2016 May Miracles

Yes I could feel the contractions :)

Btw... I have been extremely irritable lately. Like MAJOR B***** ..... I feel so bad. I have absolutely no patience with anyone or anything. I'm wondering if this is a sign?? I didn't have this with dd1 but I just made the comment tonight " I need to have this baby because these hormones are awful. I'm a monster!" And dh just looks at me and said "yup" then of course I burst into tears because I don't want to be such a b-otch.... I just can't help it. I fly off the handle at the smallest things!!!!
Saw this and thought it was appropriate for us ladies!

Esperanza - so glad to hear your friends and family are ok. It's so heartbreaking to see all of the devastation there :hugs:

Drjo - great news you're blood pressure is staying down. Hopefully it stays that way for Friday and you can continue on.

Spiffy - that's awesome you were able to get a good night's sleep. It sounds like you're nesting for sure!

Nicole - they told me my daughter would be 9+lbs and she was 7lbs 14oz. My OB said ultrasound estimates are less accurate near term and they can be off by a pound.

Krissy - I hope they lift the restriction so your DD can visit.

Ja - You will definitely know one way or another once your little guy is here. I was surprised by my own reaction to having my DD because I always thought I would be running back to work but I ended up wanting to stay home with her. Unfortunately that wasn't an option for me at the time but luckily this time around I'm planning to stay home for at least a year. It's so hard to make these decisions though!

AFM - had my weekly ultrasound yesterday. My little guy was covering his face with his hands the whole time so no pictures unfortunately. He is still breech but I'm having a repeat csection so it really doesn't matter. It's almost better that he is breech so I don't have to keep doubting my decision to have a csection over a VBAC attempt.
Hi ladies! Thought I'd check in. Had an appointment yesterday. Thought was going to have the group b test but that'll be happening next week (probably since my doc is out of town so he just wanted to pass it on to his PA to do 😜). My doc did check the baby position and she is head down like I thought. Was one of my fastest appointments!
Otherwise my ankle/foot is killing me so I'm limping around a bit which just makes my hips and knees hurt. Same thing happened with my DD and it felt fine after giving birth but nothing I did helped before that! So between that and my back it just hurts to move right now! But only 2.5 weeks left of work before I start my leave!
I love how chatty everyone is and I hope some of the other ladies will feel like they can pop back in with updates.

nicole any updates?

Esperanza I'm so sorry for the devastation around you, it definitely puts things in perspective. Very thankful that you and your loved ones are all okay

We have a couple trying for a water birth...exciting. Praying it works out for you ladies.

NZKiwi Glad your appt. went well, I hope you end up liking the other MW

Spiffy I think it's great that you've been able to get both steroid shots now.

ja what a stressful decision, I hope that in the coming weeks you come to a decision that makes you happy

drjo glad your appt. went okay. You must feel fairly miserable, I'm sorry. Would you be okay if they chose to induce on Friday?

Pink I'm always super grumpy in 1st tri, 3rd tri I just cry at everything :rofl:

Baker one of the other nurses posted this to our group page on FB, pretty funny :)

EM glad the scan went well, your shy little guy...that's cute

TTDuck awful news that your ankle is giving you problems again, I hope you are getting around okay and don't end up getting hurt worse due to the pain. Yay for 2.5 weeks left til leave

I hope I didn't miss any one, I didn't mean too.
Saw this and thought it was appropriate for us ladies!


Is that a cantaloupe???? I don't know what size cantaloupes yall have but our's are HUGE. I could fit a toddler out my cervix with the size of our cantaloupes :rofl:
Busy, you're so sweet to still be checking in on us and cheering us on. :flower: How have you been doing?

