2016 May Miracles

Any of you non-FTM have experience with the baby's weight estimated by ultrasound? They never told me with my son, but I'm really hoping that it's not reliable. Just came back from the doctors (37 weeks 3 days) and he told me that she's currently at 10lbs 5oz. ... I still have almost 2 weeks before my csection!

She's currently 10 lbs or that's the estimate for when she's delivered? That sounds hard to believe! I've heard the estimates of a lot of friends' babies, and they were usually off.
Nicole, we generally say ultrasounds can be off by a pound either direction, but it depends on the skill of the technician and I've seen them off by more than that before.
Ja14- I was told that's what she is right now, which seems crazy to me.
Drjo- I hope it's off. If not, well, at least I only bought a couple newborn things.

Also weird, I had my appointment today with my high risk/maternal fetal medicine specialist today, and last week I had a sleep study done (my specialist referred me because they though sleep apnea could be causing my slightly high blood pressure.) They made no mention of the results today, but about half an hour ago, I got a call from a respirologist saying my family doctor referred me for an emergency appointment because my oxygen levels are destating. It just seems weird to me that the specialist didn't say anything about it, and my family doctor didn't call me about it at all either. So now, after already having a slight scare with baby's heart rate today leading to a NST, and getting that resolved, I'm worried about this. Something apparently so emergent that the lung specialist has cancelled his morning appointments to squeeze me in.

On a not-medical-but-still-annoying-me side note, my hospital only allows 2 healthy adults to visit at a time (and my husband counts as one) and the only child allowed to visit at all is my son. Considering most of my family is paired up, and lives 3 hours away, this is really annoying me. Plus, my son's birthday is the day after my csection, so I thought we could have a small gathering (just grandparents and us) with cake and presents so he doesn't feel forgotten, but it doesn't look like that can happen now.

My rant is over :)
Nicole these are my experiences with weight estimates:
DS1 estimated at 5lbs even at 32 weeks, and weighed 6lbs 11oz at 36+6 weeks when he was born
DS2 estimated at 5lbs even at 32 weeks, and weighed 5lbs 10oz at 35+0 weeks when he was born.

Our hospital has the same policy for kids, and I think that's pretty common. Bu that's really annoying that you can only have two adults in the room at a time!

NZKiwi, let us know how your appointment goes. :flower:

Drjo, how is your blood pressure doing? Any more talk of inducing?

Pink, have you had any more consistent contractions since the other day?
It's pretty standard I think. Our hospital is the same way!!!! But I'm ok with it because I hate the thought of a ton of kids running around. That sounds kind of selfish of me doesn't it :blush: I just mean I want the peace and quiet!!

I have been having quite a few contractions. The range in frequency. But tonight they've been quite consistent again with quite the pain down below again. I'm excited to see what my dr says tomorrow. My cervix felt the same though possibly 2 cm dilated??
My hospital only has restrictions like that if we're under flu precautions, which we haven't had this year.

Spiffy- I have another appointment tomorrow, but I just have a feeling that I'll either have to be induced tomorrow after the appointment or Wednesday morning....hopefully I'm wrong.
nicole - I WISH my hospital had that rule. We're under flu restrictions atm, and the rule is NO children under 16. Not even siblings. I'm very very very angry about... and really hoping they lift the flu rules soon.

Drjo - FXed and best wishes for you today. Hopefully there's no need for induction.
Hi Ladies:

Glad to know that everyone is Ok, no emergencies and all babies still cooking!
I write just a quick note and I will keep following. These days have been difficult for me, i am Ecuadorian and the news from the earthquake were devastating. I cry everyday watching the news. My family and friends are ok but the crisis in some provinces is very big. I try to not be so sad but its really heartbreaking.
Im gonna be 37 weeks in two days. Washing baby clothes atm. Meeting with midwives to see viability to do home water birth. According to last ultrasound the baby is weighing 3.3 kilos already. But I cannot believe that (although i have a huge belly).
Am a believer and now everything is in Gods hands. Im honestly not stressed about it. Seeing what had happened the last days in Ecuador showed me that we have to take one day at a time and cherish every moment of our lives. Praying for the best posible outcome now, I dont even care if i need to go to the hospital or not.
Esperanza, I'm glad your family and friends are okay, its such a tragedy, what happened there :(

DrJo, good luck for today

My mw appointment went well, one more in two weeks and then we go to weekly appointments, I also get to meet the other mw who will be attending the birth (have to have two mw's at a homebirth)

annoying about the hospital rules for those affected, it must be hard with lo's at home, having ti disrupt their routines and find carers for them too
Esperanza- sorry to hear about the devastation in your home country. I pray for a speedy recovery for everyone there.

