2016 May Miracles

As the eldest of five, and having struggled with infertility for five years I told al of my siblings there would be no "off limit" names, I told them that I honestly didn't care if they all named their children the exact same name as mine bc I was choosing the name for my child based on what I like not what anyone else has :haha: there was so scuttlebutt about that but I told them too bad :haha: besides; there used to be like five names for everyone so I don't see why it's a big deal!
Hey, ladies! Sorry I've been MIA - hubby went to a training school that took longer than expected, and I wasn't prepared for how hard it would be to chase a 2 year old around while pregnant by myself, haha. I've spent most of my down time on the couch instead of on the computer. He's back though and should be home almost all of the time for holiday break, so I'm back! :)

Things have been going mostly well with baby Wookie and myself; all of the appointments and tests have been good so far. We have our anatomy scan and next appointment on December 30th when we get the results back from the genetic testing, eep! On the downside my blood pressure has been low (almost blacked out at a playgroup on Tuesday), and I'm measuring two weeks behind and haven't gained a single pound so far. DD's pregnancy was the same way though, so I think that's just how my body handles pregnancy. :)

Baby Wookie has also been kicking the heck out of me since the 16 week check-up, which is so amazing to feel since I had an anterior placenta with DD and didn't get to feel her until closer to 21 weeks!

We did go to an elective scan back when I thought I was 15 weeks, but since I was probably closer to 13 I am holding off on confirmation until the anatomy scan. They said :blue: though! Hubby is so happy at the idea of getting his son that I hope they were right. :haha: Either way we got a lot of cute pictures in 4D of our newest little thumbsucker. :cloud9:

Looking forward to catching up with all of you! I can't believe some of us are already right at the halfway mark... didn't we just get those positive tests?!

(Our thumbsucker at the early elective scan, the reveal on Facebook before I found out the result could have been wrong, and last week's bump progression)


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Kitteh, love the announcement pic! My DH is a huge Star Wars fan, so he would appreciate it. :haha: Well, my gender scan was 14+1 and they correctly guessed boy, so I'd say there's a good chance your little one is a boy. :flower:

So yesterday I started spotting again, except it was red this time. It's good to know it's nothing serious, but it is frustrating not to know where it's coming from! I had a rough day with the kids and had to carry my 2.5 year old to time out several times, so I'm sure this is happening because I'm overdoing it. I just don't know how NOT to with a 3, 2, and 1 year old! :shrug:
I'm so happy Star Wars is everywhere, it's making shopping for this pregnancy so much easier. :haha: Just scored a ladder portrait display thing with Luke/Han/Leia/Chewie on it from Goodwill, and it'll fit perfectly in the nursery!

Congrats on your boy!! :) I'm about 90% sure it's a boy and since we had already announced on Facebook I'm rolling with it, but I've seen so many women say they were told one or the other at an early scan and then found out the opposite at a later one that I'm just waiting for that last confirmation. Heck, I've seen ultrasound pictures on Ingender of obvious boy bits... on a girl. So that 10% of me is still doubting. :rofl: (that hasn't stopped me from buying two trash bags worth of boy clothes so far)

I can't imagine how exhausted you are. I've only got one and I feel ragged by the time the day is over! Hope the spotting stops for you :hugs:
Thanks, Kitteh. I've only had a tiny bit of spotting today, so that was good, and now it's the weekend, so DH can help. :flower:

Oh, and I took another bump pic today!


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So glad to hear from ya Kitteh and love the star wars theme we r also going w star wars most likely if ds2 will let us he loves Darth Vader and has been objecting to anything to do w the baby :(

It's made it even harder on Momma :nope:
Awww hey kitteh, so glad to see all is well!! I was thinking about you often hoping all was ok!!!

Sorry I've been so quiet , got so much going on here it's not even funny! I'll update when I can but me and baby girl are fine. Just have house work going on, workers in and out, trying to keep our house clean and organized during all of it is a joke, lots of friends about to go into labor, hosting a baby shower and trying to prepare for that! It's a mess and I'm totally so unprepared for christmas. .. still no Christmas decor up!!
Looking beautiful, spiffy! Love the bump :)

Oh no, sis! :( If Darth Vader is what he's really focused on, could you maybe do a "Light Side" theme with the baby? The Jedi/Han Solo/etc. Maybe you can spin it to him that his sibling with be his play partner and they can re-enact the movies when he's older and have some fun lightsaber battles. :)

Thanks, pink! Congrats on another little girl :cloud9: Sounds like you've been super busy too!

(The only thing I've accomplished for Christmas is shoving packages into my closet when they arrive in the mail... :blush:)
Cute bumps ladies!

Spiffy I'm glad you're not worried but sorry you're tired and it keeps happening.

Kitten it's good to have you back!

Pink don't pressure yourself to get it all done. I'm sure everyone will understand if the decorations show up on Christmas Eve even. That's the way the Fench do it!

