33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Thanks Daisies and hopfl! And congrats Jessy on your 3+, and hopfl on more positive hpt's!

I'm 3dpo today and have to say other than tiny little abdominal cramps (which honestly could be anything) the one thing I'm noticing is very different is I can't drink more than one glass of wine without feeling like I'm going to throw up - our plan for the TWW was not to drink till it's pink but more like drink until implantation was possible haha. Anyhow normally (before TTC) I can easily hold down 5-6 glasses of wine on a wilder night, but for 2 days in a row I can have a small glass and then have to pour the rest back into the bottle because I feel so sick. Super weird.

How are you feeling happycupckae? If you're 4dpo we're almost the same in our TWW. Tempting to test early I'm sure! Im going to try and hold off because I know if the line is too faint DH won't believe it haha. Need a dark line!!
Hey ladies hope your all well! Kim I'm loving the progression on your ic's! Im so excited for you! How long have you been try again? Are you happy for me to add you to the front bfp page or would you like to wait a bit? Don't want to do anything to upset you 😊

Duster your spoiler is very exciting! And nothing is ever tmi! Are you planning on testing anytime soon?

I'm good thanks bassit I'm just praying I don't come on on Sunday as ff predicting as it wants to give me a 8day lp again! Really hoping the supplements work or was just a whacky cycle.

So I'm 7dpo today and trying to fight the urge to test!!! Ugh it's so early but I can't help it what's wrong with me lol

Oh jessy sorry nearly forget whoop whoop on the 3+ can't get more confirmation than that!!
Wow you girls have been busy chatting away!! Let's see what I can remember!

First, welcome to ricschick, ttc no6! You are a better woman than me!! How do you keep up with them all?!

Bassit yes we should similar but I am still waiting for my temp rise to confirm o. I've had a positive opk a couple of days ago but my temp actually dipped this morning. Funny thing is, EWCM was abundant the day after the positive opk and has now dried up so I definitely think I have o'd, just the temps are confusing. Will try to dtd tonight to cover all bases.

Ladders you are doing well not to have tested yet! When will you? And duster, when are you testing? The possible IB sounds good, what dpo did that happen on?

Jessy so great about the 3+! Has it set your mind at ease at all? And Kim! Those lines are getting darker, lovely to see!

Think that is all I can remember, looking forward to seeing some more tests in the next few days ladies.
Yay for O bassist!

Welcome Rics!

Hope, mine was a mess too with DD since I O'd cd28.

Jessy, definitely! We saw a heartbeat at 6w.
Jessy, yes you should be able to see your baby by then. I had a scan at 5+6 and we saw a tiny blob with a heartbeat flickering away. My cycles were like clockwork 28 days each time so I was sure of my dates and the scan measurements added up to the same so you should be fine unless you aren't sure of dates.

Sander, my husband is the same. Although I have showed him so many faint tests I'm slowly coaching him to linespot lol
I will start Sunday I think, in case I'm a day further, which I doubt, but my patience won't hold out longer I don't think!

Ladders, when will you start testing?

Citrus our temping/other ovulation signs sound similar! My temp did the same but it was in line with me getting more sleep so I think this was why. If I had had the rubbish sleep I'm used to I think my temp would have increased instead.
This will also be our sixth child (between us, we both had children before we met), so quite a houseful lol!

Duster your spoiler sounds promising!

I don't have anything interesting to report other than we got home from walking the dog on the beach a short while ago. Trying to get everyone settled now which is late but it's so nice walking on the beach early evening when it isn't so hot and busy! The dog enjoyed herself, as did the children! They all had an ice cream when we got home. On the way home when we went to Tesco to buy them, our youngest son who is autistic and doesn't quite grasp everything, attempted to eat an orange with the skin on still... bless him lol
Ohh, I remembered that in like 3 days I can reasonably start peeing on OPKs. At least that'll make me feel like I'm doing something!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Congrats on the bfp's!!
And yes they definitely keep me on my toes lol. X
Sorry everyone, I've been MIA for a few days. It's that pre-holiday rush at work. They're keeping me on my toes. Now, let me see what I can rember from all that I just read..

Congrats on another darker test again, Kim!

Good luck at your first scan, Jessy! Glad you we're able to get that worked out.

Sander, I hope that's a good sign for you. A friend of mine said her first sign of pregnancy was that she couldn't drink without feeling like she was going to throw up.

It sounds like we have the same poas addiction, ladders! ;) Hopefully those supplements worked for you. You'll have to let us know.

Curious, I hope the next few days fly by for you!

Welcome, Rics!

As for me, I've been using Ovia to track my cycle all month. It was predicting my O day to be tomorrow, but after I entered in my symptoms this morning (CM type, cramping, etc.) it decided my O day was this past Wednesday. I'm not complaining since we just happened to dtd that night, but I think we'll give it one more shot tomorrow night just in case. Since yesterday I've had a terrible headache, and mild cramping. I'm really tying to not symptom spot, but I'm realizing just how hard the tww is going to be.

Hope anyone else that I may have missed is doing well!
I just read through but can't remember what I read! Lol seems like a lot of us are like this now. Hopefully it's a good sign for the rest of you!! I can't wait for more tests to analyze the faint bfps that are coming. I just know they are!

Jessy, Yay for a scan! Yes you should be able to see the heartbeat. I saw it with all of my pregnancies at 6 weeks so you should be good by then.

Sander, now that you mentioned it, I totally forgot about the wine dh bought on Mother's Day! I had a half a glass because I couldn't finish it. It did make me feel a little nauseous but also I was buzzing off a few sips! (I'm a lightweight anyway but come on, a few sips?!) so I'm hoping this is a good sign for you!! Fx!!