Krissy and Nicole- sorry the hospital is being so strict.

Drjo and Pink- what did the doctors say?
Drjo, I hope your blood pressure is doing well enough for them to let you keep going without an induction (unless you're just ready to be done, that is! :winkwink:). Let us know how the appointment goes!

Pink, are they checking you for dilation today?

Esperanza, I'm so sorry to hear about the devastation in Ecuador. :hugs: I'm glad your family and friends are all okay, though.

Krissy, that sucks that they won't even let siblings come visit! Our hospital will at least do that. :(

NZKiwi, I hope you like the second midwife. :flower:

As for me, I got my second steroid shot for baby's lungs today, and have also been nesting like crazy! I've cleaned almost the entire house from top to bottom today, and don't even feel worn out. I wonder if it's a sign that baby is coming soon?
Just got back from the dr. She didn't check me but put me on the monitor. I'm contracting every 7-10 minutes with skipping one every now and then. She says it could be anytime but honestly I think it will be at least another week!
Spiffy; my momma (mumma of five) has AWAYS said when you can clean without getting tired the baby is coming! It was definitely a tail tell sign for her!

Pink: could you feel them every 7-10? Or just your uterus contracting?
I feel like the thread as been more active recently, and I like that. Enjoy hearing from you ladies.

Last week, I felt like I was going "down hill" and figured I'd be miserable this week. So far though, I'm feeling relatively good. I have been stressed out about my work decision though. At first, I was set on be a SAHM, then I decided to go back to work. I recently started second guessing that decision and imaging staying at home more. Today at work we were told about something that would equate to more opportunity/ experience, and possibly money for me. A lot of things are about to happen at work that I'm genuinely excited to be a part of, so now I'm thinking I have to return!
I know it's a blessing to have a "problem" like this, but doesn't make it any less stressful.
Ready to meet my son, hopefully he can help me figure all this out :haha:
Pink, sounds like the old Irritable Uterus acting up! I hope it means you get a nice easy labor in a week or two. :flower:

Baker, that's interesting! I've never had a definite "nesting" experience like this before, so it will be interesting to see if your mom's advice holds true!

Ja, I would wait until you've had a few weeks with your little boy before making any definite decisions. You might be thinking, "How could I NOT want to be with this little guy all time?" or you might be thinking, "I love this kid to death, but get me outta here!" :haha:
Oh, I know a definite decision will not be made until then! As of now, my boss expects me back, but there really isn't any concequences of me telling them I won't be coming back during my mat leave, because I'm not getting paid of anything.

I just hate not having a plan of how things will be figured out!
I did about 5 minutes of dusting earlier on. I wonder if that means my baby is going to arrive sometime soon 😝

Spiffy, how are you feeling today? Did you manage to get some sleep last night after your disturbed night previously?

Ja, I hope you're able to make a clear decision once your little boy is here.
I did about 5 minutes of dusting earlier on. I wonder if that means my baby is going to arrive sometime soon 😝


Yes! I got 8.5 hours of sleep, which is the most I've had in weeks! I'm sure that's what fueled my crazy nesting. :winkwink:
So nice to hear updates from everyone!

I've been in serious nesting mode for a few weeks, but now I'm trying to force myself to take it easy due to modified bed rest instructions. Plus my feet are seriously ginormous, so moving around is challenging. I spent some quality time with my sewing machine yesterday.

My appointment went well today. My bp was only very slightly elevated with a good recheck, and my midwife was happy with it. So I have at least a few more days and go back friday. The midwife at the clinic that day may lean a little more toward induction than others (there are 1 or 2 who are a bit more medical than the other 3), but we'll just see what happens.
Drjo, I'm so glad your appointment went well and that you've escaped induction for the time being! :thumbup:

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