29 ttc#1 14 months, wanting a buddy!

:hugs::hugs::hugs: don't worry Feb, if it's PCOS then you have LOADS of possible treatments and it's better to know, eh? And yes, it's good that none of the cycts is larger than a cm. If they suspect ovarian cancer, especially in such a young woman, they don't mess around, you'd have seen a doctor within hours of your exam so you can put that right out of your mind. :hugs:

Maine is gorgeous! So warm and sunny and lovely! I've been working in the garden, enjoying the fresh air and listening to the loons at night...heavenly! We'll be heading to Nova Scotia soon and visiting family and friends, but should be back in Maine for either AF or a BFP...it would be soooo exciting to be able to tell my parents in person, but I'm not going to count on it, I don't want the crushing disappointment of last cycle.

Oooooohhhh.... I really really want you to get your BFP Hena! How awesome that would be to tell your parents in person. Thinking of you!
:hugs::hugs::hugs: don't worry Feb, if it's PCOS then you have LOADS of possible treatments and it's better to know, eh? And yes, it's good that none of the cycts is larger than a cm. If they suspect ovarian cancer, especially in such a young woman, they don't mess around, you'd have seen a doctor within hours of your exam so you can put that right out of your mind. :hugs:

Maine is gorgeous! So warm and sunny and lovely! I've been working in the garden, enjoying the fresh air and listening to the loons at night...heavenly! We'll be heading to Nova Scotia soon and visiting family and friends, but should be back in Maine for either AF or a BFP...it would be soooo exciting to be able to tell my parents in person, but I'm not going to count on it, I don't want the crushing disappointment of last cycle.

Thanks hun:)
Hey ladies! I am new to this forum My hubby and I have been ttc since March of 2010. Just a little background, I am 29 and have PCOS and hubby is average on county and good in mobility. We are on our 2nd IUI with injectables. I did 100 IU of Follistim for 6 days this month, had the IUI on the 11th and now in the tww. This is the worst and I have done really good up until the last two days.

So for the last three days I have had af like cramps. Last night I wiped and there was 2 little spots of pink discharge. (TMI sorry) Today is a little more cramping and yellowish tan discharge (small amounts). It is 11dpiui and I am due for af on Sunday. Also that last three days been really tired and had this pulling or heavy feeling in lower abdomen.

Any suggestions? I am really trying to avoid the POAS, but I may breakdown the next time I have to go.
Hey everyone! I haven't been on in a long time. Working 14hr days and no time. Still no baby here. I gave up keeping track. My husbands cousins gf got prego and doesnt even want to be prego. She wants an abortion. It tears me to pieces. She took one of my pregnancy tests and got a definate positive. She was so mad she threw the test at me. I was so discouraged by it. I cried all evening. Just no energy to try anymore. I sure hope that you all are doing well. Babydust to you all!

Hey Angel, sorry to hear your having a rough go... We are here for you whenever you need.:flower:
Hey ladies! I am new to this forum My hubby and I have been ttc since March of 2010. Just a little background, I am 29 and have PCOS and hubby is average on county and good in mobility. We are on our 2nd IUI with injectables. I did 100 IU of Follistim for 6 days this month, had the IUI on the 11th and now in the tww. This is the worst and I have done really good up until the last two days.

So for the last three days I have had af like cramps. Last night I wiped and there was 2 little spots of pink discharge. (TMI sorry) Today is a little more cramping and yellowish tan discharge (small amounts). It is 11dpiui and I am due for af on Sunday. Also that last three days been really tired and had this pulling or heavy feeling in lower abdomen.

Any suggestions? I am really trying to avoid the POAS, but I may breakdown the next time I have to go.

Welcome!! :flower: My suggestion would be POAS lol, but I'm kind of an addict! Let us know how it goes!!! Can I ask what your PCOS symptoms are?? I'm going through the process of being diagnosed I believe... The girls on here are really awesome, no need to worry about TMI here!
Hey Ladies:) Day 18 of AF today... I'm really tired of this! I have a Doctors apt on Tuesday! I'm feeling a lot more positive about everything, and when I do get diagnosed this week with PCOS It wont be such a blow lol. Greg and I have been doing lots and lots of research, and we are feeling very good about everything! I know I mentioned that we had atrocious vet bills earlier this month and it looked like we would have to put Vegas off... well we decided last week that life is too short, and we booked it! Woot Woot! How is everyone else??!!
Yay - hurray for going to vegas!! Will be nice for you to have something fun to look forward to!!

Cant wait for you to get some answers from your Doc, then you can move on armed with all the knowledge and see what happens.

