But onto the more serious things. List please. List of symptoms. What dpo. Tests, neg or pos and what dpo. etc etc.
Don't think just because you're pregnant
you can relax now. We need that list
Okay, according to my FF chart, I've experienced very light cramping every day since 6dpo. I learned last cycle that's apprently not unusual for me between O and AF.
I've had "tender breasts" since 5dpo. That's a stretch, and I think a lot of the time they were "tender" because I kept poking and squeezing them to check.
A couple of times they burned or were tingly. I experienced the same thing last cycle when I wasn't pregnant though.
I recorded "bloated" as a symptom from 3dpo-7dpo I felt *seriously* bloated last Wednesday & Thursday. And I have it listed again from 9dpo-today.
Unfortunately, being gassy (oh yeah, and I do mean farty) isn't so unusual for me so I can't really call that a symptom... but I am that, especially this morning.
I eat a lot of fruit & veggies!
But being so burpy is pretty unusual for me and I've been that way since Sunday.
I was irritable Sunday night and Monday morning. A classic
symptom for me and right on time, too. My mood has been good the last couple of days.
I started noticing fuller/heavier boobs last Thursday. I feel like they're not as big now as they were then but maybe I've just gotten used to them.
Yesterday I got 2 brand new zits. Not uncommon for me to get a zit near AF but I don't think normally have this many (3 so far).
I'm thinking it's normal for me to have creamy cm between O and AF. I've had that. I felt like I had more than usual yesterday. I thought AF or spotting had started a couple of times because of the increase.
My face has been very flushed today, but that could be from the excitement.
So, the only symptoms I've had that are even remotely off for me are the burping thing and today's new *very* slight constant indigestion.
No real nausea, no noticeable fatigue, no insanely sore bbs, no nothing you normally read about as sure symptoms.
Is that list complete enough for you?
Honestly, I don't think I'm 100% convinced I'm really pregnant yet! I keep thinking maybe it was a faulty test or something.
I'll be testing every morning until I run out of tests (ic tomorrow, FRER Friday, CB digi Sat & Sun