29 ttc#1 14 months, wanting a buddy!

lol no I haven't poas yet. I'm to worried about being let down again :(
I understand :hugs: The symptoms sound good, but it's not a bad idea to wait until at least 14 dpo anyway, just to increase chances that your levels are high enough to read and get a good clear BFP

kcs, you're SO right! If we make it fun and mix things up, BD time is just as much fun as good old fasioned sex always was. In some ways, as good as it was on the honeymoon (lol Feb4th, I remember those days) because it's more frequent.

I REALLY hope this is your month, ladies!!
Angelluvbilly I'm on the same boat. Yesterday at work I went to the bathroom and had a little blood on it. Then I got home thinking, here's the witch and nothing. Even my husband asked me..."where's your period?!?!" LOL, like i should know. I'm scared to take the test to see another negative :(
I hope we all do!! That would be so awesome. We can take pixs every month on how our babies are growing and their arrival. I'm going to wait to see if the witch (AF) comes, if not, I have my apt with the OB on the 9th :( I hope it's what I think it is and not getting my irregular periods again!!
I hope we all do!! That would be so awesome. We can take pixs every month on how our babies are growing and their arrival. I'm going to wait to see if the witch (AF) comes, if not, I have my apt with the OB on the 9th :( I hope it's what I think it is and not getting my irregular periods again!!

Oh, that would be SO much fun! I love the idea of sharing bumps, comparing symptoms, talking about doctor's visits! Wow, I want it now! lol
I saw two pregnant women at the tram station yesterday and was just aching to be one of them!

kcsandoval and angel, I REALLY hope this is it for you!!!! Fingers crossed!!! Please tell us once you've tested, I can't wait to hear!!!
I hope we all do!! That would be so awesome. We can take pixs every month on how our babies are growing and their arrival. I'm going to wait to see if the witch (AF) comes, if not, I have my apt with the OB on the 9th :( I hope it's what I think it is and not getting my irregular periods again!!

Oh, that would be SO much fun! I love the idea of sharing bumps, comparing symptoms, talking about doctor's visits! Wow, I want it now! lol
I saw two pregnant women at the tram station yesterday and was just aching to be one of them!

kcsandoval and angel, I REALLY hope this is it for you!!!! Fingers crossed!!! Please tell us once you've tested, I can't wait to hear!!!

I hope it's all our month. Since yesterday I feel so much pressure when I urinating (TMI...soo sorry!) I talked to my DH about it and he just laughed. :dohh: It feels really good to go to the bathroom, but of course, it feels weird. He already told me yesterday that I better not run to the nearest pharmacy for a pregnancy test, lol! If my AF does not come this weekend, we'll both go and buy it! I'm so hoping it's a BFP and just run down to the OB on tuesday to get her to be my 9 months doctor, if you know what I mean! :thumbup:
ok well tested today at what ff said was 13 dpo got a BFN. Entered temps in ff yesterday and it changed and now says no ovulation yet detected. Doesn't make sense, Boobs been hurts, nauseous and heartburn. So confused. Have no idea if I ovulated or not now. With af being irregular I just can never tell. Guess back to bding until af shows up. :(
ok well tested today at what ff said was 13 dpo got a BFN. Entered temps in ff yesterday and it changed and now says no ovulation yet detected. Doesn't make sense, Boobs been hurts, nauseous and heartburn. So confused. Have no idea if I ovulated or not now. With af being irregular I just can never tell. Guess back to bding until af shows up. :(

:hugs: It's okay. How irregular are you?
Not as irregular as I used to be. Lately been having a period every month. Although not always consistant with the same cycle days. I was checked for pcos and results came back normal a few months ago. Been temping and bding consistantly since then. So hard to not sit here and throw myself a big old pitty party.
Not as irregular as I used to be. Lately been having a period every month. Although not always consistant with the same cycle days. I was checked for pcos and results came back normal a few months ago. Been temping and bding consistantly since then. So hard to not sit here and throw myself a big old pitty party.

