Ashley, welcome! I can relate, seemed to get pregnant easily but this time it's proving harder! The conception part seems to be happening but getting them to stick is where we are currently stuck. I hope your journey doesn't take long
Ladders, you're waiting to ovulate? I'm sorry, my memory is atrocious. I hope it happens soon for you
PG5K I am in the same boat with cystitis right now. On and off for days! Have you tried Cystopurin (potassium citrate, I think)? Uva-ursi is good but I don't know the safety of it when ttc, you should be able to find it at most health food stores but it isn't for long term use. It's basically drops you add to water, tastes weird but does the job. Unsweetened cranberry juice and also cranberry supplements can help but again with the supplements check with ttc first. Try to drink a litre of water an hour for three hours, and I know this goes against the grain but sometimes a small amount of caffeine can help because it draws water to your bladder quickly which can provide relief quickly, however sometimes this can make things worse so go with what feels right for you.
And I know it's awful timing (I was in the same situation a couple of months ago with imminent ovulation as well), but stay away from sex until it's gone because it will make it worse. When you do dtd, pee first then immediately after and maybe use the shower on yourself after to make sure anything around the area is washed away. Also only use water don't use soap. You probably know all this but in case you don't I thought I'd spam you with info lol
Temp took a dive today but app still confirmed ovulation for CD14. Against popular opinion (I have been researching this non stop) I am leaving the Cyclogest alone in favour of the cream which arrived today thankfully. Good timing. Reasons being I can't use the back door since I know if it gives me diarrhoea it will trigger panic and I need to avoid stress as much as possible (cortisol can obliterate progesterone) and given the recurrent cystitis at the moment that rules out the front door, as it were, so cream it is. I used some earlier today after a shower, I'm praying it helps. Even if it only alleviates the increased anxiety at this point that's a huge benefit.
I'm hoping the later ovulation is a good thing, and I have read some promising things about the cream, including reviews of some women who successfully got pregnant and stayed pregnant using it after having been unsuccessful before.
Just a question - anyone here find multivitamins trigger bladder irritation? I noticed that this seems to be playing up when I'm remembering to take them. The days I haven't remembered I haven't had cystitis but then I take them and it comes back. This wasn't happening before, but I was taking them during the day then drinking lots. This time I have only remembered late in the evening to take them, which means I then go to bed unable to keep drinking obviously, and then it starts up again the following day. It turns my pee bright luminous yellow, so I'm wondering if it's taking them during the evening that's doing it?