2016 May Miracles

I'm not taking it to mean anything. It's not a significant amount at any time, just a noticeable amount at least once a day. I imagine it could still be being regenerated as fast as I'm losing it, but do wonder if I'm gradually dilating slightly.
Drjo, congrats on hitting term! :D I sure hope your blood pressure cooperates, and you can go into labor naturally. :hugs:

Ganton, it sounds like your cervix is starting to get ready! :thumbup:

I've been losing some plug, too, over the last several days, but like Ganton, it's never a huge amount at any time. I had contractions every 5 minutes for an hour or two last night, but then they tapered off. This morning I woke up with awful diarrhea :blush: which I would think was a clear out, except my DS1 is having the same thing.

Today (34+6) is the same day I went into labor with my last baby, so I think I'm going to be tiptoeing today, watching every little sign. :haha:
SO exciting to have some labor spotting happening!! Cannot believe everyone is so close to meeting their new little squish! :happydance: :cloud9:

Id definitely describe contractions as period pain, i was trying to articulate it to my dh, and we came to the conclusion that it is like when a man gets kicked in the balls :haha: Its massive and then gradual, and waves in and out :haha: So he gets it now :haha:

Never had any actual contractions before i went into labor with my ds so I'm excited to be labor spotting :happydance: Definitely trying to take it easy though!

Sugargully; i think the majority of my heartburn is triggered by coffee :hissy: :cry: so no more at all :sad1: but its definitely based on where the baby is at too, i can tell when i wake up if the baby is high its gonna be a heartburn day :sad2:
Ganton and drjo: COngratulations on term!!! It can be anytime now for you ladies, how exciting!:flower:
Pink: very beautiful pictures!
I hope all the fluids issues get solved soon.
I feel way behind about symptoms....just barely BH here and there.
But for the rest we did a lot this weekend, 3 x 1 stroller, buggy and car seat is ready, the baby dresser and kinda closet is also ready. I can just think of a few things that we might actually need to buy, we are getting so so ready, i feel very enthousiastic and happy about it!
Still retaining a bit of fluids, feel heavy and swollen, yesterday i washed all my flats just in case i have to run for an emergency.
Have a good week ladies!
We also got a lot done this weekend!!!! Got the car cleaned (not that it was dirty we clean it at least once a month) but then got the carseat base installed. Got all bags packed and got both rooms sorted. I'm having my last shower this weekend then I'll either get or buy the last things I need (new nursing tops and bras and little odds and ends for baby) and I'm finishing the sewing of the last few diapers I made her and then everything will be ready. My goal is to have everything done by 37 weeks so then I can just focus on keeping the house clean and I am making a thank you basket for my dr and one for my friend who is acting as my doula and one for my photographer. So I'll work on that!!!
Also I'm beginning to swell :(. I swelled so badly with dd , but it started at 27 weeks so I've avoided it this long but I don't want it to get as bad as it did with her!!!
Good Morning, I have been MIA for awhile! I hope everyone is doing great. It's almost time!!! So excited to see labor watching, and I'm doing the same.

I keep having some stabby pains, but I can't tell if I need to poo or they are mild contractions coming and going. I think the first. :blush:

I've been losing lots of mucous, but nothing blood tinged yet.

As far as symptoms, the past week I have not been able to sleep at all, and I'm up all night with heartburn. It's terrible trying to get comfortable. My feet have began to swell, and they look like small boats. :dohh:

I have a DR Appt this Thursday. The past few, I have had the high end of normal BP so they are keeping an eye on that, but everything else seems to be going fine.
Just got back from my growth ultrasound and I'm so happy my fluid issues have resolved! The fluid has gone way down and is at a totally normal level today. My baby boy is still measuring really big, three weeks ahead, but so far he is healthy and active. He is still breech but I'm having a repeat c-section so it doesn't really matter.

I'm impressed at how organized you all are! We're moving tomorrow so I'm planning to get everything set up once we're unpacked. I did finish packing my hospital bag but that's about it.