Not much happening for me, still waiting to O.... seems to take so long to come around!
So ladies, I have been DX with PCOS! Oh my was I devastated, I literally cried the whole night! My husband is my angle, he would just hug me and tell me it's okay. Well, I have read, and read, and read that PCOS makes you depressed, fatigue, etc. etc., well, I'm not letting it get to me. I need to lose this weight and help my husband and I have this baby! My husband goes in for his SA in about 2 weeks (FYI, infertility is EXPENSIVE!) and I'm going to my RE on 8/22.
So ladies, I have been DX with PCOS! Oh my was I devastated, I literally cried the whole night! My husband is my angle, he would just hug me and tell me it's okay. Well, I have read, and read, and read that PCOS makes you depressed, fatigue, etc. etc., well, I'm not letting it get to me. I need to lose this weight and help my husband and I have this baby! My husband goes in for his SA in about 2 weeks (FYI, infertility is EXPENSIVE!) and I'm going to my RE on 8/22.

:hugs: im so sorry. They can do things to help you despite PCOS i have heard, and I think there are a few threads out there on it. Good to hear you are not going to let it get to you. You can always cmoe on here and rant to us :) :hugs:
Feb - how was your doctors appointment? Did you get any answers?
So ladies, I have been DX with PCOS! Oh my was I devastated, I literally cried the whole night! My husband is my angle, he would just hug me and tell me it's okay. Well, I have read, and read, and read that PCOS makes you depressed, fatigue, etc. etc., well, I'm not letting it get to me. I need to lose this weight and help my husband and I have this baby! My husband goes in for his SA in about 2 weeks (FYI, infertility is EXPENSIVE!) and I'm going to my RE on 8/22.

I too was diagnosed on Tuesday with PCOS... I'm really feeling super optimistic about it after a few days of feeling like CRAP, and a complete melt down in the Doctors office:cry: Greg has been my rock, and I'm so grateful for him everyday. I'm so glad you have the support as well! What symptoms do you have KC??? I have cysts on my ovaries and my hormones are completly out of wack :wacko: I take one pill a day for 5 days, they are 10mg pills of provera to stop my period. I took the second one today and I feel ill:hissy: I'm waiting to hear from the specialist that my GP referred me to.. I hope its not a long wait... FX:) I'm so grateful for Canadian Health Care... sorry to hear its so pricey for you guys :hugs:

P.S. PCOS doesn't always mean that your infertile, just sometimes it can be more difficult to conceive naturally. BUT WE CAN DO IT!!! I already started my pcos diet... i wish it included ice cream. lol
Hey ladies! I'm back! Sorry that I have Bern MIA lately. I won't say that I've been busy but I can't stop sleeping. This baby is really draining. We had a scary moment last week. I woke up in the middle if the night with some severe cramping. I thought for sure that something was seriously wrong. We went to our local hospital and waited in the ER for 4 hours. They sent us for an ultrasound to determine if the pregnancy was still 'viable'. Just them saying that nearly killed me. They started the u/s and there it was a little heartbeat, a head an I could even see the arm. I was blown away. It was incredibly emotional. After the doctor stepped out, we closed the door and cried. So I'm now 9 weeks and 4 days.

Kcsandoval and Feb....PCOS is not good obviously bit I can say that I have 3 girlfriends that have it and all of them have children now. I know it's different for everyone but i know their roads to parenthood were not easy by any means. You ladies are so strong and I just know that you will get what you want. It is your destiny to be mommies. Lots of love!
So ladies, I have been DX with PCOS! Oh my was I devastated, I literally cried the whole night! My husband is my angle, he would just hug me and tell me it's okay. Well, I have read, and read, and read that PCOS makes you depressed, fatigue, etc. etc., well, I'm not letting it get to me. I need to lose this weight and help my husband and I have this baby! My husband goes in for his SA in about 2 weeks (FYI, infertility is EXPENSIVE!) and I'm going to my RE on 8/22.

I too was diagnosed on Tuesday with PCOS... I'm really feeling super optimistic about it after a few days of feeling like CRAP, and a complete melt down in the Doctors office:cry: Greg has been my rock, and I'm so grateful for him everyday. I'm so glad you have the support as well! What symptoms do you have KC??? I have cysts on my ovaries and my hormones are completly out of wack :wacko: I take one pill a day for 5 days, they are 10mg pills of provera to stop my period. I took the second one today and I feel ill:hissy: I'm waiting to hear from the specialist that my GP referred me to.. I hope its not a long wait... FX:) I'm so grateful for Canadian Health Care... sorry to hear its so pricey for you guys :hugs:

P.S. PCOS doesn't always mean that your infertile, just sometimes it can be more difficult to conceive naturally. BUT WE CAN DO IT!!! I already started my pcos diet... i wish it included ice cream. lol

Well my symptoms are the weight gain, hairs on my chin (which are sooo embarrassing in itself :blush:), my irregular periods, and not ovulating. They took my blood and my hormones were not all over the place, but not as they should be. I get my period every month, but different days. So now they want my husband to go in for a SA, but he’s been working 12 hours a day and has no time and they don’t do those testing on weekends.

