Hey, ladies! Sorry I've been MIA - hubby went to a training school that took longer than expected, and I wasn't prepared for how hard it would be to chase a 2 year old around while pregnant by myself, haha. I've spent most of my down time on the couch instead of on the computer. He's back though and should be home almost all of the time for holiday break, so I'm back!
Things have been going mostly well with baby Wookie and myself; all of the appointments and tests have been good so far. We have our anatomy scan and next appointment on December 30th when we get the results back from the genetic testing, eep! On the downside my blood pressure has been low (almost blacked out at a playgroup on Tuesday), and I'm measuring two weeks behind and haven't gained a single pound so far. DD's pregnancy was the same way though, so I think that's just how my body handles pregnancy.
Baby Wookie has also been kicking the heck out of me since the 16 week check-up, which is so amazing to feel since I had an anterior placenta with DD and didn't get to feel her until closer to 21 weeks!
We did go to an elective scan back when I thought I was 15 weeks, but since I was probably closer to 13 I am holding off on confirmation until the anatomy scan. They said

though! Hubby is so happy at the idea of getting his son that I hope they were right.

Either way we got a lot of cute pictures in 4D of our newest little thumbsucker.
Looking forward to catching up with all of you! I can't believe some of us are already right at the halfway mark... didn't we just get those positive tests?!
(Our thumbsucker at the early elective scan, the reveal on Facebook before I found out the result could have been wrong, and last week's bump progression)