2016 May Miracles

Drjo, I don't know if you recall, but I had labs taken on Friday because my blood pressure was high and everything came back okay, except I also had low potassium! How odd is that?

Pink, as a fellow Irritable Uterus sufferer, I think it's pretty normal for your uterus to be ticked off at getting messed with like that. I know that if one of my kids bumps into my stomach a little roughly, it'll always give me BH or a contraction.

Ja, I would keep an eye on the low back pain. I was having uncomfortable lower back pain Saturday and Sunday night, and then went I went into labor last night it was also hurting. Especially watch it if the pain comes in waves. :hugs:

Oh, so I have to tell you ladies a funny story. When my OB came to check my cervix this morning, she reaches in there and says, "Um, there's no head!" So she went to get her ultrasound machine and sure enough, baby had flipped transverse. So she told me to go empty my bladder and see if he settled back head down after that, and thankfully he did. But it was a little unsettling, especially because I had thoughts of C-sections going through my head for a second there!
Yeah, I feel like it's an early sign & after reading up online it seems (most) women who experience it go into labor within a week.
The achiness stayed in just my lower back for a couple hours, and the gradually grew around to my lower abdomen.

So I've had more frustration with my care provider's office. As of now, I'm not planning to use them for future pregnancies.
I can't remember if I mentioned this here or not, but about a week ago I wrote an email via their patient portal which lead to a phone conversation with an in office nurse. I had been having frequent Braxton hicks contractions regularly, and the occasional light cramping. I wasn't really concerned, it seemed normal for me, however I wanted to know if at 35 weeks they would try to stop labor. I wanted to know in case I thought it was progressing, especially since I know I'm already dilating, because if they were going to stop it I would go into L&D before things were progressed to far. However, If they were just going to let me labor and then give birth, I'd much rather stay at home for a while. Anyways, nurse told me they would try to stop it until 37 weeks, so I needed to let them know if I thought things were heading into that direction.
Okay, so today I'm thinking is this an early labor sign?? It's been persistent, so I call. I try to explain myself and she tells me multiple times "I can tell by listening to you talk you're not in labor." and I'm like, I know!!! and further try to explain why I even called. I told her what the nurse said and then she told me I don't know who would tell you that, you're past 34 weeks so we would not give you anything to stop it! ... I feel like it just made me sound dumb on the phone because it seems like I'm paranoid about being in labor or something. Oh, and she told me I was just feeling round ligament pain from the baby being bigger.
There's been situations with the office in the past too that frustrated me that I've mentioned here and there. At my last appointment, she brought up my iron level (which wasn't even mentioned to me until 2 weeks after the blood draw), and was like "Great! You've been taking the supplements and you raised it up 2 points! ..." I had just learned of the issue the day before and hadn't had my blood redrawn. I didn't even say anything though.
Ja, I know exactly how you feel! My OB's nurse always makes me feel stupid for calling. I had concerns with low back pain last pregnancy, worrying that it might be preterm labor-related, and she just said, "Low back pain is pretty normal in pregnancy." And I'm thinking, "...I know that. Are you even listening to why I'm concerned???" :growlmad: It sucks when you feel like people aren't taking you seriously, especially when you're pregnant with your first, and people just assume you're ignorant. :hugs:
Whenever I really am in labor I probably won't even call. Just wait until I think I'm at a good point and then show up at the hospital haha. I've gotten zero advice from them. When I go into my appointments on usually only there for 5 minutes. I see no reason why my hour drive is worth it. I'm just really hoping my delivery experiencing is everything I want it to be.
Spiffy- how strange about your potassium! Do you remember what your level was, and did they do anything for it?
Drjo, my potassium level was 3.6, so not as low as yours. They just told me to eat more bananas.
Lower back pain and what I thought was gas was how labor started with my first!
ja that's sad that you were treated like that, I don't blame you for not wanting to use them again

Drjo how are you feeling otherwise?

I had lower back pain in early labor as well.

Spiffy were you guys able to get any rest? I hope things have been fairly uneventful.

Pink have your pains subsided?
Yes, thankfully we were able to get a decent night of sleep. I woke up around 3am with contractions that were fairly strong, but they were only 10 minutes apart, so I made myself ignore them and go back to sleep. Now that it's the daytime, I'm okay, because I never contract very much during the day. :flower:
I'm so sorry some of you ladies have providers that are seriously terrible! My midwives never make me feel like that! I'm so outraged for you!
Spiffy - oh my I missed a lot! Glad to hear baby decided to stay cooking a little longer. I'm glad you were able to get some rest too.

