2nd Tri loss due to IC anyone?

It's very frustrating waiting on answers from Doctors after something so terrible happens to you. It leaves you in the arena of guessing, self diagnosing and generally driving yourself ever so slightly insane with the compulsion to get pregnant as quickly as possible with the added pressure of fear of the unknown cause of your loss (if we are lucky to find one).

I could have written this.

I hope you get answer Tia from the tests they ran. Its no good for the little on you lost but can hopefully help for the future. I understand its frustrating about your uterus, but the good thing is that if they thought that your type of uterus frequently causes problems then they would be classing as high risk. Its a good thing to not be considered high risk. They should monitor you closely I would think next time...if not push it! I dont know much about it...wish I did so I could help ease your mind :hugs:
I know what you mean about constantly getting horrible reminders about not being pregnant anymore. I had it all day yesterday when I went out for my sisters birthday shopping. There were babies EVERYWHERE and also pregant women! Either women were ramming their prams into me or they were getting their babies out an comforting them or feeding them! It felt like such a kick in the teeth!
Britney did you have a low progesterone? I was also wondering if I should ask about this too, as I come to understand that having the progesterone & cerclage is like extra protection? Do you know much about it?

I have calculated too that if we wait until the cycle after next (so beginning of March) and fall I will be due about the same time (days) of when Bertie was born. I wont try this month as its too soon, and think the consultant will say this. Then the Feb cycle...if it happens then its a bonus (just hope I fit in my wedding dress as would be about 25 weeks!). I think I want to get my BFP ideally in March and I think it will be quite nice to have a baby around the same time as Bertie - that way no one can ever forget him. Not that I ever will, but it will be a little birthday present for him xx

I didn't have low progesterone but it's something my doctor suggested and talked about at our follow up appointment. We discussed how they're pretty certain everything was caused by IC but there isn't a way to know for absolute sure that I didn't just go into pre-term labor. The progesterone injections help prevent pre-term labor. I kind of feel like, the cerclage will help the IC and the progesterone would help the early labor (if that's what it was, but can't hurt really). I know that the injections are weekly and have been shown to reduce early labor. My doctor suggested starting them between 16 and 18 (if I remember right) and then ending them at 30 something weeks. I'll be going in almost weekly for the cervix measurements so it wouldn't be an extra hassle really.

I'm so going to be suggesting this!!!! I know they wont find anything from the tests, so if they cant 100% diagnose IC - I will push them to monitor & stitch. If they say its Pre term labour (is this the same as PPROM?) I will suggest progesterone. I hope they will do both. I just cant let this happen again.
Yellowyamyam I hope you get a good set of questions & strategies drawn out with your mums friend. Will you be taking these when you have your results back? I think we need to be strong & forceful. The more educated we are the less likely we will be to get fobbed off! x
hiya bride :hi:

i just seen my maternal fetal specialist yesterday for the first time and finally got some questions answered about my loss. apparently they did find inflammation in my placenta and the baby which they believe caused my water to break. she believes i may have IC and it caused bacteria to get into the opening. the ironic thing is i had a feeling about this in my pregnancy because years ago i had a doc tell me my cervix was a little more open than it should be and i just feel like i had a miscarriage in the pass that was just not diagnosed. the only procedure i had on my cervix was a biopsy because they found pre cancerous cells and then they froze my cervix with oxygen for a few mins to get the cells off..this was about 20 yrs ago n all was fine since then.

my doc told me this time around they will be monitoring my cervix very closely..i go back in 4 weeks n she will start measuring from then, if she finds an opening they will put a stitch in at 11 weeks!! i feel really confident i am under the right care this time. the funny thing is this appt was set up since oct of last yr and it was to discuss why PPROM happen to me and how to prevent it in future pregnancies...my original appt was set up for last week 12/29/11 but the doc was not going to be in so they called to resched to 1/6/12...i would have not known i was preggo last week, so very ironic the appt was moved just in time...i believe my little angel set this all up for me so i would get the right care this time around..i feel very confident in this pregnancy because everything is just falling into place. i pray ur rainbow will come very soon hunny, u so deserve to be happy, i will fight for this baby n i know with the knowledge n research u are doing so will u :hugs:
Hi Sunkiss, I have been thinking about you, I'm so glad about your BFP & your post a few days ago has given me so much hope. You are so strong & positive its really wonderful.

I'm really glad that you have been seen - and its great that the appointment changed so now that you are preggers :happydance: you will be looked after & wont have to wait around for them to give you appointments. Wow another case of IC! Its amazing how many women have problems with the cervix but its never looked at until a loss happens. I'm so pleased you got answers, and so pleased you are getting the care you deserve. I wish you all the happiness in th world for you & your hubby with your little rainbow :flower:
Here's a question for you ladies with IC ...

Did you have any bleeding in your 1st trimester? I read somewhere that is a common symptom for IC.

