2016 May Miracles

Em, I agree, when you're breastfeeding, it is so much easier to reach over and grab baby for a feeding at night. I formula fed my last baby from birth (after a really traumatic BFing experience with my first son, I couldn't face the thought of doing it again) so going to his room was not a big deal since I had to go to the kitchen anyway for a bottle.

I'll most likely be formula feeding this one, too, since I actually enjoyed my last son when he was a newborn (I know that sounds sad, but I really didn't enjoy my first two as newborns because of breastfeeding) and also because there's a chance we'll be having another preemie. My last son came home with me from the hospital, despite being born at 35+0, but my pediatrician said if I'd been breastfeeding, he likely wouldn't have been discharged for another week or two.

Is anyone else planning on formula feeding?
I will try breastfeeding and see how it goes, if it doesn't work I have no qualms about switching to formula, I think there is so much pressure on mums that the last thing women need is the added pressure from people insisting you bf at all costs, at the end of the day, what baby needs is a happy relaxed mum. I'm all for doing what works for you in your situation.
I successfully ebf dd for 16 months. Such a beautiful thing.. not without its challenges but extremely worth it.. can't wait to do it all over again!!!

DD2 will also room with us for the first 6 months or so. DD stayed with us 9 months and although she did fine transitioning I think it was a little too long because she started getting restless and waking up every hour. Once we switched her to her room she slept fine!

Can't wait for us to all meet our LO's!!!!
We're also going straight to formula! DD was exclusively formula fed, and it was such an amazing and wonderful bonding experience, and so relaxing. Being able to share those night feedings with hubby during the first few weeks saved my sanity, because I don't do well as a sleep deprived zombie. :coffee: (we're hoping he'll be able to take 4 weeks off on paid leave, but still waiting on them to sign off on his leave request) We did those ready to feed nursers at the beginning, and she took her regular bottles room temperature so we just kept supplies in the room so when she woke up one of us would roll over, mix the bottle, and then feed. Really hoping Baby Wookie is as easy as his sister was as a newborn. :haha:
So, I've been awol for a while! In the last 8 weeks we've had my eldest's 4th birthday and Yule so I've been enjoying some downtime and hubby having 2 weeks holiday after the rush to get everything ready!
I'm still waiting, somewhat impatiently, for my 20 week scan! Luckily it's not too much longer as it's on Tuesday morning! Very much looking forward to seeing baby again, probably for the last time before they're born, and hopefully finding out sex!
Baby is crazily active! I've been feeling little bits of movement every so often since 9 or 10 weeks but now I can feel movement from the outside, my tummy moves with each kick and it's pretty constant when I'm relaxing! Unfortunately that means that falling asleep is difficult sometimes and I'm even being woken up by baby kicking, which means I'm pretty tired a lot of the time!

Beca :wave:
Hello everyone!

We are also going to try and breast feed from the beginning, and I'd like to for the first year if not longer. However, if it doesn't work out I won't be super upset about it. I'm kind of fearful about all that it entails, so I'm trying not to stress about it.

Baby has been SO low, it hurts to stand up. He keeps kicking me straight in the cervix and I have to brace myself everytime he does it. Anyone else going through this? Have you found anything that helps the discomfort?
LOVE to hear the no judgement about breastfeeding or formula! :hugs: what an awesome bunch we've got here!!

Noodlehelm: when the baby is really low, you can get on your hands and knees and rock gentlly side to side and up and down; also flex and relax your spine while your down there, it opens up your uterus and give the baby more room to move up so you can be more comfortable! At least for now! :haha:

Ultrasound today!! Went perfectly!! We were quite nervous for the team yellow but ado at my ds ultrasound he had a brain cyst and a mark in his bowl, both which were markers for trisomy 13 (a nearly 100% fatale disorder) so that was very stressful then... But today was perfect!! Baby was healthy and wiggly! Tech confirmed my suspicion about the anterior placenta and the baby is measuring right on for my dates! Today the baby is 1lbs13oz!


I wonder why there is such a large difference in weights? My tech said at exactly 21 weeks my baby weighed 13 oz... should I worry that she's so small?!
Pink, 13oz is a more typical weight for 20 weeks. Mine was estimated to be 13oz, too. :flower:

It is really nice not to have anyone bash my decision not to breastfeed. With DS1 he had a good latch (or so I was told By a lactation consultant) but I was still in pain for 8 weeks, and then DS went on a 6 week nursing strike, where he would arch his back and scream every time I tried to feed him, which made me so anxious that my let-down would take forever, which increased DS's agitation. And on top of all this, DS would eat every two hours day and night, even at 4 months old, and was still dropping weight percentiles. So after 4.5 months of crying every day, I finally gave up and switched to formula. It was an awful experience. It makes me so happy to hear that other moms have great experiences, but it was making me miserable and depressed so formula is a better option for us. Thanks for being supportive, ladies. :flower:

Baker, what an adorable little baby you have! Do you and DH have a guess at what gender you think baby is?
Nicole hope yours moves too!
Em my doc just said d it was low. And basically told me to take it easy until we see it move up.

I still had my daughters crib set up from her transition to a normal bed. Just need to fix some of the bedding. I'll hace the baby is my room at first though because it's so much easier. And I'm not sure how my toddler will adjust the sharing a room!
I'm planning on breastfeeding (so much cheaper lol!) but will supplement or use formula if needed. I dried up around 6 months with DD but she had a sensitive tummy so I was able to help her make the switch to formula with some frozen milk. Pumping when I go back to work is the hard part for me!
Yeah I was reading up about policy for breastfeeding at work, and your workplace has to provide somewhere comfortable (is and not the toilet) plus access to a fridge or cool bag to store breast milk in as as well as adequate breaks in which to pump. But even then I could imagine its a bit of a hassle
Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while.

Noodlehelm I'm having those exact same issues. I'm worried baby just doesn't have enough room. Im going to try Bakers advice so lo can move up a little. It weird at the last appt. baby was by my belly button. Then on Monday I felt tons of movement and little one dropped way down low. Sitting becomes uncomfortable and my bladder must be baby's pillow.

I'm going to breast feed. If it doesn't work for some reason I'll pump exclusively. I'm trying to stay as low cost with this one as possible. I don't want Dh to think we can't afford to have another baby soon after.
I know our little one is in the 55th percentile for weight so maybe slightly above average makes a huge difference right now? I know with my ds he was 48th percentile and he was born just under 7lbs :shrug: Im sure all the babies are right on track unless your doctor says something otherwise! :hugs:

I did ebf, however i know PLENTY of people that were unable to bf, didn't want to, or wanted to and it didn't work out, its really a personal decision. Theres so much breast is best hype it really pisses me off, yes i choose to ebf, however i don't think my decision should in any way effect any one elses, except maybe empower them to make theirs! :hugs:

Thanks, we are pretty partial to the little bean too :cloud9: Cant believe so many people are over half way! :shock:
They are adorable, baker! Yay for a great ultrasound! :)

Happy V-Day, drjo!

I agree, I'm glad how supportive this group is. I hate how much fighting there is in some of the baby/mommy groups, when we're all just trying to do what's best for our children in our own situations. It's a nice change! :cloud9:
Agreed, this is a really nice group of ladies. :friends:

Congrats to our ladies that are reaching their V-day milestone!

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