29 ttc#1 14 months, wanting a buddy!

OOooh KC, it sounds really good! *Fingers and toes crossed!!!*
I love that your in-laws started the pressure before you even walked down the isle, LOL. Mine at least waited until a few months after. My favourite so far was when my mil said, totally casually and when we were alone in the kitchen together, "I hope you have children while I'm still able to help look after them...[pause for reaction which never comes]....or at least before I die...":rofl: the woman's barely 60 and in perfect health.

Feb, reading your post just made me want chips :munch: I'm hopeless! On the bright side, I've managed 30 minutes on the eliptical every day this week...so that's some progress I hope.

Angel, still no AF? I really, really hope it was a false negative and this is finally your month. I'm sending you all the positive energy I can muster!!!

I think I might have ov'd yesterday, not 100% sure so we'll continue BDing through the weekend. Hubby's away Monday-Friday, so I hope it doesn't come late or we're out of luck this month.

Baby dust to you all!!

I'm hoping it's my month too, well, for all of us. :thumbup: It's funny but my husband just comes home from work and falls asleep. Today, they called off his job and he has been sleeping all day :sleep:. Even he said it, geez, am I pregnant :dohh: I have mild cramps but still no witch. I'm so tempted to just going to any pharmacy, buying the clinic, and peeing in their parking lot to see, LOL!! Oh what would my husband think! :blush:

Yay, ovulating is good, now put on that sexy clothes and seduce your DH. :winkwink:
hehe, done and done! :winkwink:

We have a long weekend so we're heading to Alsace today to visit the in-laws and go to a baptism. If I see any storks I'll ask them to help us out a little! :yellow:
hehe, done and done! :winkwink:

We have a long weekend so we're heading to Alsace today to visit the in-laws and go to a baptism. If I see any storks I'll ask them to help us out a little! :yellow:

Please do...now I'm getting nervous. I can't wait until Tuesday to see if I'm :baby: or the witch is really, really late, which has not happened in 4 years. :nope:
hehe, done and done! :winkwink:

We have a long weekend so we're heading to Alsace today to visit the in-laws and go to a baptism. If I see any storks I'll ask them to help us out a little! :yellow:

Please do...now I'm getting nervous. I can't wait until Tuesday to see if I'm :baby: or the witch is really, really late, which has not happened in 4 years. :nope:

I saw two storks today!!!!! TWO! I'm pretty sure that's a good sign for our two ladies who are waiting for results :winkwink: I'll keep my eyes open for more, those of us who are still on the BD end of our cycles need some luck too!
OOooh KC, it sounds really good! *Fingers and toes crossed!!!*
I love that your in-laws started the pressure before you even walked down the isle, LOL. Mine at least waited until a few months after. My favourite so far was when my mil said, totally casually and when we were alone in the kitchen together, "I hope you have children while I'm still able to help look after them...[pause for reaction which never comes]....or at least before I die...":rofl: the woman's barely 60 and in perfect health.

Feb, reading your post just made me want chips :munch: I'm hopeless! On the bright side, I've managed 30 minutes on the eliptical every day this week...so that's some progress I hope.

Angel, still no AF? I really, really hope it was a false negative and this is finally your month. I'm sending you all the positive energy I can muster!!!

I think I might have ov'd yesterday, not 100% sure so we'll continue BDing through the weekend. Hubby's away Monday-Friday, so I hope it doesn't come late or we're out of luck this month.

Baby dust to you all!!

I'm hoping it's my month too, well, for all of us. :thumbup: It's funny but my husband just comes home from work and falls asleep. Today, they called off his job and he has been sleeping all day :sleep:. Even he said it, geez, am I pregnant :dohh: I have mild cramps but still no witch. I'm so tempted to just going to any pharmacy, buying the clinic, and peeing in their parking lot to see, LOL!! Oh what would my husband think! :blush:

Yay, ovulating is good, now put on that sexy clothes and seduce your DH. :winkwink:

I once took a pregnacy test in a grocery store bathroom:dohh:
hehe, done and done! :winkwink:

We have a long weekend so we're heading to Alsace today to visit the in-laws and go to a baptism. If I see any storks I'll ask them to help us out a little! :yellow:

Please do...now I'm getting nervous. I can't wait until Tuesday to see if I'm :baby: or the witch is really, really late, which has not happened in 4 years. :nope:

You must be just so excited for tuesday!!!!!!!:happydance:
hehe, done and done! :winkwink:

We have a long weekend so we're heading to Alsace today to visit the in-laws and go to a baptism. If I see any storks I'll ask them to help us out a little! :yellow:

Please do...now I'm getting nervous. I can't wait until Tuesday to see if I'm :baby: or the witch is really, really late, which has not happened in 4 years. :nope:

I saw two storks today!!!!! TWO! I'm pretty sure that's a good sign for our two ladies who are waiting for results :winkwink: I'll keep my eyes open for more, those of us who are still on the BD end of our cycles need some luck too!