Arm: this FTM is amazed by the little fluttery feelings baby is doing in there. Can't believe we're all almost half way there.
Kitteh - welcome back! Such a cute bump and announcement!

Spiffy - adorable bump! that's good the spotting is slowing down and DH is there to help you. It's impossible to take it easy when you have other little ones to take care of.

pink - I'm in the same boat - zero Christmas decorations and no tree either oops. Hopefully I can get it together soon!

sugarlully - those little fluttery feelings are the best!

AFM - I had my anatomy ultrasound on Friday. It was so great to see my little guy. He was sucking his thumb and yawning nonstop it was so cute! I've been feeling him move around a lot these last few days and I love it. I forgot how sweet those little kicks are.

After the appointment I decided to go maternity shopping. What a disaster! We don't have many maternity stores in NYC but there is one at Macy's. Unfortunately Macy's is probably the busiest store in the country right now due to Christmas shopping. I got a few things but I have to say the selection was pretty disappointing. Where are you ladies buying your maternity clothes? I need some ideas.
Kitteh my husband keeps going on business trips lately but only a week at a time so I get a recovery period!
Spiffy sorry you're still getting the spotting! My friend had 4 kids in 3 years and had to gets lots of help! Luckily she moved close to her mom when her husband was in basic training!
Those little flutters are amazing! I still get caught off guard when the start up, it always reminds me that there's actually a baby in there. :)

Em - thank you! :blush: Yay for a great anatomy scan! I don't know why, but I love to watch them suck their thumb, it's just so adorable!

I've gotten most of my maternity clothes from Goodwill or the PX on post. Most of it's been Motherhood Maternity brand, as well as the Target brand (Liz something, I think). Have you checked local Mommy/Baby sales Facebook groups? There's usually some ladies selling their old maternity clothes on the ones here. Gap and Old Navy also sell maternity clothes. (You might have more luck online)

TTDuck - it's so rough! Even a week. Is he taking a break for the holidays?

We found out hubby may have to deploy in the Spring, so he could potentially miss the birth or the first few months... but I'm not thinking about that until we get closer to May. Things change all the time, so no point in getting worked up now. :wacko:
Ok ladies I have to tell you this story because I can't really tell anyone else besides DH. I had a dream this morning that we had our gender scan (nevermind the fact that DH'S boss and wife were the ones doing the gender reveal part lol). I saw boy parts immediately and was extremely disappointed in my dream. I woke up and was ashamed of how I was feeling. I know I would prefer to have a girl first, and from about week 9 to week 17 I was pretty certain this was a girl, but I was REALLY upset in the dream. We find out Wednesday what we're having and I don't know what my actual reaction will be if it's a boy. Obviously we'll be happy and love the baby either way, and this is even crazier since we tried 16 months for this child, but I still think I'll have to adjust to not having a girl, if thats the case. This is why I can't find out at the birth this time!
:hugs: :hugs:

Gender disappointment is a real thing, and nothing to be ashamed of! When they said this one is probably a boy I admit I was pretty disappointed that day. Tried to talk to hubby about it, but he just didn't get it. But seeing how excited and over the moon he was to be getting his son, and doing a lot of retail therapy for boy clothes and bits, I've come to look forward to having a boy (but will still be thrilled if the anatomy scan comes back girl!).

FX you've got your little girl in there!
Drjo. I think sometimes we can be so convinced there's a baby boy or girl in there that when they tell us the opposite it's hard to hear, understand, believe, and there is that disappointment!!! Ultimately we all know a healthy baby is all that matters but sometimes we just see that things should go one way and not the other. Don't get so hung up on it just yet. Take some time this week to consider each gender and talk to the baby or imagine the baby as a boy and then repeat as a girl. Or maybe all that will just be too confusing in your mind :dohh:.... I hope it goes well Wednesday!!!
So excited! Hubby asked what I wanted for Christmas, and there's nothing physical that I want, so I said I wanted to see Baby Wookie again. We're booked for another 4D scan on Wednesday! I've been craving hibachi this past week, so we're going to dinner afterwards so I can stuff myself with fried rice and yum yum sauce as well. Can't wait to confirm if it's a boy finally! :cloud9:
Em, I haven't had to buy any maternity clothes, because, well, you know, 4 pregnancies in 4 years and all that... :winkwink: But I got most of my clothes at a store like Goodwill.

Kitteh, that's great that you get to see little Wookie again so soon! (Love your nickname for him, by the way.) :flower:

Drjo, I think it helps to tell yourself the baby is a boy, and then if that's what you find out, it won't be as shocking, and if it is a girl, it will be a nice surprise. :hugs:

As for me, no spotting since I posted last time, but the contractions have picked up big time. As crazy as it is, I'm actually looking forward to my 17P shot tonight! :haha:
Congrats Flossie on your little boy!! Lovely scan pic

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