33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

I am cd30 today! I'm actually quite positive that I'm going to O either tonight or tomorrow. The ewcm is still here and Sooo much of it. Cervix is still high soft and very open. We dtd the day before yesterday and will tonight (hopefully) I usually have a 16-18 day lp so this cycle is already too long, Daisies! I'm really hoping I do actually O this time. This will be the latest I have ovulated in the past year and a half. I so hope this cycle ends in a bfp for me. I don't have time to reply to everyone right now but I will after dinner.
Well i caved and tested. 9dpo and bfn. Oh well still time i guess.


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Oh jessy that's rubbish I'm sorry. 9dpo is still really really early so I wouldn't be too upset yet, still plenty of time for the bfp to show through

Kim how did you do last night? Do you think you've ovulated now?

Still doing my opks and negative again this morning. Was hoping for a positive today as dh working lates from tomorrow, also conscious of not wanting to o too late in the cycle if it makes lp short again 😕
Jessy, there's still time! You had plenty of bd during the fw so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Ladders, no we didn't get to dtd before dh fell asleep. 😑 I'm kinda upset about this because when we thought I O'd last week he tried so hard to bd every other night and did so well with it. Now that I'm sure I have/will O, he's not up for it. That's just my luck though. It figures it would happen that way for me...

Happycupcake, I'm not using any opk's because I ran out! I had 50 ic's and used them all before I got a positive. I did order more but they won't be here for another day or two (since the mail doesn't run on Sunday) so I won't have any use for them once they get here till the next fw.

I'm so frustrated with my body! The one time I finally get dh to dtd during the fw my body decides not to O around my normal time and come a week late when dh is all bd'd out. Oh well. There's always next cycle I suppose... It's 2am here and I can't sleep... I just have so much on my mind.
Oh Kim I'm sorry mate, I totally know how you feel. It's so frustrating when you think your going to o manage to dtd and then doesn't happen! This is exactly what happens to me last cycle and feel like it's going to happen again. I have loads of ewcm and cervix high and open but no positive opk and if going to have a 27 day cycle it should have been by today.
I totally understand why your laying there struggling to sleep it takes over your mind, I freaking hate the waiting/testing for o
I get that feeling to kim. It was sort of similar this cycle we start dtd on cd8 and i didnt ovulate until cd20! We were both shattered so had to stop at cd19. I hope you did o last week and you are not in the tww!

I hope everyone else is ok. A really faint line has sort of appeared on my test but its only cause its dried and well past the time limit its out. I hate evaps!
Worth testing again tomorrow then jessy because could be the start of a bfp!
I will test tomorrow but i think i had evaps last month too so i am not holding my breath.
I think there are so many evaps around at the moment, it really make oz me tempted to try and wait it out for Af or at least to the point where I should have a convincing line so I'm not squinting and thinking maybe. We will see. As it only took us two cycles last time the obsession was fine but now on cycle 3 and not sure I can keep it up. Sure I'm just saying this as AF is still here and I have nothing to obsess about though!

Kim I'm sorry about late o. It's so hard when it's unpredictable, which is turbulent very reason I'm going to do opks and temping this month.
Kim, I'm sorry you didn't get to dtd but you did recently so don't worry! Some do this purposely to sway gender and conceive fine with dtd a few days before ov. Plus you have plenty of ewcm which will help them survive longer as well.
Hopefully you won't have any use for those cheapies you ordered :)

Jessy, looking at your test and before I scrolled down to read you mentioning a faint line, I thought I saw something faint on your test. Can you take it apart to have a better look? What colour is it? Mostly evaps are colourless, I know sometimes they can have colour but it's more likely an evap won't have colour and most of the false lines I have seen on mine tend to disappear the longer they are left.

Ladders, what OPKs are you using and how frequently are you using them?

Citrus I tend to think like this during af. I don't tend to feel positive about anything so I understand! This is our eleventh or twelfth cycle so I have been sat here thinking perhaps I should have the implant back in. Partly due to my husband's apparent lack of enthusiasm although I think this is me interpreting things differently because of my mood, but I said to him it was him who initiated this when I thought we weren't having any more and at the moment he doesn't seem bothered, he said he is, but he doesn't understand all the stuff I do so finds it hard to get his head around
Thanks i have taken them apart. I took another with smu but i did it ages ago and cant see anything on either of them


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Yes yes yes! Happycupcake! I literally could have written what you just said! I feel like I'm the only one trying to get everything right and ready so we can try and then.... Nothing. It's so frustrating! I know some people do stop at a certain time to sway for a girl like Citrus wanted to last cycle, but since we've been trying for so long now, I feel like if I don't get a few bd in up to O day then I'm automatically out. I'm sorry you were feeling down yesterday. Are you feeling any better today? I hope af hurries up and leaves soon for you and Citrus.

