2nd tri and beyond Due Jul/Aug/Sep 2018

I can't believe I have just over a month left! Time is flying by.

Having some period like cramps the last 12 hours or so..pretty mild, but I think baby may have dropped some (I seem to be able to breathe a little easier), so maybe it's just achyness and pressure from that?

I'm jealous! A month left! I feel like I've been my 20's forever!! I'm totally out of breath constantly and when I hear heavy breathing I have to stop and realize that it's me, it's embarrassing :blush: I feel my little guy drop a lot so I get the achiness and pressure. Hang in there, you're almost done!
So mild dilemma, my sister and her fiancé live out of state and will be traveling after little man is born. I like her fiancé well enough, I don't know too much about her, but I do know that she smokes. How do can I put it mildly that I don't want her holding the baby unless her clothes are smoke free? I have every right to ask of this since I'm the mom, but I also don't want to make her feel unwelcomed. I just think it's common sense to not smoke, but to smell fresh and clean when handling a newborn. Any thoughts?
I felt like after my 20w scan time flew by and it seems like just yesterday I was 30 weeks..time is going fast!

Regarding the smoking I totally agree with you, I think in situations like this it's best to be blunt.

'We can't wait for you to meet baby but during our baby classes/our doctor told us (blame someone else lol) that second hand smoke, even on clothing, is one of the big risks for SIDS (true)...can we ask that before you hold baby you ensure you clothes are smoke free and that everyone washes their hands?' I
I felt like after my 20w scan time flew by and it seems like just yesterday I was 30 weeks..time is going fast!

Regarding the smoking I totally agree with you, I think in situations like this it's best to be blunt.

'We can't wait for you to meet baby but during our baby classes/our doctor told us (blame someone else lol) that second hand smoke, even on clothing, is one of the big risks for SIDS (true)...can we ask that before you hold baby you ensure you clothes are smoke free and that everyone washes their hands?' I

Thanks! Best to blame it on someone else and I did not know about the SIDS thing! Maybe I should be taking a baby class!
Yes second hand smoke has been shown to have negative effects in infants and children, one of which is SIDS, obviously I'm not trying to fear monger, the risk is still low, but anything to protect your babies, right? Especially since it's such a minor thing that we can control (there's so much we can't).
Alligator - I can't believe you only have a month! I have a little over two and it just feels like it's so far away.

I've been getting period type cramps for the past few days, but I don't think they're contractions since my belly doesn't get hard. Maybe baby boy is low?

Also, regarding the smoking, I think being blunt and talking about SIDS would be best. Most smokers understand anyways. My fiancé used to smoke when Alex was born (he quit almost a year ago now!) and I made him change his clothes and wash his hands and face every time he came back in. Every. Time.
It's hard to believe there's a little over a month left! 5-6 weeks likely at most...they don't let you go much over 41 weeks here...although maybe they would let me go to nearly 42? haha I pray not! Everyone thinks this baby is coming early! We'll see :)
I'm the opposite. The 20s seemed to go by in a blink for me but now that I'm in the 30s it is taking forever. It seems like my 30w scan was months ago lol. Baby is running out of room and all I feel right now is limbs everywhere. SPD is so bad now from baby dropping. I went to get out of bed this morning and tmi but my whole pelvis cracked in several places, then I had a sharp pain shoot up my back when I stood up. Just ready to be done at this point and I still have weeks left... ugh!
lilmiss my spd is bad too...I have bad pain while walking and getting up out of bed is really really painful, I have to move so slowly and just work through the pain I find. It sucks!
I definitely have my good days and bad days for pelvic pain, thankfully today is a good one! Since my little guy is measuring a week ahead, I know that the upcoming 13 weeks left are going to be a rollercoaster! I just can't wait to be able to sleep on my back and stomach again!! Thanks all for the smoking advice, since I don't know her very well I don't want it to come off rude. But like everyone said, it should be common sense to not smell like smoke and then try to hold a newborn. I'll talk to my sister and see if she can play middle man when that time comes.
Well, it looks like the baby is head down now. I've got tons of pressure and pelvic pain and have for the past few days. I think this is most likely how it's going to be from here on out until he decides to make his appearance.

On the plus side, less than two weeks until our next ultrasound! Hopefully the tech will do a 3-D picture of his face even though it's just a growth scan. I'd love to see what he looks like. From what I've seen online, they're pretty accurate at that point :D

Started getting some nausea again, usually just when I eat too much. Completely normal, but man, do I hate the third trimester lol. August cannot come soon enough!
I still hate the first trimester the most but yeah third trimester is no picnic either LOL. I feel you with the nausea, and the heartburn! UGH. And just food aversions...I don't even really like eating anymore, my DH is annoyed with me as I can't think ahead to what I might want to eat for dinner, I pretty much have to decide right before I eat it so planning meals is a bit of a pain. I'm content to just eat cheese and crackers half the time!

I have my 36 week appointment on Thursday and they told me I'll be getting a bum swab! FUN lol. And then I start weekly appointments! Crazy. This is also my last week of work. Friday is my last day. I can't wait.

