24yo TTC#1


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2012
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Any ladies similar in age trying for #1? I'm on CD3 of a 25 day cycle. I would love some cycle buddies to obsess with. :)
I'm also 24 my dh is 24 aswell. We are ttc#1 for the past 26 months. Im on cd 11 and currently taking prenatal vit, Metformin 1500mg daily, and Femara 2.5mg (cd3-7). I have pcos with very irregular cycles. I tried Clomid (maxed out) and never ovulated. this will be my first round of femara (so we are hoping this makes me ovulate).
I am 25 and DH is 27. We have been trying for just over a year. DH has been checked out and he is in the clear. I dont ovulate on my own so i was put on clomid 50mg. I just took the last pill of the second round. SE so far have been less than last cycle but the worse SE came after O, so we will see. I have also been taking prenatals and folic acid. I have an apt. on friday for a US to check out my folies. I will get a trigger shot this cycle (i didnt last cycle)
Welcome ladies! Looks like we're all 25 and under TTC. We're youngin's! Haha. I'm TTC naturally with no known fertility issues, aside from my partner's 10% motility. I'm hoping he can change that with diet and vitamins. I'm taking a prenatal and using the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor, OPK, and PreSeed. I'm feeling hopeful this cycle! I want a Christmas morning surprise for the family. :) Goodluck with the treatments ladies! Let me know how they're going.
I'm really wanting a christmas morning announcement too!!! but that was my dream last year too :( but we have more things on our side this year. So hopefully that wish will come true. I wish you the best of luck withy uor christmas annoucement!!
Isn't it crazy how we were always told that we will instantly become pregnant if we have unprotected sex? I've been thinking about that a lot lately after reading about all the women on here having a tough time. Why don't they teach about infertility in sex ed class too?
Can I join too? We're also TTC #1. I'm 25 and hubby is 30, finally after years of waiting to TTC we decided now is as good as ever :) I'm so excited! On CD 10. Piperdilly I agree- we've always been so cautious- seems strange knowing it could happen at any time, how have you found going through 4 cycles? We are not taking anything other than prenatal OTC vitamins- I really hope that will be enough
Of course! Welcome! So this is your first month TTC? You must be sooo excited. I remember how excited I was to finally start trying. I'm still at the hopeful optimistic stage at the 4 month mark. I'm afraid if I go much longer without becomming pregnant I might get discouraged. I know that sounds weird, because there are so many ladies on here that have been waiting SO much longer.

GL on your first month. First times the charm for some ladies! Ya never know. :) When do you expect AF? Are you a student or graduate? What ya do for a living? I'm a nanny/student and the BF works at a foundry.
I'm afraid if I don't cartch straight away that I'll panick there's something wrong! I think it because we've waited for so long- I graduated this summer as a primary school teacher and started my first job straight away which I love! What are you studying? When do u expect to graduate? DH works in a DIY store and we live in the country with a small collection I animals who I adore!! Next AF due around the 29th but I'm often a day either side! Which from what u wrote about your cycles earlier wh should be expecting her visit around the same time?
It doesn’t sound weird that you would get discourage so early. I did. I just knew there was something wrong when after 6 months of trying we didn’t get pregnant. But it isn’t the end of the world if there is something wrong. I have to really tell myself that a lot...that I’m not ruined or my chances of holding my own child is not gone. Thank god for good insurance and modern medicine.

Good luck on your first month. ruthlin-You are suppose to start the same day as i am.
Stevi11 - that would be quite nice to have some1 around the same cycle as me to talk about the ups and down together! How r u getting on so far? Xxx
Ruthin- that sounds great! I have been waiting someone like that too. Sorry, I'm not sure i'm understanding your question. If your question is "how am i getting along so far?"