Have you tried anything to regulate your cycles? I'm also irregular, and scared shyte less to try anything... Other than Opk's.. which im gonna give a go this month.
Do any of you live somewhere with no family or friends? I know angelluvbilly just moved so maybe your in the same situation as me? My DH found a great job 2.5 hours away from all my friends and family. I;ve never had to move anywhere before... and i've been here for almost 3 months. Made no friends, there is no work (we are fine without me working as DH is making excellent wage), and no family. I'm having a crappy day, really missing everyone back home . *pity party for me today* On top of mourning my life back home, i stepped on the scale for the first time since january right before out wedding and IVE GAINED 15LBS. HOLY_(insert bad word)_ Ive heard of the freshmen 15 in uni/college, but seriously the newlywed 15???? no one warned me of that lol. I guess we wont be having pancakes 4 nights a week anymore lol. *palm on forehead*
Do any of you live somewhere with no family or friends? I know angelluvbilly just moved so maybe your in the same situation as me? My DH found a great job 2.5 hours away from all my friends and family. I;ve never had to move anywhere before... and i've been here for almost 3 months. Made no friends, there is no work (we are fine without me working as DH is making excellent wage), and no family. I'm having a crappy day, really missing everyone back home . *pity party for me today* On top of mourning my life back home, i stepped on the scale for the first time since january right before out wedding and IVE GAINED 15LBS. HOLY_(insert bad word)_ Ive heard of the freshmen 15 in uni/college, but seriously the newlywed 15???? no one warned me of that lol. I guess we wont be having pancakes 4 nights a week anymore lol. *palm on forehead*

I'm not in the same situation as you, but I moved about 30 minutes from my family, (mind you, I lived with my parents for 28 years). OMG do I get home sick. He has his family here and I sometimes wish I can go back home and sleep next to mommy and daddy!! :blush: I gained 10 pounds since moving in with DH, but my god, I feel like I gained 50 plus :cry: I use to work out constanly and now, I run home to do chores and make sure dinner is ready!! :nope:

Are you on any prenatal pills??? Are you irregular?? My periods are all over the place from 17-33 days (today I am on 33 days and still no AF, which I'm hoping it's a good sign! :happydance:)
BIG :hugs: to you, Angel! I can feel your frustration, especially after 14 months. I'm hoping that the test was just too early. It sounds like you're doing everything right, temping, BDing, etc. it just *has* to work eventually.

I'm faaaaaar away from home and super homesick at the moment. :cry: I'm originally from Maine, grew up there and in Nova Scotia, did university in NS, then went to Germany for a year abroad...which has now extended to 7 years, lol. Hubby and I moved to Switzerland two years ago, and I really love it here, but even his family is 2.5 hours away, and most of my friends are in North America. Thankfully I've also made friends here, but they are scattered and it's not the same as having my life-long buds close enough for a "stitch n' bitch" session or a girls' night. My parents and brother came here for New Year which was wonderful, but I haven't been "home" since last summer, so it's been nearly a year since I was with my extended family and friends.....I am going this summer in July or August. I think once I have booked the flight I'll feel better. I just would LOVE to run into my mother's arms and say "I'm home, gramma!!"
P.S. Feb 4th, I've been gaining weight since starting ttc! I'm mortified! The past two weeks I started working out again, hoping to get my body under control again! gah! Maybe we should be cut out the cookies buddies too, hehe

Good question, re prenatal pills kcs. I'm only taking folic acid at the moment, are you girls taking vitamins?
P.S. Feb 4th, I've been gaining weight since starting ttc! I'm mortified! The past two weeks I started working out again, hoping to get my body under control again! gah! Maybe we should be cut out the cookies buddies too, hehe

Good question, re prenatal pills kcs. I'm only taking folic acid at the moment, are you girls taking vitamins?

I did...my husband's family bought them for me...yeah, no pressure right! :growlmad:

I bought it at the nearest pharmacy and I have fuller hair and harder nails! Hey, if I'm not pregnant, at least they are helping me get pretty before my wedding. :blush:

I need to go back to the gym. :dohh: but of course, I prefer to nag at my husband to buy me new clothes as the old ones don't fit! :shrug:
P.S. Feb 4th, I've been gaining weight since starting ttc! I'm mortified! The past two weeks I started working out again, hoping to get my body under control again! gah! Maybe we should be cut out the cookies buddies too, hehe

Good question, re prenatal pills kcs. I'm only taking folic acid at the moment, are you girls taking vitamins?

haha I feel better knowing im not alone is this damn weight gain... seriously annoying!!!!!:shock:

Today is a new day, no more sweets! Last night i indulged in a big bag of chips and 2 giant glasses of :wine: af is basically gone now and it back to business:sex:

