2nd labour..... Dreading it more than with my first


Mummy to 2, pregnant with #3
Sep 11, 2011
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I don't know why I'm so terrified I've done it before and managed on just gas and air. I'm sure I could do it again.

However this time I'm terrified and can feel my heart race when even thinking about contractions!!

The only thing I can put it down to is with my son I had a quick labour (although we were induced so that may be why) he also had polyhydramnios so had loads of fluid so when my waters went it was horrific and that's when he engaged too!! From there everything went quickly and we had problems with meconium and they needed to bring him quickly so had an episiotomy to help. Once he was born it took a while to bring him round too!!

Scary at the time but things could've been a lot worse so I count my lucky stars. However I still can't shake this terrified feeling about labour again.

Am I alone in this or is anyone else as irrationally scared as me??
My first was born early (34+6), and I am so hoping for a full term birth this time. But at the same time I am scared of birthing a bigger baby because I had really bad tearing last time around. My first birth was very quick and natural too, so im not afraid of the pain... just the overall experience I guess. So stressful!
Me! I am scared more as well. I guess first time you are not sure what you'll be getting into :) i had fairly easy birth, but oh my i was screaming from pain, so need to figure how to manage that this time :)
With my first I was in prodromal labor for six days. I'm dreading having to deal with that again. I was so tired and sick by the end that I couldn't hold him for long because I was falling asleep. :( hoping this labor is a lot faster this time around.
Me and this is my third!!! You just never know what to expect and if everything will go smoothly!
me im dreading it I had forceps the last time so dreading ill need them again and also incase I have to do it the usual way :-(
My first labour was long, drawn out, complicated and back to back. I don't fear it at all now because I figure it's highly unlikely it'll be worse and even if it's the same it's only a couple of days of your life.
Im feeling bit nervous this time although last time it was the unknown that was so scary this time I'm feeling more prepared and know what to expect. Everyone keeps telling me 2nd labours are easier/ quicker last time it was over 26hrs! I had to wait several hours on an epidural as well, will be more demanding this time though!
I delivered at 35+2 last time so kind of dreading labour with a larger baby. Hoping to get to full term this time so I can have a water birth :)
I can totally relate to what you are saying. My first wasn't overly complicated - but had to be induced and it was 20 hours long with 3-minute contractions and a few stitches for me when I Was done. It was mostly very exhausting and painful - but both baby and I came out fine. I am nervous about going 2 weeks overdue again, induction, and a super long labor. I really just hope that this baby comes out faster than baby#1 and we both turn out healthy!
Just keep looking at your current little ones to remind yourself of why we are going through all of this again. We can do it!
Thank you so much for all your comments ladies!!

Glad I'm not the only person whose scared it makes me feel more normal now I guess.

I think some people have said last time I'd no clue what to expect although this time I do. In honesty the pain doesn't scare me it was awful but once I started pushing I was quite happy 😊 there was no pain just pressure and that I could focus on!

I think it's more what could go wrong again that panics me! I guess what will be will be. Here's hoping I don't go overdue this time that sucked!! Although I felt safer being induced knowing I was in hospital from the minute labour started and I wasn't an hour away from the hospital lol xxx
I think some women are just more fearful than others, this is my 3rd and I'm definitely pretty scared...could also be that there was a 3 year age difference between my first two but this will be a near 6 year difference from my last so needless to say it almost feels like my first in terms of fear although I do know what to expect.
I keep having dreams about birthing a 20lb baby. I wasn't scared at all until they started up. I remind myself that even if he is a huge turkey sized baby, I'll be in the best possible place. It's amazing what hospitals can do nowadays :)
Thank you so much for all your comments ladies!!

Glad I'm not the only person whose scared it makes me feel more normal now I guess.

I think some people have said last time I'd no clue what to expect although this time I do. In honesty the pain doesn't scare me it was a
I think it's more what could go wrong again that panics me! I guess what will be will be. Here's hoping I don't go overdue this time that sucked!! Although I felt safer being induced knowing I was in hospital from the minute labour started and I waswful but once I started pushing I was quite happy 😊 there was no pain just pressure and that I could focus on!
n't an hour away from the hospital lol xxx

I can relate to being an hour from the hospital and that makes me nervous. I was induced at nearly 42 weeks last time, so I was also at the hospital when things got started. This time, I am not so much worried about what could go 'wrong' as I am the length and pain of it again. I do not want to be induced again and I hope things go quickly but worrying is not going to change what things turn out. The best we can do is focus our energy into a more positive form.
I've got to admit over the last few weeks since posting this I'm try to think positively and look on the good side to labour and prepare as best we can.

Fingers crossed we'll be Ok xxx
I too fear the second time more. With my first I was all excited and ready for the challenge of having a natural birth. I had prodromal labor that would occur only at night, every night for a month before I actually went into labor.:wacko: My labor was 16 hours long and a bit traumatic. DS went in distress during the pushing stage and I had to get him out ASAP. They gave me an episiotomy to speed things up. I want another drug free birth but now knowing how painful it really is, I'm scared. And I'm also dreading breastfeeding and getting absolutely no sleep again. I know it sounds terrible but I'm just not one of those moms that loves the newborn stage :blush:
I too fear the second time more. With my first I was all excited and ready for the challenge of having a natural birth. I had prodromal labor that would occur only at night, every night for a month before I actually went into labor.:wacko: My labor was 16 hours long and a bit traumatic. DS went in distress during the pushing stage and I had to get him out ASAP. They gave me an episiotomy to speed things up. I want another drug free birth but now knowing how painful it really is, I'm scared. And I'm also dreading breastfeeding and getting absolutely no sleep again. I know it sounds terrible but I'm just not one of those moms that loves the newborn stage :blush:

I know what you mean. While i enjoy a lot of parts of the newborn stages, I don't do well on no sleep. My hubby is a huge help but I know I will return to work after my leave and I have a 2 year old this time around - so resting with baby will be quite limited. However, I also know that when I look back, I am sad that my daughter grew up SO quickly so I just want to focus on enjoying every single moment as best as I can!
Ladies, just wanted to updated my little girl arrived Monday night and I had been nervous about 2nd birth after a very long hard labour with my son after being induced. Couldn't of been more different this time, started getting cramps at lunchtime very manageable every 10 mins, didn't even tell anyone until about 6pm when I got into the bath, contractions got stronger at 7.30pm put my tens on, breathed through contractions and stayed mobile. Left for hospital at 9.30pm, not convinced they would admit me at that stage as I was coping so well. Put turned out to be 5cm, taken to delivery room and baby was born at 11.45pm using just gas and air and the tens machine. Had a tear as she came out so quick but apart from that it was very manageable. Just wanted to reassure as I had been nervous too but it was a total different experience this time. Good luck it's worth every min! X
I am worrying about going into labour this time :wacko: as stupid as that sounds last time I was induced at 10 days late and so it was all planned, contractions, waters broke in hospital etc etc I am scared of the unknown and waters breaking anywhere at any time and not getting to the hospital on time and how DS will react to me in pain etc etc
Flip side what if this labour isn't as easy as the last one and I need intervention or c-sec or it is long :wacko:

I almost would like to be induced again just because I know that BUT I really do not want to be 10 days overdue!!

I guess it is all the unknowns although I cannot wait to meet her and our family to be complete :cloud9:

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