I'm doing ok. I have def. had different SE from the clomid this cycle from last. My doc. told me that every cycle will be different, which sucks but it is what it is. I feel better this time about the SE though bc i'm not constantly Symptom Spotting as much bc they are all really just SE from the clomid. So when i get that BFP it will be a shock.
Yep that's what I meant- us Welsh folk have odd ways of saying things !
Excuse my ignorance but what does SE stand for?
I know what you mean with the symptom spotting, I have probably convinced myself that I am pregnant at least 5 times in the past year despite being very careful to ensure that I'm not! So I'm gonna be suspecting every single thing now that we actually are trying!
How long did you wait beffore going to see the doctor? I worry because we did TTC about 2 years ago ( it was a crazy idea lead totally by our hearts and against out heads better judgement), needless to say we didn't catch and haven't tried after that until now. I know that last time we BD 3 days beffore OV and on OV, so I am already worried that there may be problems- although my cycles are prety regular - what do u think? Anything I could do to boost our chances? Xx
Yep that's what I meant- us Welsh folk have odd ways of saying things !
Excuse my ignorance but what does SE stand for?
I know what you mean with the symptom spotting, I have probably convinced myself that I am pregnant at least 5 times in the past year despite being very careful to ensure that I'm not! So I'm gonna be suspecting every single thing now that we actually are trying!
How long did you wait beffore going to see the doctor? I worry because we did TTC about 2 years ago ( it was a crazy idea lead totally by our hearts and against out heads better judgement), needless to say we didn't catch and haven't tried after that until now. I know that last time we BD 3 days beffore OV and on OV, so I am already worried that there may be problems- although my cycles are prety regular - what do u think? Anything I could do to boost our chances? Xx
Ruthin- SE stands for Side Effects.

Here in the states they want you to be actively for a year before seeing a Specialist, so i went after exactly 1 year of trying. If your actively trying I would check out preseed which is a lubricate that is sperm friendly (if you use a lubricant that is) . My DH and i just starting using it and we really like it. Also are you taking your ovulation?? other than just by a calendar?

Dont get discouraged so soon. Let at least a few cycles go by before you let yourself get to stressed about it bc honestly you could be fine but you being so stressed could affect your chances.

Best of luck and hope it happens for you with a few cycles b/c i dont wish what myself and many others on the site are going through on anybody. It is tiring!
Yes I can imagine it must be quite hard going for u. Hope u get ur BFP soon! I just keep a record on my calendar - but I also have a stitch-like pain for a couple of hours when I ovulate, not sure whether its too late to BD by the time I get the pain though!
Is this your 1st cycle on Clomid? Hopefully after seeing the specialist you will get your BFP sooner rather than later, I've read a lot about clinics and many people seem to have ha success with it! -Good luck x
II believe you have a 24hr window from when you ovulate that conception can happen. So your good i think. but also if you just DB every other day starting from CD 10 until a day after you ovulate, then the only days it is good to DB every day is the day you O and the day after (did that make sense?) you will know that you for sure did all the DB you could have to make it happen. Your body can store Semen for up to 5 days so it will just up your chances. We do it at night so I can prop my booty up and just fall asleep with it in me. My doc. Said that will def. up your chances too.

I am on my second round of clomid. It worked last month, I O'd so we were very happy about that, but it was a bit late...I O'd on CD 17. But alot of the success stories i read about clomid people conceived on the second cycle that actually O'd. So we are hopeful. I am already getting a pretty dark line on my OKP. so i know i will O earlier this month. I have a US on friday to check out the size of my follies and get a trigger shot. Which is a shot that will make you ovulate within 36 hours. Just to make sure I ovulate on the day i need to. The later you ovulate in your cycle the more the quality of the egg decreases.
Sounds as if you'll have a better chance this cycle then.
Yeah that makes sense- will see what we an do- certinally not used to BDing that often, will be fun!! Good luck with the US and injection- do you have to take time off work for that? Or do u just go around it? Are there Side effects? Really hope it works for u. X
Thank You!!

Yeah it took some getting use to for me with the DB'ing that much but it was no adjustment for DH....He has been loving every minute of it lol as expected.

Yeah i have to take work off bc most of the FS offices are only open M-F 9-4....and i work M-F 8:30-5. But my work has been very understanding of everything and it hasnt become a problem. I havent heard of any SE from the injection but you never know everyone is dif. But i have so many SE from the Clomid that if i do get a SE i will most likely think it is from the clomid.
Wow, a teacher! That's great. What grade do you teach? I'm due anywhere from 29th-2nd. My cycles are slight irregular, but not by much. I'll know better when I see that +OPK. So looks like a few of us may be testing around the same time. I'm so excited to have some TTW/testing buddies! Be sure to check back and let the groupq know, ladies!

Stevi, you've been waiting so long for your age! You must have the patience of a saint. What exactly did the doctor diagnose you with? You may have already said... I'm going in for a fertility appointment in a few weeks. They may choose to do some tests, they may not. I feel fortunate that I have the opportunity to have testing before the 1 year mark. That'll save me so much sanity!

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