2017 Junebugs <3

xxmyheartxx, baby number 4, edd 16/6/2017 feel like this one's a girl staying team yellow xxx

I'm staying team yellow, too! Well...I'm going to try. :blush: Haha.

We did with dd1, I couldn't wait with dd2 and ds, thou got to 28 weeks before finding out, as this one is definitely our last, I want hubby to tell me what we have &#128153;&#128151;
You ladies have a lot more willpower than I do. I don't think I'll ever be able to do team yellow.
just typed out a whole thing about being team yellow and how/why i loved it and then the app crashed.:dohh: will come back another time, but for now:

baby #2, due june 4th (based on LMP) and most definitely team :yellow::mrgreen:
Just made my gp appointment for next Monday, will be 5+3 then they will do the referral to mw, we use to be able to self refer but now need to see gp, feels like I'm wasting an appointment. Going to book an early scan for 2 weeks on Wednesday which I will be 6+5 so should hopefully see hb xxx

Baby#4 ~ EDD 14th June ~ gender TBC!
My heart, what a faff! Our wont book until 8w but it's direct.

Welcome new ladies!! Congrats! Xx
It's so stupid isn't it??? They complain about lack of appointments, they don't even dip your urine or check bp etc, it's literally a waste of time! I will ask when I go on Monday, I doubt they will refer me. Just booked a scan for 2 weeks today, Wednesday was fully booked!!!

Baby #1, EDD June 16, I think it's a boy (just a gut feeling)
Yay for scan date myheart! Not sure when to book mine this time, I can go to EPU any time from 6w!
That's so good that you can go dan-o, does your gp refer you or can you self refer? I've ended up booking it at 6+3 as they are fully booked on the Wednesday!!! I don't know whether to go the following week so will be 7+3 but 3 weeks seems ages away!!! When do you think you will go for yours? xxx
I just self refer to EPU, they have handled 11/12 of my pregnancies, so I'm a familiar face there :haha:

Not sure, same dilemma as you.. 6w so early, just a dot.. but then waiting longer is torture!
coming back regarding team yellow, for anyone on the fence.:winkwink:

being team yellow was amazing! i am a huge planner, so it went against my nature completely. as for willpower, there was really only one moment at my anatomy scan when the tech asked, "are you *sure* you don't wanna know?" i said no and that was the end of it. the rest of the time it was "we aren't finding out and are super excited to find out once s/he's here!"

you can still plan a TON. all our "gender neutral" baby gear is reusable for baby #2 and there is plenty of time to add girly or boyish accents to a nursery or buy cute outfits. amazon prime for the win.:winkwink:

my feelings on nurseries are this: baby won't remember, you spend so much time there so YOU should enjoy the decor, and, most importantly, it will change once baby actually arrives and you realize what you actually need and don't need. our nursery "theme" was..."baby.":haha:

it seemed to annoy people that we didn't find out. "well how am i supposed to buy baby gifts?!" really? sorry my choices are somehow inconveniencing you.:roll: babies still need sheets, medicine, diapers, wipes, etc. but it was fun in a neener neener neener:tease: kind of way.:blush::haha:

it also removed all pressure on the name front. i am the type that wants to meet/see baby before deciding. but i know there's a lot of pressure if you know the sex, and decide beforehand, people push for a name even if you've said you aren't telling. having a handful of name ideas and options and never picking anything for sure and not knowing avoids that pressure and unwanted opinions on name choices altogether.

the biggest thing for me on why i am team yellow again is it was great motivation in the last hours of labor. my husband would ask me what i thought it was and he'd distract me from contraction pain. and then the kicker: him finding out first and coming over to my side and saying, "it's a girl. we have a daughter," was an emotional amazing moment.<3

novel over.:blush:
Hello girls. Can I join in? I'm 5 weeks tomorrow. This is an IVF pregnancy. I'm suffering from something called OHSS and had some not so great betas early on. But I'm doing digitals and they're rising appropriately.

I have a scan at EPU a week Thursday at 6+1. I had a scan at 3+6 and a gestational sac was seen. Just praying everything is going to be ok.

Congratulations everyone.

If we get that far we will be finding out as it helps us bond with our baby. I struggle to believe I'm pregnant the whole way through and that we are having an actual baby. I didn't really believe it till my daughter was placed on me.
Hello girls. Can I join in? I'm 5 weeks tomorrow. This is an IVF pregnancy. I'm suffering from something called OHSS and had some not so great betas early on. But I'm doing digitals and they're rising appropriately.

I have a scan at EPU a week Thursday at 6+1. I had a scan at 3+6 and a gestational sac was seen. Just praying everything is going to be ok.

Congratulations everyone.

If we get that far we will be finding out as it helps us bond with our baby. I struggle to believe I'm pregnant the whole way through and that we are having an actual baby. I didn't really believe it till my daughter was placed on me.

Congratulations huni. Keeping everything crossed for you when you have your scan next week :hugs: xxx
Forgot to add I'm due June 14th. Day before my 30th birthday.
Thank you my heart. Feeling very anxious about it but what will be will be I guess.
I had some spotting on Monday so I rang the epu and have a scan booked on Monday when I'll be 6+2 hoping to have a gorgeous pic to bring home with me but can't shake the feeling something could be wrong &#65533;&#65533;
Welcome and congratulations 4magpies! Can't believe you've been scanned already! Wow! Sounds like all is perfect!

Starsunshine, it's so common, bet all is perfect, glad you are getting a reassurance scan, not long until you can see you little bean!

I've had a slight wobble today as I don't feel sick today and only got 2-3 on a digi. I took it apart though and the lines didn't look right.. anyway will try again in a couple of days. I suppose technically I shouldn't get 3+ until past 5w (although I have before)
Your levels might just be below the threshold dano, how are you feeling now?
I'm having a major wobble, I caved and got digi only showed 1-2 and my ics haven't progressed since sat, being on the hunt for frers today none no where, so hubby is now looking in the next town from us xxx

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