2016 May Miracles

Oh the scan sounds lovely, glad you have no signs of pre e, I hope it stays that way for you.

I passed my gtt but my iron stores are low so I have a prescription for that. Also have to go get flu and tdap vax, my mw said 36 weeks for gbs as well and I will get my iron retested too.

She could actually feel where baby is too!

I know Baker, it is feeling close now!
Drjo, I'm glad you have something good to look forward to. :hugs: I hope little lady cooperates and you get some good pictures!

I would normally be tested for Group B Strep at 36 weeks, but because there's a chance I'll go into labor before that, my OB is going to test me for it at 34 weeks. She did that last time, and it was a good thing she did, since he came at 35 weeks, and I would have had to have antibiotics during labor just in case if we hadn't gotten that negative result.

As for me, I had contractions every 2-4 minutes for about 4 hours last night, which was annoying, especially since they kept me awake until midnight. Tonight everything seems calm again, so I'm not too worried. I got my shot last night, so I think it was due to the old one wearing off and the new one not fully in effect yet.
Glad to hear there are no signs of pree. yet! :hugs: I hope it stays away the entire pregnancy so you don't need to worry about that on top of everything else! :hugs: Your scan sounds so great! I bet your family will love it also! So special :cloud9:

Im passing on the flu and dtap shot until the baby is born (i actually always pass on the flu, i haven't had the flu in over 5 years although my husband gets it every year so i don't need it) Ill get the dtap shot in the hospital and the baby will get the same antibodies through my breastmilk.

Sorry to hear you were having more consistent contractions! :hugs: Glad they have calmed down now! :hugs: hope your able to take it some what easy today :hugs:

This baby is SO crazy active its not even funny! I swear there are two in there, i feel kicks EVERYWHERE! mostly up top (yea!) but also on the sides! Still lots of room to roll around in there i guess! :wacko:
So I know I've been really MIA - but I think things are winding down now so I should be able to get back to the boards now. I'll start with a big rant to catch up on my status and then I'll go back and catch up on others.
Had an ultrasound appt yesterday, and it was just awesome. It's so great to see her again after 10 weeks, and she was in the perfect position to get some awesome 4D shots! I never got that with my first DD, so it was really a thrill. She's doing fantastically, weighing at least 4 days ahead across the board, with the same gigantic head and chubby cheeks her big sister had/has. In the early ultrasound images we thought she was going to look a good bit different from her sister... but now I'm not so sure. I posted a pic of her 4d shot (at 31 weeks) compared to my first DD at 1 week old.... looks like there may be some resemblance lol.
Good heartbeat, good placental bloodflow, good fluid levels - Green light across the board. She is breech, but I was planning on a c section anyway (my first was as well) so that's not a huge concern, thankfully. At the next appointment, I'll schedule my surgery date! So exciting.
And outside of TTC - We finished moving! THANK GOODNESS. If we had waited any longer I may have been in serious trouble. As it was I was getting ROUGH braxton hicks from all the bending and moving around (and probably not drinking enough). And between the time on my feet and the increased heat lately, I had a lot of water retention in my feet (It was terrible with DD1 too). We still have tons to unpack, but that we can do at our own pace at least. Now I can put my feet up and focus on being pregnant and catching up on work (and the boards ;) ) for the last few weeks <3
Krissy, those are some great 4D pictures! I have my scan in an week and a half, and I'm hoping they can get a good 3D picture of his face (DS1 had the placenta covering part of his face, and DS2 was too low in my pelvis to get one, and we never had a late scan with DD). Glad to hear that everything is looking good and that you're all moved! We moved when I was about 32 weeks pregnant with my first and it was not easy!

Pink, it's crazy isn't it! I just keep thinking about the fact that I've only got about 6 more weeks until the shots wear off and then baby will probably be coming soon after!

Baker, this baby is fairly active, too. When he stretches, I feel like he's going to bust his way out of my womb! :haha:
Krissy, they really do look alike! Glad everything is ticking along for you and you can focus on settling in your new house.I moved at the beginning of the second trimester and that was tough, let alone in the third!

