My guests are not required to remove their bras upon entering my home but it turns out most of them do. Maybe my friends and I need to go comfy bra shopping together or something.
My mom does the same thing so I guess I take after her that way.
HOORAY for nausea, Molly! That's something I haven't really experienced this 2ww that I *did* experience last cycle. That makes me think I'm probably not making up the boob pain which is slightly worse now than it was this morning. I think my mind could make me nauseous before it could make my boobs hurt, right?
I'll be peeing on a stick with fmu tomorrow. I normally sleep in until 9 or so on the weekends. That's 9am EDT for me (for reference, it's 2.16pm here now).
Not sure exactly why dh thinks I'm preggo. I think maybe he's still just in the if we
once without protection, I'll definitely get pregnant mindset.
Also, it may have something to do with all the moaning I'm doing about my sore nips.
Molly, thanks for betting on me. I hope I don't let you down. But at 9dpo, I'm not sure the odds are in my favor.
I'm still pretty excited about POAS!
Yay, babies!