I was getting between like 3- 10 a day starting about 16 weeks. I didn't have any with my first, ever. I assume they were BH because they felt like mild contractions. At my 20 week scan they checked my cervix and cervical length and they said it looked perfect and no signs of preterm labor, so they must just be BH. By this time they were happeneing at least 10 times a day and felt stronger. I started taking a magnesium supplement (natural calm) because I was starting to feel like I was going to get those dreadful leg cramps in the middle of the night, and now all of a sudden my BH are way less. If I take my supplement I am feeling at most 4 a day, but usually more like 2. RIght before the supplement I was feeling about 10-12 a day and they were more strong. I don't know for sure if it is related, but it really seems like the magnesium helped. ONce your checked out and confirmed it is just BH, maybe ask if a supplement could help?