I'm taking prenatal vitamins, and folic acid. My hubby is taking zinc... i read somewhere that helps in some way or another. Speaking of me not remembering exactly why he takes it... do you guys ever feel so overwhelmed with the info you find? There are so many different vitamins, juice's, idea's to increase your chances... I just dont know what to believe...:shrug:
Do any of you live somewhere with no family or friends? I know angelluvbilly just moved so maybe your in the same situation as me? My DH found a great job 2.5 hours away from all my friends and family. I;ve never had to move anywhere before... and i've been here for almost 3 months. Made no friends, there is no work (we are fine without me working as DH is making excellent wage), and no family. I'm having a crappy day, really missing everyone back home . *pity party for me today* On top of mourning my life back home, i stepped on the scale for the first time since january right before out wedding and IVE GAINED 15LBS. HOLY_(insert bad word)_ Ive heard of the freshmen 15 in uni/college, but seriously the newlywed 15???? no one warned me of that lol. I guess we wont be having pancakes 4 nights a week anymore lol. *palm on forehead*

I'm not in the same situation as you, but I moved about 30 minutes from my family, (mind you, I lived with my parents for 28 years). OMG do I get home sick. He has his family here and I sometimes wish I can go back home and sleep next to mommy and daddy!! :blush: I gained 10 pounds since moving in with DH, but my god, I feel like I gained 50 plus :cry: I use to work out constanly and now, I run home to do chores and make sure dinner is ready!! :nope:

Are you on any prenatal pills??? Are you irregular?? My periods are all over the place from 17-33 days (today I am on 33 days and still no AF, which I'm hoping it's a good sign! :happydance:)

My periods are irregular...for 11 months now they have been between 26 and 55 days:cry: Have u done anything to try and regulate?

I HOPE YOU GET YOUR :bfp: woooo hooo:yipee:
Good morning from Canada, I'm heading "home" for the weekend! well more than the weekend... until next wednesday! Leaving in 10 short minutes! I'm working my last on call shift *sniff*. Ive been going back and forth every few weekends to work some 12 hour shifts... but its just not worth the travel now that gas is more expensive than gold *sarcasm* Any hoo I'll still have my lap top with me so I'll be on here still be on here at night (canada) Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Do any of you live somewhere with no family or friends? I know angelluvbilly just moved so maybe your in the same situation as me? My DH found a great job 2.5 hours away from all my friends and family. I;ve never had to move anywhere before... and i've been here for almost 3 months. Made no friends, there is no work (we are fine without me working as DH is making excellent wage), and no family. I'm having a crappy day, really missing everyone back home . *pity party for me today* On top of mourning my life back home, i stepped on the scale for the first time since january right before out wedding and IVE GAINED 15LBS. HOLY_(insert bad word)_ Ive heard of the freshmen 15 in uni/college, but seriously the newlywed 15???? no one warned me of that lol. I guess we wont be having pancakes 4 nights a week anymore lol. *palm on forehead*

I'm not in the same situation as you, but I moved about 30 minutes from my family, (mind you, I lived with my parents for 28 years). OMG do I get home sick. He has his family here and I sometimes wish I can go back home and sleep next to mommy and daddy!! :blush: I gained 10 pounds since moving in with DH, but my god, I feel like I gained 50 plus :cry: I use to work out constanly and now, I run home to do chores and make sure dinner is ready!! :nope:

Are you on any prenatal pills??? Are you irregular?? My periods are all over the place from 17-33 days (today I am on 33 days and still no AF, which I'm hoping it's a good sign! :happydance:)

My periods are irregular...for 11 months now they have been between 26 and 55 days:cry: Have u done anything to try and regulate?

I HOPE YOU GET YOUR :bfp: woooo hooo:yipee:

Actually, funny, before I was very irregular, (but, of course, I was not trying to have a :baby: so I didn't care). Then, I lost about 50 pounds and was working out and my periods came back to normal. Which was 4 years ago. Now, that I am with my husband, my periods are from 17 to 33 days. Today I am on day 35 and still no AF or symptoms...my husband wants me to wait and test but to take it easy. That would suck if I'm back to where I was 4 years ago. :growlmad:
OOooh KC, it sounds really good! *Fingers and toes crossed!!!*
I love that your in-laws started the pressure before you even walked down the isle, LOL. Mine at least waited until a few months after. My favourite so far was when my mil said, totally casually and when we were alone in the kitchen together, "I hope you have children while I'm still able to help look after them...[pause for reaction which never comes]....or at least before I die...":rofl: the woman's barely 60 and in perfect health.

Feb, reading your post just made me want chips :munch: I'm hopeless! On the bright side, I've managed 30 minutes on the eliptical every day this week...so that's some progress I hope.

Angel, still no AF? I really, really hope it was a false negative and this is finally your month. I'm sending you all the positive energy I can muster!!!

I think I might have ov'd yesterday, not 100% sure so we'll continue BDing through the weekend. Hubby's away Monday-Friday, so I hope it doesn't come late or we're out of luck this month.

Baby dust to you all!!

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