I was bleeding from week 5 until 12 weeks. I had every type/colours of spotting/bleeding/clots. I had scans on week 5, 6, & 8 which showed healthy fetus but never had cervix checked. No bleeds/spots or any pink in my discharge from week 12 onwards though.

So did you experience the same thing?
Here's a question for you ladies with IC ...

Did you have any bleeding in your 1st trimester? I read somewhere that is a common symptom for IC.

I was bleeding from week 5 until 12 weeks. I had every type/colours of spotting/bleeding/clots. I had scans on week 5, 6, & 8 which showed healthy fetus but never had cervix checked. No bleeds/spots or any pink in my discharge from week 12 onwards though.

So did you experience the same thing?

I didn't have IC, so not sure if this is entirely relevant, I had PPROM, but I did have bleeding - I had light bleeding before my AF was due, making me think I was about to have AF, but then it stopped, making me wonder if I was pg, which I then did a test and found I was. I then bled from 6-7 weeks for a full week (brown), and then bled again at 13 weeks. I never had that in my previous pregnancies, so I have a feeling something was wrong right from the very start...
Here's a question for you ladies with IC ...

Did you have any bleeding in your 1st trimester? I read somewhere that is a common symptom for IC.

I was bleeding from week 5 until 12 weeks. I had every type/colours of spotting/bleeding/clots. I had scans on week 5, 6, & 8 which showed healthy fetus but never had cervix checked. No bleeds/spots or any pink in my discharge from week 12 onwards though.

So did you experience the same thing?

Hi! I have a crappy, icky cervix... but with ALL my pregnancies I've never experienced any bleeding.... I just start having contractions and then the battle begins with trying to keep them away... As each pregnancy I am blessed with, my LO comes earlier and earlier tho... So, I'm a bit nervous with any future pregnancies .. Not enough to not wanna try tho :flower:
I don't have a definite diagnosed case of IC, but they suspected it due to the wieght of twins - my cervix may have opened a bit to allow bacteria in too. I've never read of any association between bleeding and IC, but I have read of association between bleeding and subsequent pPROM, though- it is thought that the thrombin in the blood may weaken membranes. Obviously not always though. I didn't have any bleeding at all.

hi all,

thought i will update everyone after my appointment with the gynae yesterday (mom's friend). because i didn't have the lab results from the placenta & blood tests, she could only suggest what could have happened. she said for my case, it sounded awfully a lot like IC but another big possibility would be because of my sugar level that caused the early labor. So she had me took HPAC1 test, which tells if I was diabetic 2-3 months ago! I was :shock: to hear such test exists! :haha: Oh also a smear test.

So I will be getting these results back TODAY! *Sigh* the benefits of private care...

Anyway, she was very patient and answered all my questions. I just wanted to know what I should look out for and what she would do as a doctor to a patient if this this that that happens... So I know now what to bring up or push for in my future pregnancy. She was so kind and said "I will get your mom to ship you the medication in the future".

I told her that I was bleeding every 2-3 days in 1st tri. She said in her care, she would give the patient progesterone (injections) to strengthen/stabilize the placenta to ensure embryo's formation is not disturb. Lots of bed rests and no intercourse. I told her that many many people told me bleeding in 1st tri is very common. She said yes it is common but no harm doing extra to ensure things are alright. Especially with me + PCOS, hormone levels are usually off-balance.

Re IC, she said she would do the stitch at about 12 - 13 weeks. After that, her patients usually will be admitted into the hospital until 30 weeks!!! I was like WOW! Where do those people find the money?! She explained some through medical insurance and for those who can't afford, bedrest at home and she meant literally BED - TOILET - BED. Stitch will be taken out at 30 weeks and if you go into labor, it's fine because baby will survive. Oh and NO :sex: :haha:

I asked if we can TTC now... she was hesitant. She said she would rather us wait until March to give time to my body to [hopefully] corrects itself. I have mix feeling about this so if I can, we will just NTNP until March. I don't know... I am tempted to start taking Clomid when my AF shows but I am not sure. She said to leave it naturally for about 6 months before taking Clomid. She didn't sound like it was because of medical reasons; more because she is PRO the al naturel way.
I didnt have any pain at all even when my waters went and after. I had some very light bleeding for 2 days quite browny and watery, thats all. Could this be IC? I have already read about BV could that be a cause too?
Hi Rebecca, did they give you any results about your loss? Have they given you any indication about IC or what to expect in the next pregnancy with regards to additional scans & tests?

I had a consultants appointment 6 weeks after my loss where they discussed the test results etc, so all the answers you ask were covered and given the all clear.

I am not 100% convinced about IC not being the cause for me. I was examined when my waters broke & the result of this showed my cervix was long & thin (what I was told at the consultants appointment). Now the lovely Nikki on this forum posted this link (which shows that you can not tell whats happening to the cervix just from an examination) ;


I would think you would be offered more scans & tests next time - have they dscussed this with you?