Noodle - hope your bp stays nice and low

Pink - the swelling has started for me as well. It's way worse at night but I went ahead and took off my engagement ring because it was getting tight. Luckily my wedding band still fits :wacko:
I need some ideas for a gift for our photographer! She is a great friend, we have been friends for many years. This birth is especially special to her because of a few reasons, she has been involved with our ttc struggle for many years, she was meant to photograph our sons birth but bc of hospital policy with csections she was not allowed to AND she is herself, unable to have children at all :sad1: she has said to me before she feels this birth experience will be her experience for birth since she will never have a biological child of her own.... Now, what oh what do you get to cover all that? :shrug:

My friend that is staying with samuel during the birth will be receiving a clay figurine that i will be making, i am asking her to tell me what her favorite experience of motherhood has been (pregnancy, birth and parenting) and i will make something representative of that.

EM260 Moving while significantly pregnant! :shock: Craziness! I hope all goes smoothly for you and you are able to relax and take it easy! So happy to hear your fluids are resolved! :happydance:
Wow I can't believe the labor watch is beginning! Maybe just because I'm due the end of May so it still feels far away for me 😄
Although I did go do the hospital tour and got preregistered so I'm good to go in that respect! I'll probably get around to packing my bag once my maternity leave starts.
Baker - yeah I do not recommend moving while 8.5 months pregnant!! It's definitely been a struggle packing with this big belly. The plan was to buy a house last fall but we ended up deciding to build a house instead. So we have to move to a new apt until the house is ready in the fall :wacko: which means we will be moving twice in one year :(

That is so special that your photographer said that about the birth but it definitely adds to the pressure. Maybe you can get her a nice necklace and also frame some of the photos of the baby for her? Is she the type of person that wears jewelry? Something with the baby's birthstone would be really nice.
The necklace idea is great!!! There are some pretty ones on etsy, some with baby footprints and some with cameras!!! Such a neat idea!!
So when I was working on the babies room tonight, I decided to get a rough estimate of how many wipes I have. My mother loves couponing, so her and I have been stock piling. Plus, I've gotten some at my baby showers. I have around 2,000 baby wipes!
Whoah that's a lot of wipes!!

Anyone having breathlessness issues? Mine seems to have come about this last week, oh and my feet swell, not dangerous levels just enough to make it look like I have cankles
Yes my breathlessness just started too. And the swelling just started. I'm having a ton of menstrual cramps. They get worse in the evening. It's quite uncomfortable!!
Nzkiwi- how's your hemoglobin level? Low hemoglobin can cause more breathlessness than usual for pregnancy. Could just be the baby squishing your diaphragm though!

I have recently had horrendous swelling. I have 3+ pitting edema starting about halfway down my shins most of the day now, even with compression socks. The past couple days it's gotten quite uncomfortable, and I haven't even had to work.
Trying to decide whether to wake up DH and go to the hospital. I've been having contractions (about every 3-4 minutes) for the past 4 hours and they're getting kind of strong. My only hesitation is the fact that we just did my progesterone shot tonight, so what if I get there, and then the shot kicks in and the contractions stop? It wouldn't be as big of a deal if it weren't the middle of the night (1:30am here) and we didn't have to wake my MIL and have her drive a half hour over here to stay with our kids.

Sometimes I wish my labors would just start with my water breaking so it would just be obvious.
Em congrats on moving and for the huge effort that it entitles for a pregnant woman to do that! glad the fluid issue is solved!:thumbup:
Spiffy how r u? Did you get to hospital? Or it didnt progress much after you wrote?
Please let us know....
I havent packed hospital bag yet, just have everything sorted to throw inside.
The necklace is a great idea, or even a bracelet if she is not so much into jewelry.
Had a horrible night with heartburn and discomfort, this baby is getting too big!!
Spiffy, please update us!! I hope your contractions settled down and you get to cook baby a bit longer!!!!
35 weeks today and I start my weekly appointments today!!! It's all going to zoom by now!!!!

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