Here she is!!! She is measuring a bit small but that's expected. She's anywhere from 2#13oz to 3#3oz. She is head down and in the exact position I suspected her to be in, feet in the right side of my ribs, butt in the left. Her head measures exact for her gestation, which is great because dd always had a much bigger head  , her abdomen just a few days behind, her femurs exact gestation, her cord and placental look good, although I'm sure I saw the tech label placental lakes. But dd had them and they are common for this gestation (but I haven't talked to the dr yet, this is all from the tech so unofficial). Cervix is a great length 4 cm and closed! The text put it on her face in the normal 2d and I couldn't believe the detail , I could see her face clear as day and she was smiling, then she quickly (without telling me) switched it to 4d!!! WOW, she looks exactly like her big sister!!! I cried because I felt like I was meeting her for the first time, something I'm a bit bummed about now, because it felt like the surprise is gone and dh didn't get to experience it with me but It's ok, I'll get over it!!!