Spiffy I can't believe you only have about 6 weeks! Wow! And pink, 67 days sounds like hardly anything!
Hello Ladies:

Glad to see all the scans and that besides some scares everything is looking good for all you.
AFM i had my growth scan and it was lovely to see her again. She has huge cheeks, beautiful lips and a big head. She is measuring 2 weeks ahead and her head apparently 3 weeks ahead. The dr said she is a big baby and inmediately mentioned the possibility of a C section. It was kind of shocking for me and got a bit scared but we still have some time to figure out what will happen. Anyway we will continue planning a home-water-birth if possible. In a month i have another U/S to see how big she is.
Feeling extremely lazy now...and still have so much to do....I need to find the energie to do it!
it feels time is dragging and in the other hand maybe my baby will come in less than 2 months!!!
Wow 6 weeks! I don't even start maternity leave until another 7 weeks!

Nice to hear about the scans! I'll have one in a few weeks when I start biweekly appointments!

Been so busy lately and starting to get our kitchen remodel moving forward (planning at least. Not sure when we're going to do more than plan and buy supplies).

I finally got my daughter to pay attention long enough to see and feel the baby moving. Then she tells me about the baby kicking her tummy &#128540;
So I had a bit of a pree scare this weekend. Over the past week I've noticed my thinking was getting a lot cloudier (baby brain?) and my vision was getting kind of splotchy (migraines?), but over the weekend I noticed I didn't recognize my hands because they're so puffy. So I took my BP at home and it was a bit high (my non-preg bp is super low) so I decided to make a call..... The doctor who was on emergency call for the weekend is not my favorite, and he said to come in to the hospital to be evaluated "and we'll deliver today if it's truly preeclampsia". I was in total shock - at 32 weeks? I thought I'd be put on bedrest or something to get a few more weeks in. I'm still not sure he didn't mean if it was severe pree or something....
But anyway, laying down in a hospital for hours (I was there for over 5 hrs) of course brought my BP down, and my bloodwork checked out. So I'm being boosted to weekly appts and we'll see how things go.
I haven't posted in here in a while as I'm not strictly a may due date (1st may by my dates, but 28th April according to midwife) but I feel really out of place in the April group as they're mostly around 37 weeks and starting to look out for labour signs.

I have 45 days until my due date and should be all done with work in about 3 weeks. I don't quite work full time so it's just 10 working days.

I was feeling pretty comfortable until the end of last week and was actually considering working longer, but my SPD suddenly got worse on Saturday and has been disturbing my sleep a bit so I shattered today. I've also had a few cramps today and a bit of a clear out so think the baby has moved down a bit. At my last midwife appointment 3 weeks a go, the baby was head down and very low but not yet engaged, so I'll hopefully find out in a couple of days whether it's now starting to engage.

I also have to let my midwife know when I see her on Wednesday if I'm at all interested in a homebirth. She's been trying to persuade me to go for it at every appointment but they need to know by 34 weeks at the latest so they can make arrangements for a visit etc. I feel more comfortable in hospital as my hospital has a couple of lovely natural birthing rooms with pools, nice lighting, birthing balls etc, but with the comfort kg knowing the theatres are just down the corridor if needed. However, I'm worried that I'll go into labour in the middle of the night and will progress quickly (DS2 was only 3 hours) and by the time my mum gets over to stay with the boys I may not have time to get to hospital. In that situation, I'd rather be prepared for a home birth and have a community midwife with me than be alone. I don't want to waste their time though as we'll do everything possible to get me to hospital when it comes to it I think.
Wow so much going on!!

I'm so glad you are ok Krissy!!! Definitely better to monitor it closely! My hands have started to swell in the last few days! I guess it's just part of it!?

Ganton, do you know what baby is? I think it's good to be prepared either way but I see exactly what you mean about wanting to be in the hospital!!

