33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Cupcake, I do eat tomato-based things. They are a favorite of mine and I think I'd be destroyed if I couldn't eat them. Greasy things set me off, as well as meat- so I'm a pescetarian- I eat no meat besides seafood as I seem to do well with that.

Jessy, I'd hate to smell that but I don't think the fumes will be harmful in the small amount you are getting. Sorry about the whole situation though.
Hi all! I'm joining this thread :) We are officially starting next month - I'm CD1 today and thought there was maybe a chance last month but naturally... AF came *EARLY* (wtf!) and so apparently my body is just nutso. Anyway, hi! I used this board sooo much when we were TTC'ing DS, who's almost 2 now. So ladders, we're a lot alike! I've just gotten a taste of how crazy TTC will be again now :( I thought it might be easier! But I'm already having anxiety over temping and testing, etc. Yuck.

We're TTC a girl this time so we're swaying mostly using the Babydust method and a few supplements and diets. I'm going to go back through this thread so I can catch up on all your backstories, if they're here :)
Welcome melewen! Yes I thought this time I'd be super chilled and just ntnp and it would happen easily. I managed that for 2 months and went straight back to obsessing and stressing! How long did it take to conceive your ds? Whats the babydust method for swaying? Iv not heard of that one
I've been reading but haven't had time to actually reply yet. I'll reply to everyone in a while. I hope everyone is doing well!

Welcome, Mel!
Ladders, I had a faint positive with my youngest son at 10dpo so on an IC I doubt I would have seen anything! Don't give up :)

Duster, I love tomato things too but they irritate me, I don't know why. The children all love anything tomato so it's awkward cooking to satisfy everyone! My husband can eat greasy food and be fine. Which is weird! And spice too.

Welcome, Melewen! What's the babydust method?

I have had it today with drunken idiots around our home peeing or puking in the flowerdeds. Migraine, people are annoying me, it's too warm in the house whinge whinge whinge lol
Oh and the waves of nausea are mean. I usually see this in my lp
Welcome Mel!

Ladders, nope! I got the faintest BFP at 13dpo with DD. No way would I have seen anything before that. So you have plenty of time!
Thanks guys, will keep testing and will keep you informed!

Cupcake who are the drunken people??? Dh is out tonight so he's probably going to do something of that nature when home lol
Ladders, we frequently see drunks (as in the alcoholic kind) and addicts here. People leave used needles lying around, they shoot up on neighbour's doorsteps, pee in broad daylight out here... the council don't care. The police said the other day that although there's meant to be an alcohol-free zone outside, what it actually is is one patch the rules apply, a few feet further the rules don't apply and they can drink themselves stupid there. So, you have people hanging around in areas like here, where there isn't any CCTV, taking full advantage. I have lost track of how many times I have had to go out there and tell them to leave.

I do have every sympathy for people with an addiction, I honestly do and I think they should be given as much help as possible but it does start to tick me off somewhat when it's constantly on our doorstep
Gosh cupcake that's hard. Where did you say you were in the U.K. Again? I live in quite a small quiet town and I'd find that really difficult I think. Would you like to move or do you like where you are otherwise?

Yes ladders I do think 9 dpo is early but I also totally know the feeling. I've looked at stats that say otherwise but still can't shift the feeling that by 9dpo you should see something and that it's possible but unlikely to be pregnant from a negative at 9dpo. That sounds really negative but I don't think I'm right, just agreeing that bfns bum me out too even when it's early. I hate that negative every day snipping your chances smaller and smaller each day. Then again I would also be rubbish having a long build up and then having your hopes crushed instantly in one test at say 14 dpo! It's so hard either way I think.

Welcome Mel. Yes do explain this baby dust thing! I'd love a girl but too impatient to try timing!
OMG cupcake, that's horrible! Where do you live?

So the Babydust Method is a timing and frequency approach to gender swaying at home. Basically for a girl you only dtd once (imagine a month doing it only once whilst TTC - ha!), 2-3 days before ovulation. I've gone through sooooo much info and it's so overwhelming. Use negative ions, get pregnant on a new moon, up your magnesium, eat no sodium, drink aspartame, don't eat turkey, omg, there's so much. And the Babydust Method cites actual studies that make sense to me, so I'm very attracted to it. Mostly because it's so much easier! And anecdotally all of my friends who have girl babies, they ALL managed to get pg with only one go. So... I'm going to try it at least!

Are any of you swaying for one specific sex?
Boo happycupcake that sucks - and don't you already have a little one? Must be nerve wracking to have that all going on around you!

Ladders did you get any implantation cramping or symptoms? I once read an article online saying if you implant super late (12dpo) you might need to wait until 14-16dpo to get a bfp - so I think 9dpo is still so early you're not out yet!!

