29 ttc#1 14 months, wanting a buddy!

Hi Ladies! I'm back!

I'v been having such a busy couple weeks, but everything should be normal soon. ( fingers crossed) This cycle is officially a NTNP month... i never thought i would even have one of those lol. we just got so busy and I've been so distracted. One of our dog's had an altercation with another dog... and well let's just say we're def considering renaming her VEGAS... cause it looks like that's as close as were getting after getting our vet bills. :cry:

My new job starts friday!

I've caught up on all the messages and I'm ready to go! Sorry to hear about your AF Hena:(
Hey Feb!! Good to hear from you!

Sorry to hear about your dog though, vet bills can be astronomical sometimes.

Oooh Pink, sounds good for you, hope you got the eggy.

How is everyone going? Weather here is pretty awful most of the time at the moment, could use a nice warm sunny day instead of a cold wet one! Winter is so depresssing lol.
Hey Feb!! Good to hear from you!

Sorry to hear about your dog though, vet bills can be astronomical sometimes.

Oooh Pink, sounds good for you, hope you got the eggy.

How is everyone going? Weather here is pretty awful most of the time at the moment, could use a nice warm sunny day instead of a cold wet one! Winter is so depresssing lol.

I would change spots with you in a heart beat! I'm really tired of this heat... I can't take too much more:nope:
Yeah I guess I would be the same if it was super hot here! I just dont like this time of year as its the sick/fluey time and everyone is coughing and sniffing.
Hey all. Had my fs appt today and after being told nearly 18 months ago that I have pcos, I saw a diff fs today and she is saying that there is nothing in my notes to be able to give me that diagnosis! She now wants to go back to the start and test me properly. She showee me notes that said a scan "looks PCOish"!! She was cross!!

I feel a bit lost today and just really fed up with ttc right now. I know I have just entered the 2ww and so could be lucky this month, but am just fed up right now and feeling like pregnancy is a million miles away from me!

Sorry for the moan xx
Hey all. Had my fs appt today and after being told nearly 18 months ago that I have pcos, I saw a diff fs today and she is saying that there is nothing in my notes to be able to give me that diagnosis! She now wants to go back to the start and test me properly. She showee me notes that said a scan "looks PCOish"!! She was cross!!

I feel a bit lost today and just really fed up with ttc right now. I know I have just entered the 2ww and so could be lucky this month, but am just fed up right now and feeling like pregnancy is a million miles away from me!

Sorry for the moan xx

O MY GOSH..... that's just... I dont have the words... I'm sorry you have to go through all this. How Could they have done this to you? "PCOSish" what the heck!
It sounds like your new FS will be more proactive. How unfair..... I'm getting tested in 2 weeks for PCOS... and im scared of the outcome...

You should do something nice for yourself... have a mani or a pedi, rent a chick flick and buy your fav sweet, and chill for an evening? Well thats my idea of a good evening lol, but you could revise and do stuff you like!!
Thanks Feb! I have to go for a scan in a few weeks. I do have longer cycles (35 days) but they are regular and she said my hormone levels are all normal so she said even if it does turn out to be the case she thinks it would be so mild as to not be the cause of us not conceiving.

I did pick up some doughnuts earlier with pretty pink icing on top!! I have eaten 2 already and I think I may just have a third now!!!

Thanks for your words hun. Good luck with your results. Don't worry if you do have pcos hun there are lots of things that can help. Do you have some symptoms for them to be testing you for it? xx
Hey Pink - thats awful, i cant believe they put you through thinking you had that only to find out now that they were wrong. Good luck for your tests. I am having some hormone level bloods done next cycle to check to make sure i am ovulating, have my fingers crossed for those to be normal.

Mmmmm doughnuts :) Yummy.

Feb - Good luck for your tests too. I hope it is not PCOS for any of us.

I really hope we all get our BFPs soon, would be cool to have all of us go through it at the same time. My OH is the only one other than this site that knows we are TTC, so its great being able to talk about it all on here.
ok... so im terribly terribly confused right now... I posted a few weeks ago about having spotting etc, then some red blood etc... it lasted like 10 days. Well today... it appears that AF showed up... I'm so confused right now. If i dont count what happened before... this is cycle day 70... if i do then this cycle was like 20 days. OMG I'm feeling really torn up.

I do have a few symptoms of PCOS.... the main one being irregular periods. I think im going to take my own advice and chill tonight and try not to worry.

I have a confession as well i just need to say it... I bought a pack of smokes this weekend...and enjoyed every last one of them... and then... I bought another pack. I'm really disappointed in myself. :cry: Greg knows about this... i dont keep anything from him and he's not thrilled... I'm ashamed :(
ok... so im terribly terribly confused right now... I posted a few weeks ago about having spotting etc, then some red blood etc... it lasted like 10 days. Well today... it appears that AF showed up... I'm so confused right now. If i dont count what happened before... this is cycle day 70... if i do then this cycle was like 20 days. OMG I'm feeling really torn up.

I do have a few symptoms of PCOS.... the main one being irregular periods. I think im going to take my own advice and chill tonight and try not to worry.

