2016 May Miracles

Ja, you look adorable! I was bigger than that at 25 weeks with my first baby, so I think your friend's comment is a little bizarre. Some people just show sooner than others, but it doesn't always have a correlation to weigh gain (in fact, most of the time skinnier people show sooner and look more pregnant), so don't worry about your weight gain. I tend to gain 40lbs each pregnancy, regardless of what I do, which to me, just proves that your body is going to put on what it thinks it needs, so don't sweat it. :flower:
Yeah, I don't notice weight gain in any other area other than belly (and boobs :haha:)

... I think I skipped the last page somehow! Going back through to read the stories :)
Spiffy - so cool to read birth stories and it's really neat to see how different (and the same) all of yours are. Kudos to you for DTD that late in pregnancy. At a certain point I'm like stay away to my DH hehe.

Pink - wow, that was an intense birth story to read! I'm glad you found a new OB, it sounds like your old one was seriously incompetent and that nurse was so rude! No one should be treated that way by their healthcare providers, especially at such a vulnerable time. I totally understand why you are aiming for a vbac this time. I keep going back and forth on whether I will attempt one but I am desperate to avoid the difficult c-section recovery.

Ja - I can't believe that woman wrote that! I hope you block her from your page. Everyone shows differently and it can depend on so many things like whether you have a shorter torso, how the baby is positioned, or like Spiffy said, if you're thin to begin with. I think you look amazing.
I read through the stories you two posted, I love reading birth stories!
Pink, your labor was crazy! I hope everything works out with you vbac this time around!
Ja, adorable bump!!! You definitely aren't "too big"

Thanks ladies. It was quite a traumatic experience. I am excited to see how it all goes this time!!!! And I have been shocked at how some people act or things they say, especially professionals lol.. I'm just thankful to have found the dr I have now!!
My bump pic if u can Call it that :shrug:

Some days I feel huge other days I feel Tiny!! :(

So I'm still having the stay at home, or return to work battle with myself. I was actually considering returning to school, mostly doing online classes at first, but it's such a big commitment! I was leaning toward doing that, until my boss asked me today if I was going to be returning. That just made things seem more "real", and made me freak out a little! Now I'm thinking about what if the better decision is to return to work!? So, now I'm leaning in that direction. It's a big headache, :haha:.
Returning to work is the "safer" option, and we would be able to afford the new car payment we've been talking about, so that's a good incentive :haha:
Sis - cute bump!

Ja - my advice is to set it up so that you are returning to work and then see how you feel after the baby is born. You won't really know how you feel about everything until you take your baby home. I have friends that were running back to work after 6 weeks home with a newborn or you might be like me. I was desperate to stay home with my daughter and I postponed my return as long as I possibly could. But before she was born I never imagined I would feel that way.
Ja - my advice is to set it up so that you are returning to work and then see how you feel after the baby is born. You won't really know how you feel about everything until you take your baby home. I have friends that were running back to work after 6 weeks home with a newborn or you might be like me. I was desperate to stay home with my daughter and I postponed my return as long as I possibly could. But before she was born I never imagined I would feel that way.

I know my preference would be to stay at home, but I know it would be stressful financially. I know I can always change my mind later, and that's why I'm ultimately going to plan to go back to work, but I would just hate to be that person who flakes at the last minute, that's why I've been putting so much thought into it!
I just won't purchase a new car until after the baby arrives, so I'll know for sure . :haha:

Something else I wanted to bring up, when should I start calling around to pediatricians offices?
Ja, if you want to find a pediatrician who meets certain criteria, you can start looking now. Otherwise, you really don't need to do it too far in advance. I think with my first, we just looked online and picked a pediatrician at an office near where we lived and checked to make sure that she was accepting new patients.

