we named DD (Amelia "Mia" Madison) and now we're considering Samantha ("Sammy"), Annabel ("Annie"), and Tessa as well. DH really wants to consider Tesla instead Tessa, but I'm trying to put my foot down on it lol. For Mia, we had a few names going into deliver and waited to pick the official name until we saw her face. We'll do the same thing this time around but we still need to shorten the list a little lol.
Em and htmb, I have a boy named Liam, and if I'm Irish, it's so remote I wouldn't dare give it a percentage. :haha: But the funny thing is, when we told people we were naming him Liam, everyone always said, "Like Liam Neeson?" As if we were naming him after the actor! :dohh:

We don't have any off-limit names in our family, thank goodness, because it's hard enough as it is! What makes is especially hard for me is that DH has a requirement that the name have a good meaning to it, and things like nature meanings don't count, which really restricts me, because some of my favorite names don't have what he considers a good enough meaning.
Spiffy - haha the Liam Neeson thing is so funny!! That never even crossed my mind. And I don't know where my DH gets this idea that you can only use names that coincide with your background. It's so strange! But he has routinely said that to me, like no to Oliver because we're not English and no to a bunch of other Irish names.
Em, if we stuck to your DH's rule, we'd be left with Scandinavian and German names, and not much else. :haha:
Pink glad you're see a chiro! I've gotten adjustments since I was 16 (was rear ended and now just do maintenance since I'm tall and have slight scoliosis). Keeping your spine in line can help your body function properly!

Nzkiwi I like Archer! You have some good picks!
Ladies I'm taking notes. The oh and I have no idea what names to consider. I like my FILs middle name -Ryan and that's about it. I think we need a list so we'll have a clue after the birth and we learn the gender.
Ttduck, archer is the top of our list, its funny but I actually got the idea for it from the adult cartoon show "Archer" its his last name in the show though, his first name is Sterling and that's also on our list, haha
Spiffy, it's annoying when names are ruined because of a bad association with someone. DH has the same issue of names reminding him of someone he knew or knows so it cuts out a few names I like. Oh, and he specifically doesn't want any J names. I think it's funny that our DHs have all these different requirements. That makes me happy you have a boy named Liam. :) My British friend doesn't like Liam because it conjures images of Liam Gallagher from Oasis, lol. Liam Neeson is a bit better.

Em260, I love that we share similar tastes in names. (And, funny enough I'm also from NY.) That's funny your DH only wants names affiliated with your background. I have no Irish in me whatsoever or English so I think I'd run into even more trouble with names.

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