I have a confession as well i just need to say it... I bought a pack of smokes this weekend...and enjoyed every last one of them... and then... I bought another pack. I'm really disappointed in myself. :cry: Greg knows about this... i dont keep anything from him and he's not thrilled... I'm ashamed :(

Awwwwww Feb :hugs:

So sorry to hear about things being so weird and irregular. Try not to stress about it all, just have your scan in a couple of weeks and see what they come up with. Like you said, Chill, do something fun :)

As for the smokes, a slip up is fine, its what you do afterwards that counts.... dont feel ashamed. No judgement from me. These are trying times and give us such an emotional rollercoaster ride. You will stop again.
Hi everyone. I'm feeling way down today. I did another test this morning just in case the spotting I had last weekend wasn't really AF, and of course it was bfn. I am just so depressed...and now because I'm leaving 2 weeks before DH to visit my famliy in North America we'll probably miss ovulation so I'm out this cycle before it even really starts. I was so excited to have a whole month in the States and Canada, and now I'm just dreading all the questions and pressure. I wish I could go up into the Alps and hide there all summer:cry:

Feb, congrats on the new job!!! :happydance: as for the smokes, as long as you're not addicted it's okay to slip up once in a while, just don't do it when you think you could be pg obviously. Careful not to get dependant, I'm sure your Greg will support you. Try not to stress out about your cycles, you're going to the doctor to find out what's going on and everything will work out!!:hugs:
Hey Hena... really sorry to hear you are feeling down at the moment. It really sucks to be out before you even start this month... but try not to be too down and feel the pressure... you can relax on it this month, and pick up again in a months time. Try to enjoy seeing your friends in family :) Big hugs to you.
i just want to scream "MMMMEEEE TTTTOOOOOOO!!!" My husband and I moved to the middle of NO WHERE Texas to help out with his dad and younger sister. I love them both, but I have no family here save them and I really need someone to talk too. My husband tries, but he gets irritated when I start crying and he says to "toughen up." Some men just don't get it.

I am 29 and DH is 28. We are TTC our 1st baby. He has Hypospadias but the Dr's assure us that it isn't going to intefere with conception. The Dr. also said that he has pretty high SC. We have been leaving it in God's hands for the past 3 years and now we are actively trying by me charting my CM and when we BD and when AF rears her ugly head. This has been going on for about 3 months with active charting for the last month. I am going to be posting in another thread bc I am now CD 38 and 23 DPO w/ BFN. What fun!! I have never been late before except for 1 year ago when I had surgery and the anesthesia made me skip one cycle.

I would love to get to know you ladies so we can help each other out in the beautiful yet stressful ballet called conception!!
Ladies, hello. I have been sooo busy at work that I don't get to be here as much. Well, here's the updated news on me...still no BFP, but I'm scheduled to go and take the HSG test. I'm going to take x-rays of my uterus, while dye is inserted in me to make sure that my tubes are not blocked. They say it's uncomfortable and sometimes painful, but Manuel is going to take me as I need all the help I can afterward.

So, how's everyone?? Hena, Feb?? Any updates?
AF has reared its head today.... back to the drawing board.... although things seemed to have come a bit closer this month than last month... gone from 29 days two months ago, to 42 last month, now 32 this month....
Welcome Fleur, hope your BFP is just around the corner!

Sorry AF got you waiting :hugs: Hope your cycles are starting to even out now. Do you know how long your LP is?

YAY KC is back!!! :yipee: We'e missed you, how are you? How's married life?
Welcome Fleur, hope your BFP is just around the corner!

Sorry AF got you waiting :hugs: Hope your cycles are starting to even out now. Do you know how long your LP is?

YAY KC is back!!! :yipee: We'e missed you, how are you? How's married life?

Thanks Hena, the Luteal phase is usually 14 or 15 days. (sorry I just realized you meant the previous reply) I'm still learning this charting stuff. Ugh...this morning I woke up with such a bad "sick" headache. It has me blah..
Welcome Fleur, hope your BFP is just around the corner!

Sorry AF got you waiting :hugs: Hope your cycles are starting to even out now. Do you know how long your LP is?

YAY KC is back!!! :yipee: We'e missed you, how are you? How's married life?

And glad to be back...tooo much work, Not ANY MORE :happydance:

Married life is good! He's a wonderful man and I thank all the stars above for sending him to me...he's my angel! :blush:

So yesterday I went in for my HSG and guess what, I fainted!! :dohh: I guess the stress and the non-eating got to me and in the middle of the test, bamn I was out. But the good news is that my tubes are clear. Next step is my ultrasound, after that Clomid :happydance:
Sorry you aren't having a good time at the moment Hena, I hope you manage to relax while away though, it sounds like an amazing trip. Take care x
Hi everyone. I'm feeling way down today. I did another test this morning just in case the spotting I had last weekend wasn't really AF, and of course it was bfn. I am just so depressed...and now because I'm leaving 2 weeks before DH to visit my famliy in North America we'll probably miss ovulation so I'm out this cycle before it even really starts. I was so excited to have a whole month in the States and Canada, and now I'm just dreading all the questions and pressure. I wish I could go up into the Alps and hide there all summer:cry:

Feb, congrats on the new job!!! :happydance: as for the smokes, as long as you're not addicted it's okay to slip up once in a while, just don't do it when you think you could be pg obviously. Careful not to get dependant, I'm sure your Greg will support you. Try not to stress out about your cycles, you're going to the doctor to find out what's going on and everything will work out!!:hugs:


Sorry to hear hun, August can be our lucky month:) It's my birth month!

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