Baker, it's always a little boggling to see visual representations of dilation, because it's just weird to think our cervixes can even get that wide! :shock:

Em, I'm glad your scan went well. How are the fluid levels doing? I forgot to say, but mine went up to 13 at my NST on Monday, so I'm happy with that. :flower:

Pink, I've been pretty grumpy lately, too. I tend to lose my patience with my kids more easily, and like Busy, I burst into tears more easily, too. :hugs:

TTDuck, sorry to hear you're in pain. :( I tend to get hip pain, which is pretty common, but with my last two pregnancies, I also had knee pain, and that was awful! I know you said it won't get better before birth, but I hope it at least eases up a little for you. :hugs:

As for me, I had more stupid painful contractions last night, but I tried to ignore them and just go to sleep, and by the time I woke up next, they were gone. I have an OB appointment this afternoon, and I'm fully expecting nothing to have changed. I feel like I'm going to just be stuck at 4cm forever.
TTDuck - Sorry to hear about the pains! For me it's been terrible tendonitis in my hands and the typical hip pains. In the first and second trimester I had some killer knee pain but that seems to have gone away.

Spiffy - I'm with you. It's SO hard to keep my regular amount of patience around DD. Sometimes I feel like she's just trying to tick me off... but afterwards I start thinking of how little time we have left with just the two of us, and then I burst into tears lol. Hope you get some kind of change at this OB, but if not, at least the little guy is getting more time to develop in there.

AFM - DH and I managed to get a baby sitter and get an early anniversary (April 29th) celebration in last night. It was a great night, and I'm glad we got it in before she decides to make an appearance. Between her size and the amount of fluid I really can't judge how much longer she's going to want to stay in there.
Busy- I actually feel ok except for my feet and pubic bone pressure. I don't really want to be induced, I'd rather have the chance to go into labor on my own. But, if my pressures don't cooperate I know the risks of staying pregnant, and at least my cervix is favorable, so I could deal with induction. Plus it's a full moon and earth day so i guess that'd be a cool birthday lol.
Spiffy, I had a dream I checked on here and you had had your baby!

I ordered the birthing pool hire yesterday, my mw has one we can use, but we would still have to buy a liner and all the extras you need to go with it and this hire one comes with everything we would need, so I don't have to worry about anything, especially as it comes with a water pump to empty the thing, which had been playing on my mind. It gets delivered two weeks before your due date and you have for two weeks after your due date, the hire fee included return delivery too.

My hips have been aching a bit at night, am looking forward to my hydrotherapy classes which start in a few weeks

baker, that pic of the cervix in dilation makes me feel better, its reassuring to see how big it actually gets!

TTDuck, the mat leave countdown is awesome, 2.5 weeks will fly by, I'm super happy I finish next Friday
ahh, a whole bunch of us posted at the same time lol

Krissy, glad you had an early anniversary celebration, my B'day is close to my due date (3 June) so we are going to celebrate my birthday early because I figure I will either have a newborn, be in labour or be overdue and not in the damn mood to celebrate! haha

Drjo, good to know your body is favourable for induction, although it would be nice if induction wasn't required.
Spiffy, I had a dream I checked on here and you had had your baby!

Maybe it's a sign! :haha:

I'm glad you found a good deal for your birthing pool. I'm an epidural kind of girl myself, but if I couldn't have one, I would love to labor in a tub. It sounds so nice. :flower:

Drjo, I'm glad you're not getting too uncomfortable. Maybe the full moon will just put you into labor on your own? 2 of my 3 kids were born on full moons, so I know I'll be watching for any sign that evening (I looked it up and apparently it's Thursday night in my time zone).

Krissy, I'm glad you got to enjoy an early anniversary. My DH keeps badgering me about going to see this Cirque De Soleil-type show that's going on in our city, but I told him it's not happening unless we buy tickets at the door, because I'd hate to spend the money and then be in the hospital on our night to go. :dohh:
Busy - thanks for checking in. Hope you're doing well!

Spiffy - my fluid levels have gone down to completely normal, thanks for asking. I can tell a huge difference in my bump size I was so uncomfortable before. Hopefully the full moon tonight will help start labor for you. I read somewhere that any sort of storm can do it too, something about the low pressure systems.

Krissy - That's great you were able to get in a celebration with DH! I keep meaning to have more dates with my DH before this little guy arrives.

TTDuck - sorry to hear about the ankle pain. Hopefully you can rest more when you start maternity leave.

