Well ladies i'm afraid this is a.....
The f***ing
is well and truly here now! I really thought this morning that we had done it and i was having IB but oooh no she just had to put in her appearence and burst my ever growing bubble of happiness!!!
I know i've got loads of time but i honestly thought we had done it this month as i even felt like i was pg...
so right now i just feel like
(happy me) +
(happy me again!)
Could i be cheeky and ask if i could use the lil turtle pic in your siggys pretty please? As i have been posting on the thread and it's such a cute piccy?!!
Damn and Blast Moominmumma. My mistrust of IB is confirmed once again...
Hey you youngies you have loads of time, I have until April (but that's DH's deadline, not mine, he's gonna be 44 and wants a life beyond babies, I have 2DSSs too! But I've just turned 35 so not such a spring chicken anymore
A story in a nutshell; my sis married at 19, tried for ages to get pregnant, tests etc, Docs told her she was infertile etc etc. Then aged 23 out of the blue my niece implanted (now 18yrs old) a few months later my nephew, and then she had a small accident at 36yrs old, my last little niece, now 7yrs! Just to reassure you!
But probably worth a check up xgingex if you've been trying 2yrs...