If you read the link its really clear about monitoring for IC. I have been told I will get a TVS at 12 weeks to monitor the cervix & another at 16-17 weeks for reassurance as this will be a few weeks before the time I lost Bertie. It seems like they should be doing TVS from 9 weeks to get a baseline measurement.

I hope this is of some help, there are plenty of people here that have some knowledge of PPROM due to IC & there is a good thread in the gestational complications forum too about IC.xx
Hi Rebecca, did they give you any results about your loss? Have they given you any indication about IC or what to expect in the next pregnancy with regards to additional scans & tests?

I had a consultants appointment 6 weeks after my loss where they discussed the test results etc, so all the answers you ask were covered and given the all clear.

I am not 100% convinced about IC not being the cause for me. I was examined when my waters broke & the result of this showed my cervix was long & thin (what I was told at the consultants appointment). Now the lovely Nikki on this forum posted this link (which shows that you can not tell whats happening to the cervix just from an examination) ;


I would think you would be offered more scans & tests next time - have they dscussed this with you?

If you read the link its really clear about monitoring for IC. I have been told I will get a TVS at 12 weeks to monitor the cervix & another at 16-17 weeks for reassurance as this will be a few weeks before the time I lost Bertie. It seems like they should be doing TVS from 9 weeks to get a baseline measurement.

I hope this is of some help, there are plenty of people here that have some knowledge of PPROM due to IC & there is a good thread in the gestational complications forum too about IC.xx

Hi I saw the consultant 6 weeks after. He just said it was one of tragedies. He just said it may happen agai or it may not. If I want a cerclage put in he'll do it, but its up to me, he's not too bothered if I don't want one. Hes very laid back.. A bit too laid back for my liking. I didnt have any swabs done as I was bleeding so much they had to rush me in to get the placenta out, but they did swab the placeta which was clear. My consultant said it may have been IC but he cant say for sure. Lately I have read about bacterial vaginosis and I hear that can cause the waters to rupture, I did smell quite fishy while pg (sorry tmi) but I dont anymore.
But I find that the only things I know is from what I research myself, noone seems to care really. At the time it was almost as if, well thses things happen oh well, try again move on. Its not as simple as that though is it :nope:
Thank you so muchfor that website its absolutely brilliant. I like the list o fguidelines to follow for when I try again, Im ever so grateful to you. x
I cant believe that! I think they way they have treated you is terrible. I personally would take the list to your doctor or midwife next time and suggest these scans & for measurements to be taken of your cervix. I am also going to be swabbed for infection (even though no infection was found - just to be on the safe side). I think going armed with info & knowledge will mean you are more likely to be listened to. I think people that are not clued up are maybe more likely to just accept what they have been told. But if they suspect it could be its worth pursuing. I know I would fight for a cerclage as the risks involve do not compare to the risk of an IC. Lots of women on the gestational complication thread have had cerclages, and I have asked questions in the past on there when I was sure I had an IC & they were really helpful xxx
I cant believe that! I think they way they have treated you is terrible. I personally would take the list to your doctor or midwife next time and suggest these scans & for measurements to be taken of your cervix. I am also going to be swabbed for infection (even though no infection was found - just to be on the safe side). I think going armed with info & knowledge will mean you are more likely to be listened to. I think people that are not clued up are maybe more likely to just accept what they have been told. But if they suspect it could be its worth pursuing. I know I would fight for a cerclage as the risks involve do not compare to the risk of an IC. Lots of women on the gestational complication thread have had cerclages, and I have asked questions in the past on there when I was sure I had an IC & they were really helpful xxx

I do feel like Im just left to it as if, well if it happens again it does sort of attitude. Ive had 2 previous children and my second was textbook, he says thats the one he says I should have again. I am def going to push for more scans and measurements of my cervixdone regularly. I dont know what to do about a cerclage, whether to just have one incase, or wait and see if I need one. Im worried I'll have complications with it. But I dont want to be here in a yrs time in the same boat for a second time if I dont have it, asI'd never forgive myself. I was hoping I wouldnt have to personally make the decision :shrug:
I will def be printing off that site and taking it all with me to my first midwifes app
I think personally to have the measurements taken at the timescales on that link, if it looks like there is any shortening then consider a cerclage. Dont forget its after 16 weeks that the cervix generally opens as the baby etc starts to put pressure on the cervix. The risk of a cerclage is small but its not worth the risk if you dont need a cerclage & I'd have thought the hospital wouldnt do a cerclage if its not necessary. x
Would one of those, maternity belts help if I wore it all day to help carry the weight do you think?
I have no idea... I dont really know what they do. I wouldnt think they would take the pressure off the cervix that much to be honest. I think if you have an IC or signs of your cervix shortening then its time to ask the doctor about a cerclage and get the process started I'm not sure much else will help. x
thats true. Was just wondering if it would help if you wore it from day one, bt I guess it wouldnt be in the same area really

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