Please find me a stork for this cycle:) I really hope this is will be the lucky month!!!
hehe, done and done! :winkwink:

We have a long weekend so we're heading to Alsace today to visit the in-laws and go to a baptism. If I see any storks I'll ask them to help us out a little! :yellow:

Please do...now I'm getting nervous. I can't wait until Tuesday to see if I'm :baby: or the witch is really, really late, which has not happened in 4 years. :nope:

You must be just so excited for tuesday!!!!!!!:happydance:

Actually, it was for Monday, I've the mistake. Also, yesterday I could not resist and I took the test, BFN n still no AF. I run to the bathroo n clean myslef n little AF comes with it. But that's it. Now mortified, either give me AF or give me my two lines. :nope:
Hey all looking for a buddy! Someone to share with. Just married last year and moved to a new state. Hubby is the only one I have to talk to really. Sometimes men just don't understand. Anyone needing a buddy?

Hello :flower: TTC #1 for 20 months. Good luck :)
Hey all looking for a buddy! Someone to share with. Just married last year and moved to a new state. Hubby is the only one I have to talk to really. Sometimes men just don't understand. Anyone needing a buddy?

Hello :flower: TTC #1 for 20 months. Good luck :)

Hello Coco - we are all here trying to convince #1. WHat's your story?? :hugs:
Hey everyone. Sorry haven't been on in a few days. hubby's cousin was killed in a wreck friday night. Drinking and driving really don't mix. He rolled his truck 5 times and was thrown out of the vehicle. Broke his neck and killed him instantly. Funeral is tomorrow. Been a hard weekend and trying to be strong for my hubby. Still no af, but thinking ff was correct about me not ovulating yet. Although I do think I finally ovulated Friday or Saturday. Had some egg white cm and major ferning on my microscope. Temps have been up the past two days. Higher than normal so guessin i'm on the long 2ww. Although didn't get a chance to bd till saturday night. So may have completely missed the eggy. Sorry i'm rambling. How is everyone else doing? Any bfps to announce? :)
Hey everyone. Sorry haven't been on in a few days. hubby's cousin was killed in a wreck friday night. Drinking and driving really don't mix. He rolled his truck 5 times and was thrown out of the vehicle. Broke his neck and killed him instantly. Funeral is tomorrow. Been a hard weekend and trying to be strong for my hubby. Still no af, but thinking ff was correct about me not ovulating yet. Although I do think I finally ovulated Friday or Saturday. Had some egg white cm and major ferning on my microscope. Temps have been up the past two days. Higher than normal so guessin i'm on the long 2ww. Although didn't get a chance to bd till saturday night. So may have completely missed the eggy. Sorry i'm rambling. How is everyone else doing? Any bfps to announce? :)

First, and foremost, so sorry for your DH's loss!! I hope you guys are doing well. We are here for you :hugs:

I was about a 8 days late and no BFP! :cry: I went to my OB today and she told me that my sugar level is high and that may be my periods are getting irregular because of the stress on planning a wedding (which I'm getting married on the 28th and it is stressful, but can't wait). She said to lower my sugar And if everything comes out okay next month (she wants me to wait and calm my stress), she is going to send me to a Fertility doctor right away to get the ultrasound done before putting me on ANY medications. She can she can prescribe me Clomid, but she prefer for me to try it naturally (which I just got a thermometer; hopefully I know how to use them) and then, if all fails, she is going to send me to the doctor and get me started on the drugs. I’m in the process of changing my health plan from HMO to PPO so I can get more benefits.

Hope I do the tempting right and get this little baby started right after my wedding. :baby:
Oh Angelluvbilly, I'm so sorry to hear that! What a terrible time for a family. I'm thinking of you. :hugs: I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you were able to catch the eggy.

