Are there some things you have been wondering about or are maby troubling you about your pregnancy, birth or after delivery that you have started wondering about or even thought about before geting pg?
There are two things that have been on my mind.
One is that we live in a town that we dont know lot of ppl. Been kind of hard geting to know ppl. Dh has good work buddies but none that he hangs out with after work and I have been in university since I started and got to know lot of ppl but only like ppl you like to chat with in school and if you bump into them. Some of them I would like to get to know better and make my friend
but just not gone that far yet. Only person I have bonded with that much lives in a nearby town 30-40 min drive away. We have no relatives here and our closest one (mum, dad, siblings) all live about 4-5 hour drive away.
So what concerns me is what do we do when I get into labor.. I mean bout our two boys? Do I have to be alone on the hospital.. hope to deliver while they are at school or what..? I am not sure if our parents could come and stay with us for like 2-3 weeks until thebaby is due, I mean they do have their work and their lives (well my inlaws have stopped working). also, not sure If I could handle have someone in my home for that long period. I love them all dearly but, well. So I dont have a clue how we will do this haha.
The other thing is that we live in a terrace house? (thats what google translate gives me.. it is like two story houses and all of them connected! Like 5 apartments in a row on the sideway not up.. Mine is like two story, with patio and garage). And there are so many cats in the naibourhood and they come alot in our garden and onto our patio. Here in Iceland it is custom to let babys sleep outside (they are well clothed and in special sleeping bags) in a pram (our is similar to this one)
And I am afraid of the cats geting in the pram and sit on the babys face or something, peeing in it.. I know it has happened (maby not sit on the babys face, but get in with the baby and pee in prams, specialy if they are cept outside like if baby wakes up and you get it in and let the pram be outside just for a short while).. do you have any advice about how we can keep the damn cats out of our yeard?!
I mean, I look out and they are trying to catch birds in the trees in the garden, there ar cat poo here and there in the grass and sometimes if I am watchin Tv and look up and out the window they are just siting on the patio staring at me!