Okay, this is a little long, since I've had three babies, but here are my birth stories.
DD- On the day I went into labor, I had an OB appointment, so I knew I was 4cm dilated. I went home and decided to go for a walk with DH, and then we DTD and took a nap (we both got off work at 3pm. Those were the days!). While DH slept, I started to feel some uncomfortable tightenings, so I got up and went to my computer so I could start recording them. They started about 5 minutes apart, but by 5:30pm, they were 3-4 minutes apart, so I told DH it was time to go to the hospital (my OB told me not to wait too long, since I was already at 4cm). We got stuck in traffic, so we didn't get to the hospital until 7pm, and by then they were coming every 2 minutes. They checked me and I was 5cm, and asked if I wanted an epidural, and I said yes. By the time the anesthesiologist got in, I was 6cm, so they broke my water and gave me the epidural. Then I stalled out at 6.5cm for about 4 hours, and they were just about to start Pitocin, but then they checked and I had jumped to 10cm. I pushed for 3 hours, and during that time I developed a fever, and finally my OB gave me an episiotomy and she was born at 6am. Because of the fever, and the fact that there was meconium in my waters, they had to hand her off immediately to the nursery staff to be checked, so I didn't get to hold her right away. While they were checking her, my OB had to manually scrape my placenta out, since it had calcified (because it had died, causing the IUGR). That hurt! But even though she was little, she was otherwise healthy.
DS1- I started getting an Irritable Uterus with him at 29 weeks (had to go to L&D to have contractions stopped a few times). At 36+5 I had an OB appointment and I was 3.5cm dilated. That night DH and I were settling in to watch a movie after DTD (that's a theme for me

) and I started getting contractions. By 10pm, I decided we should go to the hospital, and I was 6cm by the time they checked me. I got my epidural, stalled out for a few hours, and then jumped to 10cm just like with my daughter. He was born after 10 minutes of pushing at 2am, with only a small tear. I got to hold him right after he was born, and even though he was technically preterm, he was perfectly healthy.
DS2- My IU contractions started at 8 weeks, and by 32 weeks, I was starting to dilate. At 34 weeks, I was 1.5cm dilated, and that was my last check up. At 34+6, DH and I had DTD (see what I mean?

) and I started getting contractions that felt a little stronger than normal, but not obvious labor contractions. We waited for a while to see what would happen, and by midnight and I told DH I was just going to check my cervix. It felt like 4cm, so I said, "Alright lets go to the hospital". When we got there, they checked me and I was actually 3.5cm (not too far off my guess!) and they told me that if I had progressed in an hour, they would admit me, if not, they would send me home. After 45 minutes the contractions got way more painful, so I asked them to check me, and I had progressed to 4.5cm so they admitted me. I was in pain, so I asked for the epidural, but after I got it, my contractions almost totally died off. They didn't know what to do with me, because they didn't want to speed up labor, because of how early I was, but they didn't want to send me home just yet either. So by morning, they turned off the epidural to see what that would do, and waited until my OB was on-shift and had her make the call. She checked me and said I was 6.5cm at that point, so she broke my water and they turned on Pitocin to get the contractions to come back. They also turned back on the epidural, but this time it all went to my right leg for some reason, and left me feeling all the pain of labor. He was born at 10am after two pushes and no tearing, and they handed him directly to NICU to be checked. He was there for 6 hours for observation, but aside from a little trouble remembering to breath while he ate, he was perfectly fine, so he left with me a few days later.