I'm in my 2ww now, won't be testing until at least the 22nd, assuming no AF before that. I was so late last month that we were SURE I was pregnant, only to test and get the BFN and have AF start the very next day (of course, lol)

KC, the only up-side I see to all of this, is you can go ahead and drink at your wedding without any worries you might be hurting your LO....and then you can go wild...make a honeymoon baby!

AND I saw five more storks on my way home this morning, including two couples engaged in courtship! I'd never seen that before, it was pretty amazing. I've now seen enough storks in the past month to give us all twins if they really spread baby dust :wink: Hubby says this is the best spring he's ever seen, the population is really making a come-back, and he assures me that they do, in fact, bring babies...so there we go BFPs to us all!
Hey all looking for a buddy! Someone to share with. Just married last year and moved to a new state. Hubby is the only one I have to talk to really. Sometimes men just don't understand. Anyone needing a buddy?

Hello :flower: TTC #1 for 20 months. Good luck :)

Hello Coco - we are all here trying to convince #1. WHat's your story?? :hugs:

Hi! Had very irregular cycles, 4 months, so had some tests and now on clomid. Cycles did get a lot more regular over the last 6 months ish, got blood test results today and I did ovulate! :)
Hey everyone. Sorry haven't been on in a few days. hubby's cousin was killed in a wreck friday night. Drinking and driving really don't mix. He rolled his truck 5 times and was thrown out of the vehicle. Broke his neck and killed him instantly. Funeral is tomorrow. Been a hard weekend and trying to be strong for my hubby. Still no af, but thinking ff was correct about me not ovulating yet. Although I do think I finally ovulated Friday or Saturday. Had some egg white cm and major ferning on my microscope. Temps have been up the past two days. Higher than normal so guessin i'm on the long 2ww. Although didn't get a chance to bd till saturday night. So may have completely missed the eggy. Sorry i'm rambling. How is everyone else doing? Any bfps to announce? :)

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss... Your in my thoughts and prayers...:hugs:

What is this Microscope thing your doing???? I'm on CD 11 I think ill be ovulating this weekend, im hoping my opk's are positive!
So as I said before I came "home" this weekend to work... Well my last shift ended with a bang... right to my face. I was attacked at work... so i have a black eye and I'm really sore from having my hair ripped out and being kicked etc... I'm a youth care worker for troubled teens, and things got out of hand... I knew going into this job that things could escalate to violence etc... and I've even seen it happen to other staff. I'm completly trained for these events to happen....but....I'm a bit rattled, and I have a head ache that is driving me crazy. My husband is fuming mad that this happened (not at me) just at the world i think. I'm really glad this happened before i get a BFP. Everything happens for a reason, and i defiantly wasn't meant to be pregnant yet. next month is ok though!!! Just wanted to share... its all i really can think about at the moment.
So as I said before I came "home" this weekend to work... Well my last shift ended with a bang... right to my face. I was attacked at work... so i have a black eye and I'm really sore from having my hair ripped out and being kicked etc... I'm a youth care worker for troubled teens, and things got out of hand... I knew going into this job that things could escalate to violence etc... and I've even seen it happen to other staff. I'm completly trained for these events to happen....but....I'm a bit rattled, and I have a head ache that is driving me crazy. My husband is fuming mad that this happened (not at me) just at the world i think. I'm really glad this happened before i get a BFP. Everything happens for a reason, and i defiantly wasn't meant to be pregnant yet. next month is ok though!!! Just wanted to share... its all i really can think about at the moment.

Oh my gosh, that's horrible :hugs:You should take it easy for a bit
Thanks, Coco, good luck to you too! Where are you in your cycle?

Wow, Feb!!! I'm so glad you weren't injured more. I guess that made it a bit easier to say goodbye, eh? I wish it had never happened, but certainly glad you don't have the added stress of worrying whether the attack could have endangered a pregnancy. Feel better soon!
Thanks, Coco, good luck to you too! Where are you in your cycle?

Wow, Feb!!! I'm so glad you weren't injured more. I guess that made it a bit easier to say goodbye, eh? I wish it had never happened, but certainly glad you don't have the added stress of worrying whether the attack could have endangered a pregnancy. Feel better soon!

Thanks! CD21 (10DPO I think). BBs even more sore today... wish it meant something other than AF but I should know better by now! :(

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