Well today is Mother's Day here in the US and dh woke me up early to dtd 😊 and I woke up with sore nipples! Finally!! It's O day finally on cd31! I'm hoping with using the soft cups this time, maybe I'll have a better chance? I do still feel like the soft cups are squishing my cervix (even though I can't feel it) closed. Hopefully it's not but if it doesn't work this cycle I'll more than likely just use them for af when she arrives and not use it for ttc anymore. I hope you all have a lovely day. I've got to get off here for a while before dh starts to get upset with me for being on the phone lol
Oh and Jessy, I do feel like I can see something when I turn the brightness up on my phone and zoom in all the way. I can't tell if it has color though. It's still very early so still plenty of time! Good luck on tomorrow mornings test! I'm so sure you will be our next bfp! You had such perfect timing!
Jessy, I think I see a shadowy line but as Kim said, can't make out if there's colour but it goes blurry when I zoom in. Hopefully tomorrow will show something clearer!

Kim yes, it's difficult. I think we think of things so differently (men and women as whole). Like this time whilst I know I can't be completely certain this was a chemical, I'm 99.9% sure it was, he thinks of it like a ball of cells which didn't quite make it, which he's right. This is technically what it is. But, if it had gone on for another week or two, this little ball of cells could have turned into a tiny blob with a heartbeat. This is how I see it. A life, or the start of one, so the impact it had on me was different to him. The same with trying, tracking things, timing things and everything, I calculate and add up and decipher every detail I can because this is what I'm like. I research everything to the tiniest detail. I take hundreds of photos of hpts. The whole thing is completely different. For him, it's more his luck is in more so during certain times and he hasn't any complaints lol! He wants another as much, we share the same worries as each other and as I would imagine many couples do too, but he is far more laid back than I am (he's almost horizontal). I think I probably don't understand him and his way of thinking more so because he's into science and did good with science in school, he even did a whole thing on the human reproductive system so it confuses me somewhat when he doesn't seem as enthused as I am.

Oh, happy Mother's Day by the way! We celebrated this in March, I think? I'm sure it was March. My memory :dohh:
Typically one of the tests i opened i couldnt close again and now there is an obvious pink line but its only appeared since it has been exposed so its definitely not valid. I can see lines on them all but i have serious line eye now. My OH said i can see it but please dont pin all your hopes on it (im not i am pretty sure it will be negative again tomorrow)

I feel your frustrations kim. Thankfully my OH is pretty mucj always up for bding when ttc as its so much more often than usual :haha: i hope your cycle sorts itself out!
I haven't used the tests you have used (what are they?) but with each test I have used I haven't had a pink line develop out of the timeframe. If there hasn't been anything there, then there still wasn't anything there hours later, in or out of the case. I have seen lines develop more over time, where there may have been something super faint before, and it became more obvious later. I guess they are all a little different though, but hopefully this is actually a genuine line which will become obvious in the following few days more immediately after peeing on it!

Kim, didn't remember to say, pleased you have ovulated! Yay! :happydance:
Hay ladies

Jessy the more I look the more i can see so fingers crossed for tomorrow

Ladders hope tomorrow brings your positive news for you too

How are the new baby on board doing hoping no early symptoms have got you yet

Everyone else really sorry I struggle to keep up with everyone and where they are but hope your all plodding along

Still no af after 1st af after implant removal which I believe was withdrawal bleed bfn but was not expecting anything for a while as need to establish a cycle 1st so f Ngers crossed for af so can start working things ou

I've never use any type of charting before as ds happened in 3 cycles but would love to understand if I'm o after implant for 6 years so any advice brands ways would be much appreciated
Bassist, if you download the fertility friend app and get a thermometer that will start you on your way. You just plug in your temp to the app each morning and then once you o you should see a clear shift. It's really cool!

Kim, so glad you have o'd. It's such a relief when it happens!

Jessy, a few months ago I would have called that a bfp but like I said I've seen so many convincing lines that I just don't know anymore.

OH and I are annoying each other today. Glad it isn't fw!
Feel exactly the same citrus just cant trust the faint ones anymore.

Feeling rough tonight. It was really warm here today and i was running around at the park most of the day and didnt drink enough so my head is sore and now feel a bit sick, probably just ate too much crap today. Sort of counting down until i can go to bed!

Sorry your OH is annoying you, mine was being a pain in the arse yesterday too.

How are you both feeling Daisies and Anni? Many symptoms now?
I'm still suffering with tonsillitis but I think it's viral rather than bacterial. Also grace has come out in chickenpox so we've missed my nieces birthday party and grace was literally sobbing when I told her we couldn't go. We were also meant to be going to haven for the week tomorrow but we've had to cancel because we'd have just been stuck in the caravan not able to do anything. On the background of everything else going on I've not noticed much by way of symptoms but I'm only 4+1 so there's time yet.

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