Has anyone started packing bags yet? I just packed the baby's bag and got all of that stuff together! I haven't packed mine yet though because I have quite a few things I need to get for it. I need more comfy stretchy pants and breastfeeding tops! I hope to have those things soon!!! Then we will be all ready!
krissy, hope it doesn't turn into pre e but glad they are keeping an eye on it, my hands have swelled but not that much, I just can't wear my wedding rings anymore.

Ganton, prepare for what makes you comfortable, if you don't want a homebirth then tell the mw. Its about you and what you want.

Counting down to Mat leave here, 7 weeks to go.

I'm planning a home birth but will pack a "just in case" hospital bag when I'm about 35 weeks I think.
Wow, Krissy, that must have been scary! I'm glad your BP came down, but I'm also glad they'll be keeping a closer eye on you. :hugs:

TTDuck, my 17 month old thinks that tummies are called, "baby," because I've said that I have a baby in my tummy. When I told him, "No, only mama has a baby in her tummy," he started lifting up his shirt and pointing to his tummy, saying, "mama!" :haha:

Ganton, you're getting so close! I hope this baby gives you enough time to get to the hospital, but it's probably good to be prepared for a homebirth, just in case. :flower:

Pink, I remember saying a few months ago that I was going to pack my hospital bag at 30 weeks this time, but I'm 31 weeks now and still haven't packed it. I guess I'm just not quite as worried about going into labor before 37 weeks because of how good these shots are working. But it would probably be wise to pack one, just in case!
Ganton how far is your hospital? Luckily mine is like 5 minutes from my house! My dd came so fast though that I still worry about having time to get someone to watch her when we go to the hospital! &#128513;
Krissy hope everything is ok!
31 weeks today. I scheduled my c-section for May 23rd when I will be 40+6. I could have scheduled it for a bit later but really I'm ok with this date. I'm preparing for a vbac but if she isn't here by then, then it will be a c-section! I'm confident she will be here by then!
So my dr gave me the ok to start perineal massage, anyone else doing it? I did it with dd and I could really tell a difference!!
She also said I could start my rrl tea at 35 weeks! So I'm looking forward to that!!!

Other than all that, not much to report. I am still working on finishing up some projects over the next few weeks!
I tried perineal massage with my first, and ended up pushing for three hours and getting a nasty episiotomy, so I don't think it did anything for me. On that note, though, I was having some stinging pain around my episiotomy scar the other day, and it was horrible! It felt like the scar was opening back up, even though I know it didn't. :(
Krissy - I'm glad everything turned out to be okay! That is crazy they would deliver you at 32 weeks instead of giving the baby more time to cook, but I guess with pre-eclampsia they just want to deliver you since it's the only cure for it. Hopefully your blood pressure stays nice and low. Those 3D pics are so adorable!

Ganton - I think you should prepare to give birth where you are most comfortable and not be pressured by your healthcare worker to have a home birth. I have a friend who delivered her second very quickly and had to take her older daughter with her to the hospital. It wasn't ideal but then her mother in law as able to come and get her daughter so it all worked out.

Pink - I thought I would have my bags packed by 30 weeks but I haven't even started. I need to gather a few things and then hopefully I can get a move on it. I'm still trying to figure out what type of clothes I'm taking. Last time I brought pajama tops and pants and those were not ideal since I had a csection.
Well my dr called me.. long story short at my appointment today when she measured my fundal height she said "26" it didn't dawn on me until I got home that that's 5 weeks behind what it should be so I sent her a message. She just called to say she doesn't typically worry until there's been 2 measurements with that much lag because baby's position can affect it, but that my last measurement was 2-3 weeks behind so she wants me in on Thursday for a growth scan and to check on the placenta and the fluid level. So in 2 days.
What do you ladies think of all this? Something I should worry about?? I always measured pretty accurately with dd but never more than 2 weeks behind. So it's kind of bothersome to me, especially since they say you are bigger the second time around!
Pink- I hope there's nothing to worry about. Of course as a FTM I don't have much advice to give but have faith. Sounds like your doctor hasn't made a definitive determination so there's still the possibility that she's right about baby's position.

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