So I spent 5 hours in L&D last night. :( I called my OB's office with some concerns about possibly starting to dilate (hoping that they were just schedule me in for an earlier appointment with my OB to check things out) but instead they told me to go to L&D for an evaluation. I thought it would be a quick check and I'd be out of there, but I was so wrong! After checking me and doing some swabs and everything looking fine, they noticed that baby's heart rate was staying up in the 180s (his baseline is in the 150s) so they wanted to monitor him for a while. They realized that my temperature was a little high, so they had me drink some ice water, and it brought his heart rate back down. By the time that was done, my regular Irritable Uterus contractions had started up, so they wanted to keep an eye on those for a while. Eventually, they were coming every 2 minutes (not that unusual for me) so they started me on IV fluids and Nifedipine until they got the contractions to stop. But the whole time I was just thinking, "This is normal for me! I just want to go home and go to bed!" Ugh. I can't wait to see what kind of bill we're going to get for that adventure. :nope:
ugh spiffy. I feel your pain.. I'm having issues with this stupid group B strep. Not sure how much I've talked about it on this thread, but long story short I'm a high colonized carrier of group B strep. my urine culture always comes back high numbers of group B strep! They keep putting me on antibiotics and it's not helping. Last week I went in to my dr because of contractions and pain and they cultured my urine again and it came back much higher than before so they put me back on antibiotics and decided to do what's called a sensitivity to see what antibiotics the gbs responds to. Well.. At my appointment today she said that it doesn't respond to any of the pregnancy safe antibiotics so I may have to be admitted this week for IV antibiotics! UGH.. we are waiting on one more test to come back which should be back tomorrow or thursday and then we will go from there! But talk about stressful!!!
Pink, If you go in for an IV, they'll hook you up to the monitors, and then you'll probably be in the same situation as me, since they'll see your contractions and start giving you meds to stop them. I hope they can figure out a way to get rid of your Group B strep, though! How frustrating that it's resistant to all the normal antibiotics they give in pregnancy! :(
Yeah my dr said she's never seen a patient be resistant to everything .. crazy
Sorry to hear spiffy and pink!

Afm I got food poisoning last night and am barely up to eating dry cereal even though I'm starving! Still managed to make it to my ultrasound this morning (was holding down water at that point!) and found out my placenta has moved up. And the receptionist had held on to a toy my DD left at my last appointment so good news for everyone!
Oh my you have all been through the wars lately!! Hope everyone starts to feel better soon and we have no more scary hospital trips!!
Yikes, sorry to hear everyone is having such a hard time!

Spiffy - that must be so frustrating to have them overreact like that when you're basically dealing with contractions all of the time. Hopefully the bill won't be too high.

Pink - I hope the test comes back that you don't need to be admitted. But if you do I'm sure the IV antibiotics will do the trick.

TTDuck - great news about your placenta! I was so relieved when mine moved up last time. Sorry to hear about the food poisoning. I had it last year and it was awful.
TTDuck I had food poisoning a few weeks ago and I swear it was the sickest I've ever been in my life. Not sure if being pregnant just made it that much worse or what but I wouldn't want anyone to feel that bad!! Hope you are feeling better!!!

AFM. Still waiting on dr to call they said it could be anytime today or tomorrow. I've decided to get prepared anyway, just in case. So I've got a small bag ready in case I need to go. And my mil is on call to come watch dd for us. I'm supposed to have a baby sprinkle dinner Saturday night so I sincerely hope I don't have to go in and they can figure out another antibiotic for me to take!!
TTDuck, sorry to hear about the food poisoning. :( But that's great news that your placenta has moved out of the way! :flower:

Pink, if they do make you go in for the IV antibiotics, did they say how long you'll be there for? I would imagine that you wouldn't miss your dinner on Saturday, but maybe I'm way off.
She didn't say, just said we'd cross that bridge when we get there. I have been trying to google but I can't find a single thing.. I don't know if it's something they can do outpatient, I can't imagine since she said "admitted" into the hospital. But I'm not sure how long a course of iv antibiotics take. I don't want to miss the dinner saturday night :(

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