Baby's bassinet is all ready in our room as well as a diaper change station. I also have a little portable box of post-partum goodies for myself (pads, breast pads, nipple cream, perineal spray, etc.), the hospital bags are packed (just a few things to grab last minute like my glasses and a phone charger and I wrote a list out and put it on top of the bag), I've started washing baby's clothes and getting her room organized. We'll put the car seat in this weekend and once that's done, it's just little things to get ready!
I still hate the first trimester the most but yeah third trimester is no picnic either LOL. I feel you with the nausea, and the heartburn! UGH. And just food aversions...I don't even really like eating anymore, my DH is annoyed with me as I can't think ahead to what I might want to eat for dinner, I pretty much have to decide right before I eat it so planning meals is a bit of a pain. I'm content to just eat cheese and crackers half the time!

I have my 36 week appointment on Thursday and they told me I'll be getting a bum swab! FUN lol. And then I start weekly appointments! Crazy. This is also my last week of work. Friday is my last day. I can't wait.

Baby's bassinet is all ready in our room as well as a diaper change station. I also have a little portable box of post-partum goodies for myself (pads, breast pads, nipple cream, perineal spray, etc.), the hospital bags are packed (just a few things to grab last minute like my glasses and a phone charger and I wrote a list out and put it on top of the bag), I've started washing baby's clothes and getting her room organized. We'll put the car seat in this weekend and once that's done, it's just little things to get ready!

Yeah, first tri is not fun, but I'm lucky in the fact that I didn't have any morning sickness for my first and just nausea with my second, so it wasn't too bad. Third tri for me is def the worst one, especially since I'm pretty sure this little guy is a monster baby just like his brother was lol.

And I hear you on the food aversions! I haven't had any new ones in a while, but they are so bad! We always keep pasta around because that's one of the only things I CAN eat.

We don't have anything yet for the baby except a car seat and it's starting to stress me out. I mean, we can use Alex's old clothes and toys, but we do need to get a new co-sleeper and a new video monitor since ours is on the way out. Plus some little things like mittens and pacifiers. Alex hated both of those things so we got rid of them. It's just getting down to the wire and I just want things settled lol.
Tomorrow I finally begin my 3rd trimester! I'm excited and hope these next 12 weeks go by. I live in Arizona so our summer has been in full swing these last few weeks and I've been drinking more water then usual. Last thing I need is to be dehydrated. Baby's room is almost set, in the process of making the art décor and a friend is graciously giving us her old chest of drawers. Everything is slowly coming together and I couldn't be happier, now all we need is our little man to show his handsome face in September!
It's so funny how everyone is different, my third trimester has been challenging and I'm miserable and uncomfortable but if I had to choose I would rather feel like this than constantly sick as I did in first tri. But we all have different symptoms!

I'm starting to feel really anxious about not being ready but I think we are, mostly, ready. A few things to go of course and are you ever REALLY ready? We'll adjust and learn as we go :)
Congrats and welcome to the third trimester, homegrown! :)

I'm with you ladies about being fed up with the third trimester. I wake up with nausea from the baby kicking me all night, then by evening I have horrible SPD and it ends with heartburn all night. I'm on Zantac for the heartburn but it doesn't always help. I'm just assuming that this is how it's going to be from here on out until the birth of the baby. On a side note, I'm less than a week away from where I was when I gave birth to my last son, at 35w3d. I'm hoping to last out longer than that with this one. The goal of my midwife is to get me to at least 37 weeks (full term) this time. I'm having lots of pelvic pressure though and baby is engaged so I'm not sure if I will or not. I'm also losing bits of mucus plug.
lilmiss - fingers crossed for 37 weeks! I know exactly what you mean about nausea from the baby kicking. This little guy likes to kick my sternum and somehow bump into my left hip bone at the same time. He's very active and all that movement makes me nauseous. I think maybe his butt is hitting my stomach lol. And the heartburn is starting to get worse. I can still control it with Tums, but hopefully it doesn't get too crazy!
My heartburn is bad too! Mostly at night. Every time I wake up to pee I have to take a heartburn tablet. I might ask my doctor on Thursday about a prescription option for the last few weeks!

I’m now off work which is great! Sitting on my couch eating breakfast and watching the news. I’m going swimming with my friend and her baby today, hopefully that takes some pressure off these joints and muscles in my body! Then I’ll likely run a couple errands and make dinner for hubby! Trying to do 1-2 tasks a day around the house to keep up with stuff while I’m off before baby comes while also resting (which is the point!)
I’m now off work which is great! Sitting on my couch eating breakfast and watching the news. I’m going swimming with my friend and her baby today, hopefully that takes some pressure off these joints and muscles in my body! Then I’ll likely run a couple errands and make dinner for hubby! Trying to do 1-2 tasks a day around the house to keep up with stuff while I’m off before baby comes while also resting (which is the point!)

That's so exciting! I wish I was able to take more time off, but alas, the US has crap maternity leave lol

I just found out that one of my good friends is pregnant with her first :happydance: She's only about 4-5 weeks along, so they're keeping it hush hush, but we're going to be meeting up this weekend because she said she has a lot of questions, and I'm the only one out of our friend group who has kids already. I don't blame her! This is my second and I still have a lot of questions :haha:

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