Hi Mel :) Never heard of those methods but hope it works for you! We aren't counting on one or the other but for some reason I think when it happens it will be a boy. WHich is so funny because before TTC I absolutely only wanted a girl. Weird but I'm happy because now I feel like I can't be disappointed haha
Ha! I totally understand. My thinking is if we have a girl next, we can decide if we want a third on our own, you know? Like if we have another boy I'll more likely want to try for a third just to have a girl. Does that make sense? I also tend to go full force on everything and I'm a big planner 😁 I can't help it!!
Well, I'm at this wedding. Apparently one of my idiot BILs implied to the bride that we were expecting #2 so she patted my belly and told me congrats when she saw me. 😑 Not sure what I'm more upset about, that we could have been if last cycle worked out or that maybe I look pregnant? In any case, time to drink!
Mel, we're vaguely doing boy timing. Just BDing after a positive OPK for a few months. If nothing then we'll BD all the time.
Oh hell no curious!! Drink up my friend 😁 Not cool of her!

I'm excited you're doing boy timing. If it helps the babydust method says for a boy to BD once 24 hours after the LH surge first starts and then the day after too
I have no idea what all I read earlier but I'll reply to what is fresh on my brain haha

Happycupcake, I would flip the F out if I found used (or any) syringes anywhere near where my kids do/would/could play! OMG I would be so pissed. I do have sympathy for addicts and alcoholics and also try to help when I can (not buying any drugs for them but I will give panhandlers money or buy them something to eat/drink) but at the same time, if they're going to do it then at least have some respect. I'm so sorry you have to see/put up with that. I don't remember if I said it or not but your ic from this morning looked a little darker than yesterday morning.

Ladders, I think it was ladders? On my ic's when the line first barely showed. There was no color what so ever. Just a super faint line on tests that previously never had lines on any other cycle no matter how hard I looked and tried to find it lol

Mel, the baby dust method sounds interesting. For me though, I'm far too paranoid that one bd during fw wouldn't be enough. And with the boy swaying method does that mean to bd the day after the positive opk and then the next day too? Sorry if I read that wrong. I'm pregnant now but I'm curious how this works. I've never heard of it. I'll be googling it later haha

Curious, I'm so sorry she did that! That's a no no in my book! I'm the type that won't ever ask if someone is pregnant because you never know if they were previously pregnant and lost the baby or just a little overweight. I'm sure it's not because you look pregnant though! Drink up and have a great time anyway!

Hi Sander, Daisies, Jessy, Citrus, Anni, Bassit, and everyone else. How are you ladies doing?

I'm so sorry if I forgot someone!
Thanks sander, I don't think I would know if I'd felt implantation even If I had, every month I try to see if I have ovulation pains but I can never decide.

On my goodness cupcake that's awful I would absolutely hate that, you are so brave to go and tell them to go away!!

So i tested again this morning and not sure if i can see something! Ill post a pic, can you see anything and if yes does it look like one if those horrible lines? First time iv ever seen anything but it is a different batch. What should I do? Kim I'm desperately hoping it's like yours!


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I dipped one in water and i can see it on that one too 😔😔😔😔😔
Sorry ladders :( Honestly every person whose posted a test photo I haven't been able to tell (BFP or not), I think my phone screen goes too pixelly to be able to tell. More sorry that you saw a similar line when you dipped in water. Anyhow a line is good either way! I drove myself nuts today reading crazy stories of BFP's at 5dpp so I tested (BFN obviously) but I was happy because I heard early positives can mean an ectopic. Anyhow point being - I got BFN with no hint of a line, so if you see a faint one could be good news!
Duster I'm the same with alcohol, I went out a few weeks ago before I knew I was pregnant on a hen do and had a good few drinks and didn't feel a thing. I think your body just filters it out as quick as it can to protect the baby.

Hi melewen. The baby dust method sounds interesting. And I know of 3 people who have had baby girls on just one bd around ov time so maybe there is something in that! Good luck.

Cupcake that's awful. I agree if people have an addiction they should receive the help and support they need, but to take their problems and make them someone else's is just not on at all, horrible that you're having to deal with that and that the council are not helping.

Ladders, sorry that it looks like the tests are giving dodgy lines again. I know you are aware to expect it, but still it must be frustrating. I'm hoping that it is a real line though and the water test is just a fluke. Still early on.

I'm fine Kim thanks, how are you? Just back from our holiday and first day back at work tomorrow and I'm dreading it. Don't want to be feeling nauseous and tired at work and having to cover it up. Although only a 2 day working week for me this week so that's not so bad.

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