NZKiwi - wow I didn't even think about all of the gear you will need for a home birth. That sounds like a better deal to have it all come in one package.
Ugh. I think I must be getting awfully close. Or at least I really really hope I am.
Since last night, I am having INCREDIBLE amounts of cervical pain. Like it's hard to walk without being stooped over and/or my legs pressed together as tight as possible. And T-O-N-S of HARD contractions. Nothing regular, but an onslaught, and they all seem to start at my cervix. I don't really remember the contractions being this hard even in early labor with DD1 (I went into labor with regular contractions and then had elective c-sec before things progressed), but maybe that's one of those things that changes with subsequent pregnancies. And then when I'm not dealing with a contraction, or just trying to walk across a room without looking/feeling like something is going to fall out of me, she's been SUPER active in that "I'm glad to know you're in there, but can you lighten up, Evander Holyfield" kinda way.
Glad I have an appt w/ultrasound today for a little extra piece of mind that this is SUPPOSED to hurt so much. Because I really don't remember being this uncomfortable before.
The contractions/cervical pain did fail the sleep test, but they picked right back up where they left off in the morning.
Krissy I'm feeling the exact same thing your describing. The pressure and pain and contractions are so intense.. last night I had a contraction that lasted just over 2 minutes. Only that one was that long but dang did it hurt. They fizzled while I slept only making themselves known when I got up to potty and then started back up this morning.

For those of you checking your cervix how often are you checking?? I checked last night and it felt much more open then it has felt, so instead of nickel sized I'd say it felt about quarter sized. It scared me haha, so when I got out of the shower I cleaned like crazy, finished some sewing, organized closets and put in a neat little stack the bags and the carseat.

Ladies having home births and water births I'm so excited for y'all. That would be incredible!!!!
Pink I definately am more irritable lately! Doesn't help that my DD hasn't been napping lately!
Krissy hope the painful contractions let up! Although I did have my DD after going out to dinner for our anniversary!
Em, I'm so glad your fluid levels are staying in the normal range! Must be such a relief not to worry about that anymore. :flower: And yes, 2 of my 3 kids were born on a full moon, but the third was born during a thunderstorm, so I've followed all the stereotypes so far! We have a storm on Saturday, so if the moon doesn't work, I'll shoot for that. :winkwink:

Krissy, those contractions sound intense! I really hope you're not going through what I am, where you have completely labor-like contractions that don't do anything. Hopefully for you it's just a day of gearing-up and then the big event. :flower: Maybe you'll have a full moon baby!

Pink, sorry you're going through the same thing. But the fact that your cervix is actually dilating is a good sign that these contractions are being productive. Good thing you've got everything ready to go!

To answer your question, I haven't felt much need to check my cervix lately, seeing as it's been checked 12 times over the past 8 days by nurses and doctors. :dohh: But I did try and check the other night when my contractions started to get pretty painful but it was hard to reach.
Mine is hard to reach too but at least I can reach it, with dd I was never able to even get close to it :haha:

I can NOT believe we will be seeing babies soon.. it's just so surreal!!!! This crazy journey is finally coming to an end and we will get to meet our babies!!!!! After I put the bags and carseat by the door I just stared at it and started crying!! It's been a really rough road to motherhood and after my dd I thought I would be in the clear with having another, never imagined I'd go through a loss again!! So to be here , I'm just so thankful and grateful!!!!
Well - She's still in there. And she's as close as she can get to engaging without actually engaging.... But because I have still have so much extra fluid, chances are she can hold out longer because she's got some extra boyancy. Problem is that between her size (measuring 8 lbs 11 oz today @ 37w 5d) and 3x the normal amount of fluid.... it's a brutal amount of weight on my uterus, back, cervix, and round ligaments. So - super uncomfortable with no definitive end in sight. *sigh*
They did think my contraction changes sounded promising though, so we'll see how things go. Half of me wants to go walk around and encourage more of them... the other half of me thinks walking is too painful, so I'm lounging on the couch lol.

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