I’m also starting my diet, what are you doing? I have been eating ONLY whole grain wheat and started to walk with my husband. :bunny:I have my first appointment with my RE on 8/22 so let’s see what he’s going to say.

Yeah, my health insurance pays for almost everything, except for infertility!! :gun:
Hey ladies! I'm back! Sorry that I have Bern MIA lately. I won't say that I've been busy but I can't stop sleeping. This baby is really draining. We had a scary moment last week. I woke up in the middle if the night with some severe cramping. I thought for sure that something was seriously wrong. We went to our local hospital and waited in the ER for 4 hours. They sent us for an ultrasound to determine if the pregnancy was still 'viable'. Just them saying that nearly killed me. They started the u/s and there it was a little heartbeat, a head an I could even see the arm. I was blown away. It was incredibly emotional. After the doctor stepped out, we closed the door and cried. So I'm now 9 weeks and 4 days.

Kcsandoval and Feb....PCOS is not good obviously bit I can say that I have 3 girlfriends that have it and all of them have children now. I know it's different for everyone but i know their roads to parenthood were not easy by any means. You ladies are so strong and I just know that you will get what you want. It is your destiny to be mommies. Lots of love!

Muffin - thank you :friends: I know it's going to be hard and it has to take lots of determination to get that little of joy that you have right now. I can't imagine how you felt seeing your baby in the screen. I would cry too :cry: But happy tears of course.

Me and my husband are trying to pay as much bills as we can so we can take the payments and infertility head on. God I hope this pays off so we can have our little :crib:
How are all you guys doing???!!! I have good news and I have Bad news..... blah
I'll start with the bad news....I finished taking the 5 tablets of Provera... and the very next "bloody" day.... I started spotting again, and I'm pretty sure its AF... actually her evil twin sister ... Good news I have my first Apt booked for the 12th of August, I'm super pumped for the apt! They only part that scares me is that the Dr isn't going to be the right fit for me... I just cant go to any old doctor ... i think i said that in June before I met my GP.... Any who, I know summer makes for busy times, but i hope to see some more action on this page!
Hello Ladies:) I need to hear from you guys!!! tell me about your ovulations, what cyclle days you are lol! I need someone to live vicariously through!!! Miss Hena? Was their a BFP on Canadian grounds??!!! :dust: to all!
It;s our 6 month wedding anniversary today!!! woot woot!
Woohoo awesome Feb, hope you celebrated the 6 months :)

I too wish to hear from Hena, dying to know the outcome!

I have hopefully ovulated, i had a blood test two days ago that was inconclusive and another today.. sadly due to sickness I did not get to BD anywhere near close to O day so will be out for sure this time round. There is always next cycle huh?

Glad you have your appt booked, that will be great for you to get to discuss options and things. Sorry to hear you got AF again right away though, that sucks!!
Hi ladies. Haven't been trying super hard to conceive lately. Things are just too discouraging. I'm stuck in a big rut. Im on like CD60 and still no af. Was checked for PCOS and that testing all came back normal. I guess maybe I just need to diet and get my hormones wacked back into place. Haven't been online, no internet at home right now. Sorry about that I started this thread then flaked on everyone. I am wishing u all the best with ttc. I am not sure when I will be on again. I will try and check in again soon.
Hi ladies. Haven't been trying super hard to conceive lately. Things are just too discouraging. I'm stuck in a big rut. I'm on like CD60 and still no af. Was checked for PCOS and that testing all came back normal. I guess maybe I just need to diet and get my hormones wacked back into place. Haven't been online, no internet at home right now. Sorry about that I started this thread then flaked on everyone. I am wishing u all the best with ttc. I am not sure when I will be on again. I will try and check in again soon.

No Worries Angel, I've been thinking about you lately hun... I hope everything works out for you. Xx Keep popping in when you can, we are here for you!
Woohoo awesome Feb, hope you celebrated the 6 months :)

I too wish to hear from Hena, dying to know the outcome!

I have hopefully ovulated, i had a blood test two days ago that was inconclusive and another today.. sadly due to sickness I did not get to BD anywhere near close to O day so will be out for sure this time round. There is always next cycle huh?

Glad you have your appt booked, that will be great for you to get to discuss options and things. Sorry to hear you got AF again right away though, that sucks!!

How did the second blood test go?? How soon can you get your results after you have ur blood taken? 4 more sleeps until the dr apt!!:happydance:

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