Push him for the sterilisation if that's what you want or seek a 2nd opinion.
I wanted to be sterilised when i had my 3rd baby.I was told no as I was suffering from depresion and not thinking straight
i have lost 9 babies.Getting pregnant scares me and I suffered at the hands of very bad domestic violence and didn't want a child born in to that again.
Due to my problems inside,Endometriosis and cysts on ovaries the pill isn't for me.the coil was hell and i conceived and miscarried with that.I don't feel safe with condoms, withdrawal method or rhythm.But still they refused to help me
I like you felt it unfair on my partner but he is now willing to go and get a vasectomy as he hates seeing me suffer in pain in pregnancy and is scared to loose another.
Saying that i have just had my 5th baby who was a shock as I was finally allowed the op last November but baby was already there!
So off to the drs again this week and I'm hoping they will do it when I have an op to remove my cysts in a few weeks.
Good luck hun xxxx