Ladders, I want to take the digi first and once it says pregnant in clear words then yes please put it on the front page! With my lines, do you ladies think the digi will show now? It's not a week's indicator because I can't find one around here. I didn't get to go to the pharmacies today but I'm sure I will tomorrow. I think last cycle was a fluke and you'll be fine this time with the vitamins you're taking. Also, I probably could have got a positive on the evening of 8dpo since that's when my sample is best. Soooo I say test! 😉

Citrus, I hope you get your ch's tomorrow so you'll know for sure! Fx this is your bfp cycle!

Happycupcake, walking on the beach sounds amazing! I love walking on the beach but it's way too hot right now for that here and I'm still too sleepy all the time haha I would be exhausted for sure! I can't wait to analyze your test too! I'm hoping this is also your month!

Curious, good luck on testing soon! Fx!

Rics, my three keep me busy so I could only imagine six! Lol that's awesome!

Tow, thank you and good luck! Dtd tonight anyway just in case lol

Duster, Ohhh that sounds promising! Good luck!! When will you test?!

Sorry if I missed anyone. I had to scroll up the page and re-read all the posts that are on this page haha

I'm 11dpo today and tests are getting darker which is great! I'm nervous because I've been cramping still and when I went to wipe earlier (I know there's no tmi here thank goodness lol) but there was this long stringy sticky yellow/creamy/white-ish cm that was on the tp. There wasn't any blood thank God! So my question is what was it and do you think a digi will show pregnant now? Like tonight?
Wellll... I'm impatient :haha:



Ladders, if you don't mind, you can add me to the front page bfp's now! :haha:


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Thank you, Curious! I'm very surprised it showed up. I literally had to pee every 30 minutes today lol so I took the test with no hold! Like I just peed 30 minutes before the test. I'm actually very happy I'm having to go so much lol that's usually the first symptom for me.
Yayyy congrats Kim! What a lovely word to see.

Still no temp rise here. I'm quite confused about o this month as all my CM/libido has dried up and it was really strong earlier in the week, when I got a positive opk. I got negatives after the positive as well unlike last month. So I really don't know! I hope I haven't failed to ovulate after the surge. Everything apart from my temp suggests o have o'd already though. Oh well, will just keep BD every other day for a bit longer. We aren't doing too badly with it as we didn't start too early.
Here's my chart. I guess if temp goes up again tomorrow CD18 could be o day.


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I agree citrus, I think if you have a couple more high temps, cd18 could be it. Otherwise, it definitely is possible to have a surge and not O and then O later (I think I mentioned that happened to me the cycle I got pregnant with DD) but hopefully your temps will show that's not the case!
Congrats Kim it's so nice to see the word! Added you to the front page 😊

So I tested today and bfn 😔😔 I don't know why but I was really expecting to see a line, I kinda feel like I should be pregnant I know that's stupid. Anyways I'll post it but there's nothing to see 😔
Congrats hopfl! And sorry ladders, but it's still so early! Try again in a couple of days :)
Thanks everyone for your input, will keep you updated as TWW continues. Suddenly had an extremely stressful situation come up this aft. Thankfully DH was able to handle it for me but I was I super stressed it was going to negatively affect everything. Had to remind myself teenagers get pregnant like this all the time and their babies are fine haha. Anyhow it's all good now!

Can't believe it's only been 3/4 days feel like the TWW is forever haha. Good job to all of you who've been through it many times!
Kim, huge congratulations on your digi! :cloud9:

Citrus, I think ovulation happened CD18 going by your temps and OPK. I wouldn't be too concerned with ewcm, sometimes it doesn't happen. I think part of the reason Fertility Friend hadn't confirmed ovulation is because there are quite a few temps missing, so it's had to guess what your temps were up to on those days. If your temps had stayed low before, followed by the increases you have had it would be easier for it to have a good insight, but obviously it wouldn't have mattered anyway if you haven't ovulated until CD18. It helps to give you a good picture of things though and easier for the app to figure out your cycle. I do think CD18 is most likely.

Ladders, I'm sorry about your test, but it's so early you have plenty of time to see a positive!

Oh and Kim, yes I know what you mean about heat, I don't like it. It's been quite hot here but probably significantly cooler than where you are! Yesterday was about 25c I think, and that was plenty, I wouldn't want it warmer than this. This is why we walk the dog during the early evening, once it's cooled down outside, it's far more comfortable and enjoyable! The dog loves tearing up and down the sand lol

So I'm also impatient and tested anyway, despite the fact I know I won't see anything. However, I was curious to see if this batch of ICs would give me lines anyway, which they did. I find these ICs so weird, sometimes they do give meaningless lines and sometimes they don't. I don't know whether it's related to where one is in their cycle. I may as well post a photo, so anyone who sees a similar line can see what I mean, because I know many see these and it gets their hopes up! Obviously if anyone does see something like this early on it doesn't mean it won't progress to a proper line at some point, but it's good to weed out the false lines from the potential genuine lines :)

The line was visible within the timeframe, so it isn't an evap, it's simply a stupid line that seems to appear frequently on these One Step ICs. It's skinny and grey, and obviously unless I ovulated freakishly early and my chart is completely wrong, then it is way too early to see a positive because the likelihood of anything implanting AND my body having the time to process any hormone into my urine is virtually non existent at 4-6dpo (I think I'm 5dpo, as you can see on my chart)


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Yep I recognise these lines cupcake. The ones that made me think I was pregnant first cycle of using these! Thank you for posting, even though I know better now, it's still helpful to have a reminder so I don't get excited if I see one. I'll be interested to see what the early line does look like on these tests if one of us does conceive this cycle (or any cycle really!)

Thanks for your input on my chart. I will try to do better next month with the temps. I can never be bothered remembering to take them until it's the important time!

Sorry for bfn ladders. It is early but it still sucks to see.

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