Ja - that is so frustrating to be treated like that! I feel like the nurses and front desk staff are hard to deal with at my OB's office too. I really like the doctors or I would have switched but I'm also planning to use someone else if I have another pregnancy.

Drjo - how did your appointment go today?
Thanks for asking! My 24 hour urine protein test came back at 219, so no preeclampsia. I peed 3650mL in 24 hours :shock:, and 2400 of that was during the night. It's no wonder I don't sleep, I'm up to the bathroom every 30 minutes!
My potassium was also up to 3.3 following yesterday's infusion. My blood pressure, however, was all over the place, so i was in triage for 2.5 hours being monitored. My systolic ranged from 126-157 and diastolic was 40-92. Most of them were 141-143 over 50s though. So I've been taken off work and told to rest asuch as possible. I go to the office Friday for another bp check. Not sure if they'll talk to me about inducing sunday or not. That's when I'm 38 weeks. I really don't want to do that.
Drjo, I hope your BP stays in an acceptable range so they don't need to induce you. My BP was on the high end when I was at L&D (like 137/89) so they drew blood again, but the results from that were fine, and as soon as labor stopped, it went back down to about 116/62, so I know how you feel with it just being all over the place. :hugs:

Em, I'm like you. I don't like the nurse at the office, but I love my doctor. I know they're too busy, but it would be great to be able to call and just talk to the doctor without having to go through the nurse.
Drjo, glad you have no sign of pre e, it must be frustrating not knowing if they will want to induce you or not, I hope they don't if you don't want to.

It's amazing how many people on bnb complain about the nurses at their doctors office. My mw is quite funny on the phone but she's sweetnin person, I think it's just how she comes across over the phone. It doesn't really make me want to phone her for questions because of it.

It's awful how medical people can make you feel stupid and like a burden when really all you are asking is legitimate questions, and it's not like you want to have to call them and ask the question eother,.
Drjo - Glad to hear no preeclampsia! But it stinks you still were put on bed rest. Hopefully you're numbers even out and Sunday won't be an issue. But 38 weeks is still term, so I wouldn't worry too to much if they induce then. My DD1 was born (by her own decision) only a few days later than that and she had no complications or issues. Better that than having your LO get stressed out in utero with BP issues.

Spiffy - how are you hanging in there?

AFM - my DD1 woke up yesterday and the first thing she said was "The baby is coming" and today she was walking around the house singing "Tomorrow is Friday and the baby comes". She's really freaking me out lol.
Anyone checked their cervix lately? I tried last week or so ago and it was so high I couldn't reach it. Been having cervical pain and pressure like nothing I've experienced before this whole week so I checked last night in the shower and I could actually feel my cervix and it was super soft felt like a donut with the center feeling about the size of a nickel. Anyone know about how dilated that equals?? Is it good/bad that I can now reach my cervix and good/bad that it was super soft??
So I just got back from an appointment with my OB and am still 4cm dilated. I also got diagnosed with Gestational Hypertension because my blood pressure has remained high, so if the baby doesn't show up on his own, I have an induction scheduled for April 26th (when I'll be 37+3).

Pink, that sounds like you're about 2cm dilated. It's normal for it to soften at this stage (mine has been soft for a few months now), so that's not too concerning. As for the dilation, you never know! I was 2cm last week and then went into labor, but then again, here I am 4cm and not in labor, so you could have a few weeks left...or not! :winkwink:

Krissy, that's bizarre that your DD is saying that! I think I'd be feeling a little weirded out as well!
Thanks spiffy, I consulted dr Google :rofl: after I posted that and it said exactly what you just said. Either way mom-tuition tells me she will be here before her due date :thumbup: but then again we just never know!!! Either way I'm wrapping up all that needs to be finished this weekend and next week :)

Krissy they say kids have great intuition. That would freak me out a bit lol
It's nice to see I'm not the only one to have frustrations over their providers!

On Wednesday, I didn't have any dull aches or cramps, and today I had a small amount. So it didn't seem to be anything!
I'm reached the point of wanting my pregnancy to be over, and to have my son already! Of course, I want him to be healthy, so he should probably stay in longer, but secretly I fantasize about standing up and my water breaking :haha:
Just in the last few days, he's felt like he's gotten so much bigger! Feeling my stomach, his body seems to take up much more room. Now that I'm thinking about it, I've gained more weight that usual recently too, so maybe he did have a growth spurt!

Pink- I haven't checked since we were all discussing it, but plan to tonight when I shower if I remember. Progress is exciting!

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